Member Of The US National Swim Team Has Been Suspended After Admitting To Using A Banned Substance

…scribed the powerful medication for seven days, used the substance for seven days, and did so without recognizing that it contained a banned substance – which is why she didn’t apply for any of the therapeutic use exemptions offered by the USADA. Kendall learned of her suspension shortly after her tests were completed, and has accepted full responsibility for taking a medication that was on the banned substance list without first seeking a waiver….

Steroids In Sports

…ly a few years later that other baseball players, one after the other, had come out and openly admitted to their anabolic steroid use and some players had even ‘ratted out’ their fellow players to the media. Ken Caminti was the first to come out and admit to the use of performance enhancing drugs to Sports Illustrated, and while he was admitting his own use, he also claimed that roughly 50% of players in the MLB had also been using various differe…

CJC – 1295

…at remain high on a constant basis. Mod GRF 1-29 (CJC-1295 without DAC) is commonly combined with a Ghrelin mimetic (also known as a GHRP – Growth Hormone Releasing Hexapeptide), such as GHRP-6, GHRP-2, Hexarelin, or Ipamorelin in order to initiate and amplify a greater pulse of HGH from the pituitary compared to Mod GRF 1-29 used solitarily on its own. The effects of a GHRH analogue (such as Mod GRF 1-29) and a Ghrelin mimetic (a GHRP such as GHR…

Who Am I? Correlation Between Diet and Alzheimer’s Disease

…etabolism, which occurs every minute of the day.” Since it’s impossible to completely eliminate free radicals from the body, consuming foods that are high in antioxidants – vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene and flavonoids – can help. Foods that are high in antioxidants include strawberries, blueberries and oranges. HEALTHY CIRCULATION Brain cells demand healthy blood flow to supply them with oxygen and nutrients. According to the Alzheimer’s Ass…

Calcium Increases Testosterone Levels

…stosterone was – zero.         However, when the sports scientist looks at free testosterone levels and not total testosterone levels, they did see a difference between groups. Group 2, who were given calcium gluconate and trained five times per week, had a higher free testosterone level than both other groups. Free testosterone is testosterone available to be used for muscle growth and not bound by sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG).         Its…

Royal Jelly Increases Testosterone Production

…hamster’s testosterone output, but also protected it from age decline from free radical testes damage. This is almost identical to the conclusion of the Iraq researchers. “The finding that the long-term daily intake of Royal Jelly inhibited the generation of LPO suggests that Royal Jelly could protect organs from free radical-induced cellular damage”, the Japanese researchers conclude. The final study we’re going to look at is a more applicable hu…

Unearthing the Reality Behind the Detox Diet

…ecessary for the body to function at peak performance. According to, digestive problems no longer have to be a cause for concern. With a few minor changes in diet, a person can correct many colonic issues. APPLES GALORE According to, many advanced colon-cleansing practices include whole apples, applesauce, apple juice, or apple cider vinegar because they contain certain properties that make it a powerful cleansing ag…

Study: Royal Jelly & Stress

…w much of an armor against stress Royal Jelly appears to be. A follow-up research test conducted by a separate set of Brazilian researchers was conducted in 2018. Their research dovetailed nicely with the original experimentation, showing that there is a direct correlation between the amount of stress hormones produced (at least in laboratory rats) and regular consumption of Royal Jelly. Source:…

Tyson Fury Allowed To Box Again

…a big part of how he was able to win a favorable decision, After the compromise on Tuesday, Fury and the UKAD move on and continue with business as usual. Source:…

Zinc: Can It Help My Performance?

…ustive exercise that zinc supplementation can raise serum testosterone and free testosterone levels higher than in control groups (9). This study used 30mg of zinc supplementation over a 4 week period. This means that we may be able to push a bit harder in training and not have the decrease in anabolic hormones often associated with overtraining. This may be because zinc helps us buffer out oxidative stress. The copper to zinc ratio also seems to…

Post Cycle Therapy

…ood work at their doctors are observing large increases in their total and free testosterone levels approximately 1 – 2 months after supplementing with Vitamin D.   Medical References:   [1] Effect of long-term testosterone enanthate administration on male reproductive function: Clinical evaluation, serum FSH, LH, Testosterone and seminal fluid analysis in normal men. J. Mauss, G. Borsch et al. Acta Endocrinol 78 (1975) 373-84. [2] “Dangers of Exc…

The Health Benefits of Conjugated Linoleum Acid (CLA)

…CLA from these foods varies greatly depending on what the animals ate. For example, the CLA content is 300-500 percent higher in beef and dairy from grass-fed cows, compared to grain-fed cows. This is due to the amount of omega-3 fatty acids found in grass that is not present in corn. Fresh ground beef contains 4.3 mg of CLA per gram of fat. MILK Milk contains high amounts of CLA, especially from cows that are grass-fed. A study published in 2004…

Does Tribulus Really Raise Testosterone & Enhance Performance?

…didn’t alter levels of leutinizing hormone (LH) or DHEA causing a rise in free or total testosterone. The theory spewed by supplement manufacturers is that protodioscin converts into testosterone metabolites, such as androsterone, androstenol or etiocholanolone, but this also looks untrue. In another medical study, this time examining young males and lasting four weeks, similar results were seen [2]. Twenty-one healthy 20-36 year old men were giv…

Clenbuterol Side Effects

…ferent stimulant-like side effects can possibly be less prominent with one compound in comparison to another (for example, Ephedrine versus Caffeine). Even though one side effect may be less pronounced in a particular compound, a different associated stimulant-like side effect may be much stronger. A perfect example would be that of Ephedrine versus Clenbuterol. Many experienced individuals who have used both compounds (separately instead of stack…

Former Steroid Dealer Angel Heredia Has Been Hired to Help Jon Jones With His Case

…ed in order to establish whether or not Jones was clean in the past and he passed these tests with flying colors. Heredio shared his opinions while appearing as a guest on a Submission Radio broadcast. Heredio remarked that USADA would have performed CR testing for lab-created testosterone and that the newest form of test for Turinabol would also have been used. As well, he stated that the testers would bring Jones’ “bio-passport” into the testing…


common with men at this age range. The symptoms can be very simple to very complicated. For example, most of the common ones involves those related to sex and aggression. Testosterone levels, especially high or healthy levels, are correlated with aggression, focus, and motivation. These tie into one’s desire to have sex with their partner or just with the desired sex they enjoy in general. Should you notice a sharp consistent decline in this motiv…

Testosterone Steroids

…other anabolic steroid analogues best suited for such a goal would be, for example, Testosterone Propionate stacked with Winstrol (Stanozolol) and Trenbolone. Such anabolic steroids are suited towards maintaining a very lean physique with little water retention. The reason as to why such anabolic steroid cycle stacks assist a user towards a more specific goal (such as fat loss) is due to the different modifications upon the chemical structure of s…

UFC Fighter Applies For Therapeutic Use Exception (TUE) For Banned Substance

…re his first suspension was ending, Sullivan, 35, has now failed an out-of-competition test. Once again, claiming this is a misunderstanding. This time, he has been caught using Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate), a fertility pill, also often used to boost endogenous testosterone and sperm count. Clomid is also used as part of post cycle therapy (PCT) protocols when steroid users come off of steroids. Either way, it’s a banned drug by USADA. Sullivan tri…

UFC heavyweight given suspension of two years after using TRT therapy prescribed by his doctor

…estosterone off an exit generous nature Epping used when his sample gave a testosterone-epitestosterone ratio that was elevated. For it to be absolutely proven that testosterone help being injected or administered artificially instead of being produced naturally inside the body, a carbon isotope ratio analysis was ordered, which confirmed that exogenous testosterone had been used. When the anti-doping test results were released, Rothwell made no e…