Mixed martial arts athlete, Amanda Ribas, who competes as part of the straw-weight category in the Ultimate Fight Championships has been dealt with a 2-year suspension from participating in the sport after testing for performance enhancing drugs gave a positive result. It is known that she had the SARM Ostarine in her system. The Selective Androgen Modulator Receptor is a popular choice among many athletes.

Amanada Ribas Banned
The USDA (United Stated anti-Doping Agency) made it public knowledge that Ribas was in violation of its anti-doping regulations via a press release made on its official website in January 2018. The result comes from a urine sample, which was collected while Ribas was out of competition in June 2017. Ostarine is also known by several other names, such as Enobosarm and MK2866.
When found to test positive for the substance in her sample, Ribas had just been signed by UFC. She was due to make her debut in the UFC at the ultimate fighter-25 finale against Juliana Lima. This was supposed to take place in June 2017, but the potential outcome of the ADRV saw her removal being performed and ultimately being replaced by co-fighter Tecia Torres.
To this day, Ribas outright denies that she had intentionally used Ostarine or any other athletic enhancing substance and insists that the only way the drug could have possibly entered her system was via contaminated dietary supplements that she had been taking.
MMAjunkie received a statement in which Ribas reveals that she quickly rounded up all of her supplements that she had been making use of after being notified of the impending ADRV she received in June 2017.She then passed these on to the USDA for testing, which is thought to have been performed at her own expense.
Ribas wrote that she had spent a lot of her own personal finances on having the supplements tested. However, there were no traces of Ostarine found in any of them. While none of the Ostarine was found to be in the supplements, another substance that is banned, Clenbuterol, was found in them. Funnily enough, this substance did not show up in Ribas system or produce a positive test result.
She reiterated that no Ostarine was found in the supplements, but Clen, which is a well-known fat burning compound was found in trace amounts. While found in the supplements, it did not appear in her urine sample test results, this may have been in a minute amount that would not affect the results.
As Ribas could not prove that her positive Osatrine result was not caused by using a contaminated substance and ingested accidentally, the USDA was unable to offer her a sanction of a reduced amount. Ultimately, Ribas had been forced to take her 2-year suspension, which is standard for all first-time doping violations. She reports feeling victimized and humiliated by the suspension, especially as she had not knowingly taken any banned performance enhancing drugs. She followed on by warning all other athletes to take care when supplementing, as you never truly know what is in them unless you have them tested.
She insists that she has never used any PED in her life and that the fact that Clen was found in some of her supplements shows the poor quality and control of many health and dietary supplements produced in Brazil and around the world. She says she now knows that she had definitely used a supplement contaminated with Ostarine, but since she had never even thought it could be contaminated, she used it up and threw it away.
Source: https://www.mmafighting.com/2018/1/10/16874614/amanda-ribas-suspended-two-years-by-usada-before-ever-making-ufc-debut