Detective of Edmonton Police Convicted on Charges of Steroid Trafficking


A long-standing detective of Edmonton Police, detective Greg Lewis has been convicted of the criminal act of trafficking steroids. He had a long 10 year history of service for Edmonton police force and the charges date back to the years of 2007 to 2013. The court found him to be guilty are providing anabolic steroids on a regular basis to several colleagues who were also a part of law enforcement. However, he was not discovered to have been involved in any commercial operations on a large scale.

Originally, he was facing three counts relating to the trafficking of a schedule IV controlled substance. This is in violation of the controlled drugs and Substances Act of Canada. Ultimately, in the end Justice S. Brooker charged and convicted him on only two of the counts as parts of the witness testimony for the third count was found to be unreliable. It was reported that he sold several types of anabolic steroids to various police members who worked out at the same gym as him. Of the steroids that he sold to his colleagues, some of these were found to include injectable steroids such as testosterone enanthate, Dianabol, nandrolone decanoate (Deca Durabolin) and testosterone cypionate. He was also discovered to have sold human growth hormone to one individual. All of these cases relate to the years between 2007 and 2013.

One of his colleagues Constable C. Mathewson decided to testify against Lewis stating that he had previously bought Winstrol and Dianabol supplements back in 2009. It was stated that Lewis sold the anabolic steroids to Mathewson to help him recover from a leg injury that he had sustained. It was also stated that he had sold the supplements to Mathewson to help him improve his overall condition for preparation for mandatory fitness tests. The pear had previously work together as part of the Edmonton Gang and Drug enforcement unit.

Another member of the police force, Constable K Yaremchuk was an established bodybuilder with an extreme desire related to working out on a regular basis. In 2009 he purchased several cycles of deca durabolin and testosterone cypionate with the intention of using them to help him build up his lean muscle mass and overall weight. He then went on to purchase a third lot of anabolic steroids, Winstrol which is administered orally. He stated that he purchased the Winstrol to help him recover after an accident while snowboarding. He had also purchased human growth hormone from Lewis as a way to help him achieve his body goals.

Several other officers stated that they had purchased different anabolic steroid drugs from Lewis between 2009 and 2010. Constable S. Parker stated that he had purchased testosterone enanthate from Lewis back in 2009. Sergeants S. Maertens Poole and A. Toma had both purchased Winstrol supplements to assist them with the loss of body fat. The third account which was thrown out of court relates to constable B. Prabhu, who had stated that he had purchased M1T to help improve his motivation for working out. However, his testimony was disregarded after he had made several conflicting reports which placed his testimony in doubt. This led to the charge of trafficking steroids being dropped.

A 22-month investigation began after a private citizen had notified the authorities of Lewis’s involvement with selling anabolics back in 2013. Focus quickly shifted toward two Edmonton Police officers, one of which was Lewis and the other being constable D. French. It was stated that the two police officers shared anabolic steroids between a small group of police officers who all enjoyed working out. The majority of the other officers involved have already been disciplined, and the Alberta serious incident response team.
