Zinc: Can It Help My Performance?

…ustive exercise that zinc supplementation can raise serum testosterone and free testosterone levels higher than in control groups (9). This study used 30mg of zinc supplementation over a 4 week period. This means that we may be able to push a bit harder in training and not have the decrease in anabolic hormones often associated with overtraining. This may be because zinc helps us buffer out oxidative stress. The copper to zinc ratio also seems to…

Olympic gold medalist has been completely cleared of PED suspicions

…ly a full year after the Olympics had concluded. Roberts failed and out of competition tests in 2017 As part of routine testing of Olympic athletes both before and after the Olympics, Roberts was subjected to a number of performance-enhancing drug and anti-doping testing protocols throughout 2016 and 2017 to make sure that he wasn’t trying to subvert the rules and break the law of competition. During an out of competition test on March 24, Roberts…

Does Tribulus Really Raise Testosterone & Enhance Performance?

…didn’t alter levels of leutinizing hormone (LH) or DHEA causing a rise in free or total testosterone. The theory spewed by supplement manufacturers is that protodioscin converts into testosterone metabolites, such as androsterone, androstenol or etiocholanolone, but this also looks untrue. In another medical study, this time examining young males and lasting four weeks, similar results were seen [2]. Twenty-one healthy 20-36 year old men were giv…

Study: Great Tea Helps Fight Ageing

…but it also works to improve their ability to function dependently. This research project began in 2006 and encompassed more than 14,000 participants, with the test concluding three years later. At the time, researchers were encouraged at the data they had been able to uncover over this 36 month test period but it wasn’t until just recently when many of these test participants were reengaged and found to have continued drinking at least two glasse…

Former Steroid Dealer Angel Heredia Has Been Hired to Help Jon Jones With His Case

…esult. Angel said that Jones was tested aggressively in the past, via flag testing and red flag testing. All of the available tests were used in order to establish whether or not Jones was clean in the past and he passed these tests with flying colors. Heredio shared his opinions while appearing as a guest on a Submission Radio broadcast. Heredio remarked that USADA would have performed CR testing for lab-created testosterone and that the newest f…

Winstrol Side Effects

…r oral anabolic steroids administered at the same doses. It is therefore recommended that it is recommended to limit oral Winstrol use to periods of no longer than 6 – 8 weeks, and the injectable preparation for periods no greater than 10 weeks. It is also highly recommended that users supplement with a proven liver support and health supplement, such as TUDCA/UDCA while using oral anabolic steroids. Cardiovascular Side Effects Negative cardiovasc…

Clenbuterol Side Effects

…ferent stimulant-like side effects can possibly be less prominent with one compound in comparison to another (for example, Ephedrine versus Caffeine). Even though one side effect may be less pronounced in a particular compound, a different associated stimulant-like side effect may be much stronger. A perfect example would be that of Ephedrine versus Clenbuterol. Many experienced individuals who have used both compounds (separately instead of stack…

Effects of Aspartame

…hers who were trying to create a new antiulcer drug.  According to Drugsdb.com, combining phenylalanine (an essential amino acid) and aspartic acid (a non-essential amino acid) creates aspartame. Aspartame is a low-calorie sweetener, which is approximately 200 times sweeter than sucrose. Over the years, nutritionists and researchers have battled back and forth about the pros and cons of aspartame. Is it healthier than actual sugar?  Or is it a dan…

Study: Grape Seed Extract Works to Protect Muscle Protein During Training

…ry night for three days. Researchers were working with American supplement companies to come up with the grape seed extract formula, a formula specifically designed to provide as high-quality a level of grape seed as possible during the testing phase. A second group of participants were given a placebo supplement and acted as the control group, and the entire process was conducted in a double-blind study to help improve the accuracy and the effica…

UFC Fighter Applies For Therapeutic Use Exception (TUE) For Banned Substance

…re his first suspension was ending, Sullivan, 35, has now failed an out-of-competition test. Once again, claiming this is a misunderstanding. This time, he has been caught using Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate), a fertility pill, also often used to boost endogenous testosterone and sperm count. Clomid is also used as part of post cycle therapy (PCT) protocols when steroid users come off of steroids. Either way, it’s a banned drug by USADA. Sullivan tri…

Female Olympic Gold Medalist Gets Her Ban Doubled For Falsifying Medical Records

…after providing a urine sample collected during an unannounced and out of competition test conducted by the IAAF. Immediately after the preliminary results came back positive for EPO Sumgong admitted that she used these performance-enhancing drugs, though she stated that she had been administered EPO in the course of an emergency medical visit in February 2017 – just six days prior to having the unannounced test conducted. Sumgong told investigat…

Brock Lesnar Banned By USADA For One Year For Doping Violation

…d will headline the Royal Rumble on Jan 29, 2017. WWE is not a tested sport, nor regulated by USADA by state drug policies. Seems like a safe option for Lesnar. Source: http://www.bloodyelbow.com/2017/1/4/14169168/brock-lesnar-fight-ufc-200-usada-peds-steroids-clomiphene-clomid-serm-estrogen-mma-news…

Study: Anabolic Effects of Garlic

…ch was conducted over a 28 day block of time and at the conclusion of this test researchers measured the amount of nitrogen that the rats had retained, a marker for the new protein that had been generated. The results were pretty revealing. Of the rats that consumed 10% and 20% protein the garlic extract powder they were given had almost no impact whatsoever. There was no real new nitrogen retained and no real new protein generated for these test

Study: Tomato Juice & Fat Loss

…sure makes it look like folks can melt fat faster without having to spend hours in the gym or give up their favorite foods just by drinking a couple of glasses of tomato juice every day. Sources: https://www.livestrong.com/article/291385-tomato-juice-for-weight-loss/ https://food.ndtv.com/food-drinks/tomato-juice-for-weight-loss-how-does-the-tangy-beverage-help-burn-belly-fat-1911876…

The Truth Surrounding Vitamin Water

…our weight loss goals. And here’s why. THE INGREDIENTS According to Fitday.com, vitamin water is merely sugar that has been combined with ‘man-made’ vitamins. Nutritionists and researchers have not proven synthetic vitamins to be as healthy as naturally occurring vitamins and minerals found in food. “You have vitamins and minerals that occur naturally in foods, and then you have people taking supplements, and then you have all these fortified food…

Brief Exposure To Anabolic Steroids May Be Beneficial

…to be entirely elucidated. We can only hope for future studies such as these in order to increase our knowledge and understanding of the wonderful world of muscle growth and performance enhancement. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=24167222 http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/10/131027205618.htm References: Bruusgaard JC, Egner IM, Eftestøl E, Gundersen K. 2013. A cellular memory mechanism aids overload hypertrophy in muscle long af…

The Power Of Potassium

…sitive ion located in the fluid outside of cells. According to Medicinenet.com, when sodium is combined with chloride, the end result is table salt. When the body becomes unbalanced ¾ and sodium drowns out your body’s water levels in the blood – this may cause a health condition called hypernatremia. Causes of hypernatremia may include kidney disease, reduced water intake and loss of water due to vomiting. POTASSIUM Potassium is the positive ion f…

Supercharge Your Muscles With Pre-Workout Supplements

…uld significantly improve muscular endurance during resistance training. Researchers recommend taking between 3.2 and 6.4 grams of beta alanine per day, which will help significantly boost carnosine levels to improve performance and increase lean muscle. CREATINE By now you are probably learning that your muscles require energy in order to function properly. Creatine happens to be a key nutrient involved in the production of energy. Creatine is a…

Nutritional Guidelines For Getting Ripped

…rgon. This includes the world of fitness. The following will breakdown and combine the commonly used forms of slang within the fitness world, while educating both the novice and most seasoned bodybuilder, on how to achieve both muscle and definition through diet and exercise. MUSCLE PUMP According to Mensfitness.com, the ‘pump effect’ during strength training is probably the most used and sought after feeling in the world of fitness. The pump refe…

Benefits of High-Carb Sports Drinks

…e, fructose and galactose. Some beverages may also contain maltodextrin, a complex carbohydrate composed of several glucose units. According to Healthline.com, sports drinks that offer a blend of carbohydrates, such as sucrose and glucose, rather than a single carbohydrate source may improve the amount of carbohydrates that eventually become transported to the muscles for fuel. By offering your intestinal tract a variety of sugars, carbohydrate ab…

Normal Estrogen Levels

…host of disruptions in normal physiological function, many of which can become extremely uncomfortable and/or alarming health hazards for the individual. Many competitive and professional bodybuilders will employ the use of a strong aromatase inhibitor in the days leading up to a competition show, but it is important to understand that this is not practiced for more than a few days, and is often extremely discomforting for the bodybuilder doing s…