Benefits of High-Carb Sports Drinks

…e, fructose and galactose. Some beverages may also contain maltodextrin, a complex carbohydrate composed of several glucose units. According to, sports drinks that offer a blend of carbohydrates, such as sucrose and glucose, rather than a single carbohydrate source may improve the amount of carbohydrates that eventually become transported to the muscles for fuel. By offering your intestinal tract a variety of sugars, carbohydrate ab…

Buy Trenbolone Online

…ular anabolic steroids among athletes and bodybuilders, though it does not come close to the amount of popularity as Dianabol, Nandrolone, or Winstrol, for example. However, the ease of access to raw Trenbolone materials allows different labs and even individual users themselves ease of access to easily obtain and produce this compound. The availability for individuals looking to buy Trenbolone is extremely vast, with the market packed full of dif…

Normal Estrogen Levels

…host of disruptions in normal physiological function, many of which can become extremely uncomfortable and/or alarming health hazards for the individual. Many competitive and professional bodybuilders will employ the use of a strong aromatase inhibitor in the days leading up to a competition show, but it is important to understand that this is not practiced for more than a few days, and is often extremely discomforting for the bodybuilder doing s…

Buy Winstrol Online

…across the world in every single country, and many of them close down and new labs open up faster than the winds change. It would therefore be a futile and never-ending effort to list and cover every single underground Winny product in great detail. Pharmaceutical Grade Winstrol Individuals looking to buy Winstrol as pharmaceutical human grade product will not be disappointed when searching and shopping, as there is an abundance of pharmaceutical…

Buy Turinabol

…across the world in every single country, and many of them close down and new labs open up month by month. It would therefore be a futile and never-ending effort to list and cover every single underground Turinabol product in great detail. Pharmaceutical Grade No current pharmaceutical manufacturers produce Turinabol. After the Berlin wall fell in 1990 and East Germany ceased to exist as a nation, the details of its state-sponsored doping program…

Buy Testosterone Enanthate

…a new product just as the previous lab has shut down. Pharmaceutical Grade Testosterone Enanthate As Delatestryl is the most widely-known and sought after brand of Testosterone Enanthate that individuals are looking for, it will be the first to be covered here. Its immense popularity is also owed to the fact that this is exclusively an American and Canadian product. Potential users looking to buy Testosterone Enanthate as the Delatestryl brand wil…

Buy Primobolan

…istinct pricing differences between websites that set minimum order limits compared to those that do not do so. Websites that do not set minimum order limits allow individuals to buy Primobolan in very small quantities (single bottle orders, etc.), and because the vendor tends to make small sales as opposed to large quantity sales, prices are frequently inflated to make up for the logistical costs of small orders. Sources/vendors that do restrict…

Winstrol (Stanozolol)

…tly lower SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin) levels in the body, allowing freer Testosterone and other anabolic hormones to be able to exert anabolic activity in muscle tissues[10]. It exhibits exceptional capability and a high degree of stimulating and facilitating protein synthesis[11][12]. Winstrol has also been observed to possess a capability of boosting collagen synthesis in the body[13]. Chemical Characteristics of Winstrol Winstrol’s chem…

Testosterone Propionate Side Effects

…alogues and derivatives have avoided (such as Estrogenic side effects, for example), Testosterone overall is considered the safest anabolic steroid if only for the reason that it is the anabolic hormone that the human body endogenously produces naturally. It then stands to reason that the human body is well accustomed to the effects of Testosterone on its cells and systems, and enough research has been conducted on Testosterone and its effects on…

Testosterone Side Effects

…ossible side effects. However, it is through science and medicine’s almost complete comprehension of this anabolic steroid that permits the possibility that Testosterone side effects can be well understood and dealt with. Estrogenic Side Effects Testosterone itself exhibits a modest amount of Estrogenic activity through its ability to express moderate binding affinity to the aromatase enzyme (the enzyme responsible for the conversion of Testostero…

Equipoise (Boldenone)

…ise can expect the same anabolic size, strength, and mass gains that would come from Testosterone with a lower incidence of Estrogenic activity and androgenic side effects. This means that gains from Equipoise itself should, for the most part, be fairly solid lean mass gains with minimal water retention (depending on dose) and would be a perfect addition to any bulking or lean mass cycle. It would even work as an appropriate replacement for Nandro…

Sustanon 250

…nd complex dosing and planning scheme due to the complicated nature of the combined Testosterone esters contained in the product. At its core, Sustanon is a basic Testosterone product, no different at all from Testosterone itself. Testosterone is considered the father of all anabolic steroids, with basic essential muscle-building capabilities such as affinity for the androgen receptor in order to promote receptor-dependent pathways involved in fat…

Anavar Cycle

…iological function in the absence of adequate levels of endogenous natural Testosterone. Anavar is commonly touted as an anabolic steroid with mild suppression to the Hypothalamic Pituitary Testicular Axis (HPTA), but this is in fact only the case with the lowest of common medical prescription doses (i.e. 5mg daily given to children). Bodybuilding doses (such as the doses recommended previously for the use of Anavar) in fact demonstrate high amoun…

Turinabol Cycle

…has been found to effectively bind to SHBG[1], allowing greater amounts of free Testosterone to circulate the body imparting its muscle-building effects. This means that although Turinabol might be costly considering its anabolic:androgenic ratio, it can easily be utilized at a low dose in Turinabol cycles alongside other compounds in order to allow those other compounds to act more efficiently in the body rather than becoming bound by SHBG and re…

Man Currently Charged With Importing Steroids Begins Successful Supplement Business

…en you have the US Department of Homeland Security beating down your door, combing through your records, and basically examining every aspect of your life to determine whether or not you have truly been illegally importing raw anabolic steroids directly from China for the past two years? Well, most people would hole up, get their hands on the best legal representation of available, and do absolutely everything in their power to work closely with t…

Testosterone Suspension Side Effects

…gues have effectively eliminated (such as aromatization into Estrogen, for example), Testosterone indeed remains the safest anabolic steroid that any individual can elect to use. This is because Testosterone is quite literally the original anabolic steroid that is endogenously and naturally manufactured by humans and nearly all animal life. It is therefore a safe choice, especially for beginners and brand new first-time users, to utilize any form…

About George Touliatos

…Touliatos was a competitive bodybuilder himself in ten shows and national champion twice in Greece. Website: IG:…

Houston Astro’s pitcher David Paulino gets caught using performance-enhancing drugs

…ned up to the fact that he had done something wrong, refused to appeal the tests during the open appeal process, and promised to come back to the game even better than before while playing 100% clean. The general manager in the manager of this MLB club also make sure to express that Paulino would have the opportunity to compete for his job once again as soon as he got back from suspension, somewhere in the middle of the year. Enabling that Paulino…

Testosterone Suspension

…after the Enanthate ester has been removed by enzymes in the body, leaving free Testosterone). Properties of Testosterone Suspension Testosterone has always been known to promote large amounts of nitrogen retention in muscle tissue, with studies indicating significant increases in fat-free mass and muscle size as a result[2]. Testosterone is also well-known for its ability to significantly increase levels of IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor 1) in…

Drug Smuggler Busted at Indian Airport with $250,000 Worth of Steroids

…as headed to Bangkok in Thailand, hoping to secure new contacts that would open up a flood of new anabolic steroid and other controlled substance options for him to procure for his smuggling ring. Arriving to the airport the night before his flight was due to depart because he knew he was going to be tired before he was headed overseas to conduct business, the individual in question checked into a hotel at the airport – with oversized double bags…

Nocturnal Munchies: The Truth About Eating Before Bed

…rotein increases post-exercise overnight recovery. According to, the latest study, published in the ‘Journal of Nutrition’ in 2015, monitored 44 young men, as they completed a 12-week resistance training program. All participants consumed a high-protein diet (1.3 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight), but one group consumed a drink before bed containing 27.5 grams of protein and 15 grams of carbohydrates while the other grou…

‘Operation Cyber Juice’ Leads to 90 Arrests and Busts 16 Steroid UGLs in U.S.

…eration Gear Grinder’, ‘Operation Juicy Fruit’, ‘Operation Juice Box’ and ‘Operation Blue Juice’ have been other major investigations. So far, its unclear exactly which steroid labs or who has been arrested, but will continue to update this story as more information becomes available. Source: DEA. (September 1, 2015). DEA Announces Major Steroid Operation. Retrieved from…