What Is The Difference Between Whey Protein Isolate And Others Protein Types?

…r choice (particularly since it includes branched chain amino acids – particularly leucine) and should be your go-to protein supplement when you are serious about building a fitter, healthier, and happier body. Sources: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/whey-protein-isolate-vs-concentrate https://www.livestrong.com/article/443290-whey-protein-vs-whey-isolate/ https://usa.inquirer.net/17982/what-is-whey-protein-the-ultimate-guide-to-whey-protein…

WADA Introduces New Steroid Profiling Technique

…velopment of a new procedure and testing system to add to their arsenal of tests. Previous testing methods that have been used (and still are used) involve obtaining a urine or blood sample from the athlete and inspecting it via gas chromatography-mass spectrometry as well as liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry in order to detect any metabolites of known banned substances and/or anabolic steroids. The main drawbacks of this system was that it…

20g Whey Protein Optimal Post-Workout

…– Steroidal.com Post-workout nutrition can be tricky business. Supplement companies are constantly coming up with new idea’s to get you to purchase their products to maximise growth during the ‘post-workout out window’. This time frame does exist and it is a wise idea to consume something protein rich during the time after your exercise regime. But with so many choices, which works and what doesn’t? We have di and tri peptides or hydrolysed prote…

Anabolic Steroids

…ally backed clinical data.   More Experience Every year millions of people come to Steroidal.com for performance enhancement drug information. Our highly specialised experts are deeply experienced with multiple medical degrees from some of the top universities in the world.   Unparalleled Expertise Steroidal.com experts are considered some of the best in the world. Our team of experts and research scientists have degrees including: pharmaceutical…

U.S. Underground Lab (UGL) Busted

…It was through the help of a willing co-operator that the police were able to close down a USA underground steroid laboratory by the name of Savage Pharmaceuticals. Three men were detained and charged this week for the crime of producing and selling anabolic steroids out of home located in the city of Levittown, Pennsylvania. Police and investigators were tipped out to this criminal activity Read more […]…

Founder of Operation Cyber Juice’s Biggest UGL Has Been Sentenced

…A man named Ryan Root got six and a half years in prison because he was the leader of America’s biggest national UGL (underground lab). He was busted via Operation Cyber Juice, which was carried out by the Drug Enforcement Agency, or DEA. Root received his sentence from a District Court Judge named Thomas McAvoy. The sentence was announced on the 4th of August, 2017 to 6.5 years in prison.  Ryan Read more […]…

The Health Benefits of Ashwagandha

…  Ashwagandha is a medicinal herb that has incredible health benefits for the body. It’s classified as an “adaptogen,” which means that it can help your body manage stress. Ashwagandha can also provide all sorts of other health benefits – such as lowering blood sugar levels, reducing cortisol, boosting brain function, and help fighting symptoms of anxiety and depression. Let’s Read more […]…

Buy Legal Steroids

…  Legal Steroids: Arbitrary and Relative Law Anabolic steroids are an interesting drug of particular interest that has undergone scrutiny and treatment that no other drug has been exposed to, especially in regards to the legality and laws surrounding them. To Americans, it might seem as though the law in America is the law of the world, but this could not be further from the truth. Anabolic Read more […]…

Weightlifting coach of high school arrested on suspicion of selling anabolic steroids to students

…  Weightlifting coach and physical education teacher at a renowned Colonial High School, Sean Grove, who has been in employment with the Orange County Public Schools for more than twenty years has been arrested on charges of possession of prescription drugs while not having a valid prescription and possession of controlled anabolic steroids. The arrest occurred in February 2018, where he was Read more […]…

Nucleus Research Owner Sentenced To Prison (UK)

…  One of the most popular UGL in the world gets nailed and its head and CEO is going down with it. Nucleus Research is a popular steroid lab based out of Wales, UK, and recently, its owner, Richard Spargo, is going to be doing some hard time, about 10 months worth at a minimum. Before he can be released on his license, those 10 months are mandatory in service, and all of it comes after Read more […]…

Rogue Cop Gets Busted for TabMan Pharma Steroid Operation

…Dirty cops aren’t just movie characters. There are rogue cops in real life and one of these dirty cops is Evan Speck. He created a company called TabMan Pharmaceuticals, which sold its illegal products via the Web. It’s safe to say that most people who purchased anabolic steroids from the TabMan Pharma website didn’t think that they were buying them from a Charlestown Police Department (CPD) cop!  Evan Read more […]…

Testosterone Cypionate

…Overview and History of Testosterone Cypionate Testosterone Cypionate is one of the many esterified variants of Testosterone available, and is most likely the second most popular esterified variant (the first being Testosterone Enanthate). It is an injectable form of Testosterone with a slow rate of release and a longer half-life. However, the release rates and half-life of both Testosterone Cypionate Read more […]…


…Oxandrolone History and Overview: Oxandrolone is one of the worlds most commonly used anabolic androgenic steroids and it is often thought of as being one of the easiest to tolerate due to its manageable side-effects that it may have on the user. While many associate anabolic steroids as being exclusively for the use of men, Oxandrolone also holds notable success with women too and is commonly Read more […]…