About George Touliatos

…Touliatos was a competitive bodybuilder himself in ten shows and national champion twice in Greece. Website: gtoul.com IG: https://www.instagram.com/drgeorgetouliatos…


…0mg – 100mg to be injected each day, although alternating days is the most common method. When performing dosing every other day, 100-150mg of Trenbolone Acetate will be sufficient. On average, a weekly dose of around 300-600mg is the norm and anything higher than this multiplies the risks of developing steroids side effects. Usage of Trenbolone Acetate is run for a cycle of roughly 10 weeks before discontinuing. Finaject Availability: While Finaj…

Halotestin (Fluoxymesterone)

…is case, Testosterone) with a halogen, usually resulting in said halogen becoming bound to the compound. A halogen refers to a specific category of 5 related elements on the periodic table (Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine, and Astatine). In Halotestin’s case, this is essentially Testosterone that has been halogenated with Fluorine (as a fluoro group) whereby the Fluorine atom has been bound to carbon 9-alpha. The final modification that Halote…

Study: Royal Jelly & Stress

…at were exposed to stressors but not given Royal Jelly, but there were higher levels of free radicals in the control group as well – again showing just how much of an armor against stress Royal Jelly appears to be. A follow-up research test conducted by a separate set of Brazilian researchers was conducted in 2018. Their research dovetailed nicely with the original experimentation, showing that there is a direct correlation between the amount of s…

Ostarine (MK-2866)

…f SARMs during PCT and as a bridging compound as a philosophy of use has become common (and logical reason to do so), Ostarine is an exception to this. It is not recommended to do so with Ostarine because of its negative side effect of suppression of the HPTA, and thus suppression of endogenous natural Testosterone production. This has been mentioned earlier, and studies have demonstrably shown reductions in blood plasma levels of Testosterone fol…

Another Russian Anabolic Steroid Scandal is Coming

…eroids. There’s just not a direct link that most people would make when it comes to national intelligence and professional sports. According to Rodchenkov, the Russian FSB was a major player in helping athletes past drug tests when they were sprung spontaneously, and they may have even been directly responsible for swapping out tainted urine samples with “clean” samples so that the Olympic drug testing protocols wouldn’t be triggered to the rampan…

Study: Walnuts Lower LDL Cholesterol (Bad)

…ch team decided to dive deeper into the science behind this postulation. A commonly held belief amongst professional nutritionists today is that it is nuts like walnuts that are helping individuals to lead these longer lives, these healthier lives, and these more active lives compared to those that do not have nuts as a part of their daily diet. The researchers behind this study wanted to determine whether or not this belief was correct with and w…


…ost common fat loss agents in existence and is one of the easiest and most common compounds to buy on the black market (or even legally as a research chemical). Pharmaceutical grade Clenbuterol can range from $0.4 – $1 per tablet which is dependent on which pharmaceutical company’s products are purchased. Nearly all Clenbuterol tablets that are pharmaceutical grade are supplied in 20mcg tablets. It is not uncommon to see underground products dosed…

HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin)

…d chain of 244 amino acids, with a sub-unit of 92 amino acids on it that is 100% identical to LH and FSH. It is this subsection of the HCG molecule that enables it to mimic the action of LH and FSH 100% identically on the same receptors in the cells that LH and FSH activate. Properties of HCG HCG’s primary purpose is that of either the treatment of female infertility, or for the use of stimulating and/or increasing endogenous Testosterone producti…

Testosterone Enanthate

…s or longer. In both bulking and cutting cycles, Testosterone Enanthate is commonly stacked with other compounds of a nature that will facilitate the user’s end goal (bulking, mass gaining, or fat loss). For example, Testosterone Enanthate cycles for the purpose of bulking usually include the use of Deca-Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate) and/or Dianabol (Methandrostenolone), where Dianabol is usually run for the first 6 weeks as a kick-starting com

Tyson Fury Allowed To Box Again

…a big part of how he was able to win a favorable decision, After the compromise on Tuesday, Fury and the UKAD move on and continue with business as usual. Source: http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/general/boxing/tyson-fury-free-fight-again-ukad-doping-violation-hearing-a8105906.html…

Post Cycle Therapy

…in high amounts by pregnant females that contains a protein subunit that is 100% identical to LH, and therefore when administered to men, it will mimic the action of LH in target tissues, such as the testes. What results is an increase in Testosterone production via stimulation of the Leydig cells by HCG.  HCG should never be utilized alone, as its nature as a gonadotropin will itself trigger a negative feedback loop whereby once HCG is utilized,…

Equipoise (Boldenone)

…efore be futile to list every single one here. Equipoise is available, for example, in 10ml, 50ml, 100ml, 250ml, and even 500ml vials. It is commonly concentrated at 200mg/ml, although some underground laboratories have manufactured 250mg/ml Equipoise products, and even higher concentrations exist. Those looking to buy EQ will usually run into the following price ranges: on the highest end, EQ can sell for $150 – $170 for a single 10ml vial contai…

Bisping Accuses George St.Pierre of Using Steroids

…of his claims seriously, they would be more apt to talk to Bisping’s training partner rather than give his claim of a magical, fast-acting steroids any merit. Source: https://www.mmafighting.com/2017/10/4/16417194/morning-report-michael-bisping-suggests-georges-st-pierre-might-have-taken-peds-ufc-217…

Jeremy Stephens Says Steroid Users Are Pu*sies

…performance enhancing substances. He appreciates Notvitzky keeping things real and natural, and that is the way the sport and its athletic stars should be. Source: https://www.steroid.com/blog/UFC-Featherweight-Jeremy-Stephens-Calls-Steroid-Users-a-Bunch-of-Bitches-and-Cheating-Pussies.php

Zinc Increases Testosterone Levels

…tivity. “Physiological doses of zinc supplementation may produce useful outcomes for performance”, the researchers conclude. So are there human studies? Yes. The same researchers then did a similar study on humans, which was published in the same journal [2]. Ten male subjects with an average age of 20. They were given a large dosage of zinc at 3mg per kg. A average sized 80kg male would be consuming 240mg of zinc. The daily suggested amount is 10…

Health Products Regulatory Authority Says Illegal Anabolic Steroid Use Remains Unacceptably High

…ions via mail order (including purchasing these medications online) remains 100% against the law and completely prohibited. Still, Irish citizens continue to import these drugs at an almost breakneck pace and some are going as far as even setting up their own phony operations with a hint of legitimacy to distribute the anabolic steroids throughout the country. Local and national police organizations concur with the feelings reported by this organi…

Sustanon 250

…st 4 – 6 weeks of the cycle. Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca-Duarbolin) is also commonly combined with Sustanon cycles, and tends to combine especially well with it due to its longer half-life, and is suitable in longer cycle lengths of 12 weeks or longer. Sustanon Dosages and Administration Originally designed and intended for clinical and medical use especially in Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), medical Sustanon dosages average at 250mg admin…

Types of Steroids

…s. Although no anabolic steroids have ever been deemed as the ‘perfect’ and 100% safe anabolic steroid, there are a few anabolic steroids that have come the closest to this idea of the perfect steroid. When the concept of anabolic steroids for the purpose of performance and physique enhancement is considered, the idea behind the use of different anabolic steroid types is quite clear. The first obvious idea behind the development and use of differe…

Zinc: Can It Help My Performance?

By Kevin Cann – Steroidal.com Contributor As competitive athletes we are always looking for something to give us a competitive edge. At the highest levels in sport and performance the difference in skill from the best players to the worst are so minimal that it drives a billion dollar supplement industry. Often overlooked is the importance of proper diet and recovery. If our diet is inadequate and leaving us with nutritional deficiencies our perf…

Adderall and Sports Performance

…tting diagnosed with these disorders and then prescribed medication that accompanies this diagnosis. Many of these children getting diagnosed with ADD or ADHD play sports, are they getting a competitive advantage over their peers? Adderall is a member of the amphetamine class of drugs. It works by increasing the amounts of norepinephrine and dopamine in our system. Norepinephrine and dopamine are both neurotransmitters that help improve memory, fo…

News: Should The NBA Study The Potential Benefits Of HGH Use?

…but for the purpose of injury rehabilitation, recovery, and the ability to compete at the lite and professional level consistently without succumbing to regular intense wear and tear that would end an athletic career. An athlete who injures himself or herself risks many setbacks, not only to their respective careers but also to the sport and others related to the sport as well. Unfortunately, the media has had a horrible habit of focusing solely o…