Australian UGLs Oz Pharma and Alpha Anabolics Sentenced To Jail

…s that perhaps Triulcio will be able to wake up and stop settling for the drug trade to make an honest living. As bad as his situation seems now, he could be paroled within the next year. Source:…

Nocturnal Munchies: The Truth About Eating Before Bed

…rotein increases post-exercise overnight recovery. According to, the latest study, published in the ‘Journal of Nutrition’ in 2015, monitored 44 young men, as they completed a 12-week resistance training program. All participants consumed a high-protein diet (1.3 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight), but one group consumed a drink before bed containing 27.5 grams of protein and 15 grams of carbohydrates while the other grou…

Study: Royal Jelly & Stress

…w much of an armor against stress Royal Jelly appears to be. A follow-up research test conducted by a separate set of Brazilian researchers was conducted in 2018. Their research dovetailed nicely with the original experimentation, showing that there is a direct correlation between the amount of stress hormones produced (at least in laboratory rats) and regular consumption of Royal Jelly. Source:…

Steroid Testing: ARL Primobolan Result

…le was collected via an internet based anabolic steroid source and forwarded to Janoshik in Slovenia.  The 1.5ml sample were forwarded and received by the analytical laboratory Janoshik on June 26, 2019, whilst the test was ordered on June 20, 2019. Janoshik performed HPLC-UV quantitative dosage testing testing shortly afterwards. The report was completed and received by on June 30, 2019 via email. The multi dosage labelled 10ml vial…

New Zealand Rugby Stars Banned After Steroid Use

…tage over other players. The investigation into the alleged doping offenses is ongoing, and more details will be released once there is a conclusion. Source:…

Irish Pharmacy Employee In Trouble For Supplying Anabolic Steroids

…shoulders, back, arms and stomach via transdermal delivery, and Restandol Testocaps. The Testocaps deliver the parent hormone testosterone attached to undecanoate via ingestion. Both products are prescribed for hormone replacement therapy (HRT). The two AI’s are used to lower levels of circulating estrogen, helping reduce or prevent side effects associated with anabolic steroids usage that aromatase. Both these drugs are prescribed to female brea…

Study: Watermelon Helps Sore Muscles

…eir performance, speed up there recovery process, and push back against muscle soreness that can make physically intense workouts even more daunting than they would have been on their own. Sources:…

Study: Increase Endurance with Caffeine and L-Carnitine

…eers or records in jeopardy. This is obviously huge news for the endurance community, but the most interesting piece of the puzzle is that the research was originally buried in a study published by nutritionists working at a Korean national university all the way back in 2001 (nearly 20 years ago). The nutritionists that worked on this paper or looking to see if experimental sports drinks not yet available on the market at that point in time that…

Numbers Of Russian Athletes Tested For Doping To Increase

…ia a doubled number of drug tests and newer, more stringent conditions for tests and test collection. The chairman of UKAD is David Kenworthy and he said last month that Russia’s athletes should not be eligible to compete in the Winter Olympics in 2018, because the athletes have had so many issues with abusing performance-enhancing drugs which are banned. The 2018 Winter Olympics will take place in Pyeongchang. Kenworthy shared his views during a…

Fighter From UFC Has Been Cleared of Suspected Doping Offense

…t’s nice to know that the higher-ups at UFC will listen when an athlete protests a banned substance test result. In this case, the governing body was fair and the exemption was processed. Now, Villante may restore his good name. Unfortunately, positive test results for banned substances create a lot of bad publicity for those who fail the drug tests. Hopefully, media exposure of the overturned results and subsequent exemption will help Villante to…

A Shot-Putter From Belarus Has Been Stripped of Her Olympic Medals For Using PEDs

…tapchuk may feel that she’s been picked on a bit. However, when you fail a test, you become someone who is going to be looked at closely. She also failed a steroids test during re-testing for the IAAF World Athlete’s Championship, which was held in Finland during 2015. Her title from that competition was taken away. At this point, the athlete seems to be unofficially retired. She is now thirty-six years of age. She’s making headlines for cheating,…

Study: Garlic and Longevity

…dless of age (or any other factors, for that matter). The research team is comfortable recommending that those serious about their health consumed garlic on a regular basis, ideally as a daily part of their nutrition. Octogenarians, non-octogenarians, men, women, and those with cognitive issues are all recommended to take advantage of everything that garlic has to offer. The research team is also looking further into whether or not garlic constitu…

Study: Grape Seed Extract Speeds Recovery After Exercise

…issue after intense physical exercise and exertion. Researchers began this test coming from an understanding of how muscle breaks down and is negatively impacted by intense workouts and the inflammation that these intense sessions cause. Muscle tissue damage is created every time you push your body to the limit, but it’s the muscle tissue that is rebuilt (or the new tissue that is created) that gives you strength and athletic games. The researcher…

Past UFC champion Jon Jones calls out Colby Covington over PEDs

…th Jones, one of the most controversial athletes in UFC history. Covington opened up completely about how often Jones would use performance-enhancing drugs, going so far as to state that he saw Jones inject steroids directly into his body firsthandand that Jones would often fly into “roid rage” with alarming frequency. Jones took to social media took all Covington a liar, distancing himself from these new allegations. However, Covington seems t…

Jon Jones Tests Positive For Clomid and Letrozole Before UFC 200

…ed prior, or the correction of low testosterone levels. The June 16 out-of-competition test came back positive on July 9, three days before the scheduled UFC 200 event at the new T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas. Jones (22-1 MMA, 16-1 UFC) was immediately removed from the contest leaving fight fans furious his title fight with Cormier (17-1 MMA, 5-1 UFC) was now cancelled. Jones professed his innocence at a late-minute press conference, but the UFC rem…

Fish Oil Helps Clear Acne

…ted for 12 weeks and observed the results.       At the end of the 12-week test period, all of the test subjects experienced a reduction in their acne. What they also found was that the fish oil did not help on mild forms of acne, but on the more severe forms of acne, such as acne vulgaris, as shown in the figure below.               The US researchers state, “Although we cannot draw any firm conclusions from our study with a small sample size and

Study: Is Caffeine An Effective Fat Burner?

Researchers at Kent State University have released a research paper that conclusively proves what fat melting supplement companies have been promising and promoting for years and years now – that caffeine quite literally turns you into a fat burning furnace and helps you melt more fat than if you weren’t supplementing regularly with caffeine to begin with. Researchers conducted a study that stretched over 30 days with laboratory mice, examining t…

Get Shredded: Effective Fat Burning Methods

…ment that will be delivered directly to where the fat is stored, so it can free it and allow it to travel into the bloodstream to muscles and other tissues within the body where it will be used as fuel. According to the University of Kansas, forskolin – the active compound in the herb coleus forskohlii – gets the first half of the job done by activating the enzyme Hormone-Sensitive Lipase (HSL), which increases lipolysis – the ability of the store…

Clomid Side Effects

…. [3] Intrauterine exposure to clomiphene and neonatal persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous. Bishai R, Arbour L, Lyons C, Koren G. Teratology. 1999 Sep;60(3):143-5. [4] [5]…

Study: Green Tea Burns Fat

…they are found and help to shuttle them out of our body as waste. Dutch researchers compiled information from 39 different studies that illustrated the many benefits catechins and caffeine promised, diving deep into whether or not these conclusions were legitimate and how they might be able to contribute further to our understanding of what it takes to increase the natural rate of weight loss. Using the data that they had available, the Dutch res…