Can Grape Seed Extract Cause Fat Loss?

…d revisiting the eight-year-old paper they published conducted a number of new test tube protocols to see if grape seed extract was really able to stimulate lipolysis. Lipolysis is the natural process the body goes through to release specific fatty acids into the bloodstream – flooding your body with energy as your fat stores are released and consumed. These researchers wanted to know whether or not grape seed extract could work to actively suppre…

Former UFC Heavyweight Champion Suspended

…these new techniques. By continuing to deploy cutting-edge methods in its testing, and retesting, the USDA hopes to level the playing field. In its own words, the USADA aims to maximize not only detection, but deterrence of doping; holding accountable those athletes who try to gain an unfair competitive advantage. The Fighter Fights However, these accusations have not been met with quiet acceptance. Much like his reputation in the octagon, Frank…

Accelerate Recovery With L-Glutamine

…cise physiology at Iowa State University in Ames. “Mild soreness is just a common outcome of any kind of physical activity, especially in the early stages of a program.” Glutamine can be used to combat this soreness and reduce its presence in your muscles. Glutamine is an amino acid (a building block of proteins) found naturally in the body. According to WebMD, glutamine is the most abundant free amino acid in the body. It’s produced in the muscle…

Jon Jones Tests Positive For Clomid and Letrozole Before UFC 200

…ed prior, or the correction of low testosterone levels. The June 16 out-of-competition test came back positive on July 9, three days before the scheduled UFC 200 event at the new T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas. Jones (22-1 MMA, 16-1 UFC) was immediately removed from the contest leaving fight fans furious his title fight with Cormier (17-1 MMA, 5-1 UFC) was now cancelled. Jones professed his innocence at a late-minute press conference, but the UFC rem…

Study: Is Caffeine An Effective Fat Burner?

Researchers at Kent State University have released a research paper that conclusively proves what fat melting supplement companies have been promising and promoting for years and years now – that caffeine quite literally turns you into a fat burning furnace and helps you melt more fat than if you weren’t supplementing regularly with caffeine to begin with. Researchers conducted a study that stretched over 30 days with laboratory mice, examining t…

Study: Cinnamon Extract Has Significant Muscle Building Properties

…t been doing any exercise whatsoever. Yes, you are reading that correctly. New research certainly suggests that regular supplementation with a cinnamon extract can help you to build more than a kilogram of muscle mass inside of 120 days – even if you haven’t been doing any exercise whatsoever. A team of nutritionists at a French research organization Inserm have published their report in PLOS One, a research report that is certainly making waves t…

Get Shredded: Effective Fat Burning Methods

…owing down calorie burning. DOING IT ALL NA-TUR-AL If you’re someone who detests using supplements of any kind, then following these helpful exercise guidelines for burning fat naturally might be the answer for you. RUN YOUR TROUBLES AWAY Engaging in some sort of cardio before or after exercise is a good way to keep your heart rate up, while continuing to burn away the stored fat. According to Yale University School of Medicine, people who run for

Brock Lesnar Banned By USADA For One Year For Doping Violation

…d will headline the Royal Rumble on Jan 29, 2017. WWE is not a tested sport, nor regulated by USADA by state drug policies. Seems like a safe option for Lesnar. Source:…

Russian Hammer Thrower Tatyana Lysenko Loses Gold Medal After Using Steroids

…nd 2013 and now questions have been raised about how clean she really was. New doping tests can now detect if anabolic steroids have been used in the weeks or months leading to competition, not days. As new methods become available to test stored samples, more athletes have fallen foul and been punished by the IOC and IAAF. Doping samples are stored for 10 years and retested when doping detection methods become more advanced with time. Of the 2008…

Bisping Accuses George St.Pierre of Using Steroids

…of his claims seriously, they would be more apt to talk to Bisping’s training partner rather than give his claim of a magical, fast-acting steroids any merit. Source:…

The Truth Surrounding Vitamin Water

…our weight loss goals. And here’s why. THE INGREDIENTS According to, vitamin water is merely sugar that has been combined with ‘man-made’ vitamins. Nutritionists and researchers have not proven synthetic vitamins to be as healthy as naturally occurring vitamins and minerals found in food. “You have vitamins and minerals that occur naturally in foods, and then you have people taking supplements, and then you have all these fortified food…

Study: Low Fruit & Vegetables Means Low Testosterone

…0-year-old research project involving laboratory mice to human beings, but new research is already underway to build off of this report to determine whether or not that link is as tenuous as some people have made it out to be – or if consuming higher levels of potassium can help turn around testosterone production almost automatically. References: h…

Study: Red Ginseng and Muscle Growth

New research coming out of Korea has the bodybuilding world very excited, and these researchers believe that a specific type of ginseng – red ginseng, in fact – may have steroid like performance enhancing effects when it comes to building lean muscle mass, increasing strength, and boosting your overall athletic abilities. This new study was published in the spring of 2020 and represents a research project that’s been going on for quite a while no…

Ostarine (MK-2866)

…f SARMs during PCT and as a bridging compound as a philosophy of use has become common (and logical reason to do so), Ostarine is an exception to this. It is not recommended to do so with Ostarine because of its negative side effect of suppression of the HPTA, and thus suppression of endogenous natural Testosterone production. This has been mentioned earlier, and studies have demonstrably shown reductions in blood plasma levels of Testosterone fol…

Brief Exposure To Anabolic Steroids May Be Beneficial

…to be entirely elucidated. We can only hope for future studies such as these in order to increase our knowledge and understanding of the wonderful world of muscle growth and performance enhancement. References: Bruusgaard JC, Egner IM, Eftestøl E, Gundersen K. 2013. A cellular memory mechanism aids overload hypertrophy in muscle long af…

The Verdict Is In – Most Men Do Not Regret Taking Steroids

…hat regretted moving forward with these drugs. At the end of the day, this new research is exciting and interesting for a variety of different reasons – but the conclusions cannot be considered complete until a larger sample size is involved in the same kind of testing. Hopefully the Andrologia Journal will continue these kinds of anonymous tests on a regular basis and for years to come, so that the entire anabolic steroid community can have a bet…

How Sleep & Recovery Can Affect Athletic Performance

new muscle. For a lot of people, getting enough sleep takes discipline and commitment, just like training. WebMD recommends getting on a regular sleep schedule, which requires that you try and go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. Also, try and refrain from using sleep medications, unless prescribed by your doctor. “Over-the-counter sleep aids are likely to disturb the quality of your sleep and your performance the next day,” said Jim T…

Repairing the Damage: Benefits of L-Glycine

…a normal part of physical exercise – especially if you’re doing something new to your body, or if you’re returning to the gym after a long absence. The good news is, there are ways to decrease the duration of your muscle soreness, and get you springing out of bed for an early morning workout. One of the major alleviators of muscle soreness is the non-essential amino acid: L-Glycine. TUSSLING WITH MUSCLE FATIGUE According to WebMD, exercise physio…

The Pitfalls Of Overtraining Your Muscles

…exercise has become known as “overtraining syndrome.” This syndrome has become a common factor among athletes and fitness enthusiasts – one that can manifest itself through a variety of symptoms – both physically and psychologically. Some common warning signs and symptoms of overtraining syndrome are as follows: Feeling tired, drained, or lack of energy. Pain in muscles and joints. Sudden drop in performance. Insomnia. Headaches. Decreased immuni…

Maintain the Pump: The Nitric Oxide Effect

…energy levels and supporting the immune system, according to AS WE GET OLDER As we age, it becomes increasingly difficult to train as hard as we did when we were in our 20s. It becomes even more difficult to tack on or even sustain muscle tone and definition. Athletes 50 years of age and older have the opportunity to recapture their youth by training harder than they have in years. By taking NO supplements containing the am…

The Athletic Benefits of L-Citrulline Malate

…s highest in the yellow-fleshed types.” WHO SHOULD USE CITRULLINE Physique competitors (bodybuilders). Athletes competing in aerobic and/or anaerobic events/sports. Powerlifters. Individuals looking to increase blood flow and achieve that ‘pump’ look during exercise. Avoid use if you suffer from citrullinemia – an inherited disorder that causes ammonia and other toxic substances to accumulate in the blood – which would only exacerbate the issue. W…

Supercharge Your Muscles With Pre-Workout Supplements

…-energy demands, such as skeletal muscle, then use it. According to, around 95 percent of creatine in the human body is stored in skeletal muscle. Because of creatine’s ability to supply energy where it is demanded, the chemical is mainly used by athletes to increase their ability to produce rapid energy – which in turn, helps improve athletic performance and allows them to train harder. “If you can lift one or two more reps o…