Study: Grape Seed Extract Speeds Recovery After Exercise

…issue after intense physical exercise and exertion. Researchers began this test coming from an understanding of how muscle breaks down and is negatively impacted by intense workouts and the inflammation that these intense sessions cause. Muscle tissue damage is created every time you push your body to the limit, but it’s the muscle tissue that is rebuilt (or the new tissue that is created) that gives you strength and athletic games. The researcher…

Study: Tomato Juice & Fat Loss

…ut having to make any other behavioral or dietary changes whatsoever. This new research sure makes it look like folks can melt fat faster without having to spend hours in the gym or give up their favorite foods just by drinking a couple of glasses of tomato juice every day. Sources:…

Former Champion Powerlifter Scott Rabine Has Received a Prison Sentence for Selling Oxycontin

…after getting a tip about drug dealing at this gym. GFPD worked with NYSP (New York State Police), the New York Department of Taxation and Finance and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in order to find out what was happening at the Spartan Fitness Training Center. As the investigation unfolded, Rabine was determined to be the guilty party. Investigators who were undercover cops purchased Oxycontin and steroids from Rabine (six purchases wer…

Brian Cookson Finds New Corticosteroid Comments Surprising

…Tramadol on their lists of illegal medications. Cookson responded to these new comments by stating that the UCI has already tried to put Tramadol on the list of WADA banned substances. In the past, this medication has been blamed for peloton crashes. It’s quite a potent form of prescription medication which is designed to turn off pain signals within the body. How Are Corticosteroids Used? Corticosteroids are utilized in order to treat a variety o…

Global Athletics World Records Will Be Harder Now

…ainst athletes that use performance-enhancing substances across the board. Tests have become more advanced and more stringent than they ever used to be in the past, but now punishments are also getting to be more significant than they ever were before, either. According to the new proposal that we highlighted above, anyone that tests positive for even a trace amount of PED chemicals in their blood when they set a new world record will not only los…

Which Whey Protein Is Better? Hydrolysate or Concentrate.

…lic effect that whey concentrate does not, but more research is going to be necessary to really figure out exactly what’s going on “under the hood” when the body is using these two different forms of whey protein. New research is ongoing but it may be a year or more until we learn anything new from this team out of Japan. Source:…

20g Whey Protein Optimal Post-Workout

…kout nutrition can be tricky business. Supplement companies are constantly coming up with new idea’s to get you to purchase their products to maximise growth during the ‘post-workout out window’. This time frame does exist and it is a wise idea to consume something protein rich during the time after your exercise regime. But with so many choices, which works and what doesn’t? We have di and tri peptides or hydrolysed proteins (basically pre-digest…

The Power Of Potassium

…sitive ion located in the fluid outside of cells. According to, when sodium is combined with chloride, the end result is table salt. When the body becomes unbalanced ¾ and sodium drowns out your body’s water levels in the blood – this may cause a health condition called hypernatremia. Causes of hypernatremia may include kidney disease, reduced water intake and loss of water due to vomiting. POTASSIUM Potassium is the positive ion f…

L-Citrulline Malate And Its Effects on Athletic Performance

…icient amount, and dietary intake isn’t essential. According to, modern research suggests that L-citrulline malate – the chemical form of citrulline available as a supplement – can boost energy and may help lower your risks of certain chronic problems. EFFECTS OF CITRULLINE MALATE ON METABOLISM You can obtain citrulline from food, or your body can manufacture it from ornithine, another amino acid you obtain from food – through a bio…

Nutritional Guidelines For Getting Ripped

…gistered dietician and author of the book, ‘Nancy Clark’s Sports Nutrition Guidebook,’ recommends that a person consume roughly 0.4 grams of protein per pound of body weight for a sedentary adult. A recreational exerciser should look to consume 0.5 to 0.7 grams of protein per pound of body weight. The ideal ratio, according to Clark, is maintaining a diet that is 40 percent carbohydrates, 30 percent protein and 30 percent fat. Another way to maint…

The Health Benefits Of Biotin

…acids) and in gluconeogenesis. DAILY AMOUNT OF BIOTIN According to, the adequate intake (AI) for biotin is between 30 and 100 micrograms (mcg) per day for adults over 18 years of age. Biotin deficiency is rare in humans due to its wide disbursement in foods and the ability of gut bacteria to synthesize biotin in excess amounts. Most common cases of biotin deficiency that have been reported are in pregnant women, patients rece…

Anavar (Oxandrolone)

…time of purchase, as black market prices are heavily affected by these. Latest Research January 09, 2018: In a recent Portuguese study measuring the effects of coffee on Oxandrolone administration, it showed a positive effect on bioavailability and uptake. The Portuguese doping lab Laboratorio de Analises de Dopagem conducted the peer-reviwed and double blind study giving the patients 300mg of caffeine combined with Oxandrolone. The researches wi…


…monstrated the vast difference in HGH output from the pituitary gland when combined with a GHRH analogue (a 77% increase in HGH output) compared to administration alone. The consumption of carbohydrates and fats too soon before or after administration of GHRP-6 (or any GHRP) has been shown to blunt HGH release from the pituitary gland as well[4]. The aforementioned study has also demonstrated that the presence of acetylcholine in the brain will am…

Six Athletes From Russia Have Been Banned by RUSADA

for couple of years, following a positive test for banned substances. The competition she tested positive for was the European Athletics Championship (2006). It was held in Gothenburg. After the ban was complete, she re-entered competition and won a silver medal at the European Championships, which were held in Barcelona, Spain. At present, she faces another two-year ban. This means that she won’t be able to compete again until summer of 2019. In…


…anufacturing companies. They can be purchased legally from any number of research companies and/or from their websites. These are products that are intended for research and laboratory use only, and unless they are utilized in a research and clinical setting that is approved and sanctioned by the FDA and medical establishments/organizations, they are not intended for human use or consumption. They are not a pharmaceutical grade product, nor are th…

Buy Equipoise

…ry Grade In the United States, Equipoise is manufactured by the Fort Dodge Company primarily. This company manufactures anabolic steroids for sale in Mexico, where many anabolic steroid vendors, sources, and even individual users will purchase Equipoise in Mexico only to have them smuggled into the United States. Equipoise by Fort Dodge is contained in glass vials with a label that contains a chrome type of metallic surface underneath. Counterfeit…

Testosterone Types and Variants

…aproate, and 100mg of Testosterone Decanoate for a total of 250mg worth of combined Testosterone esters (hence the number 250 in the name Sustanon 250). There exist other blend type products that contain other varying amounts, such as blends of 450mg of multiple Testosterone ester types, and so on and so forth. There also exists other less popular esterified forms of Testosterone, such as Testosterone Acetate and the others contained within the Su…

Steroid Abuse

…s can relate to. Once again, fast food and alcohol use will be utilized as comparable examples and analogies. It has been previously mentioned that it is indeed possible to engage in moderate consumption of alcohol, as well as moderate consumption of fast food without the imposition of bodily harm, injury or damage. It has been previously clarified that there is a significant difference between an alcoholic or a binge drinker, and an individual th…

Anabolic Steroid Bust In Dallas Texas

…raig Hermans, 34, resigned in August while on administrative leave after authorities said he was linked to the investigation. Source:…

News: Dallas Mavericks Owner Mark Cuban Willing to Fund Studies On HGH Use In Athletes

…ention and recovery? Cuban had the following to say to USA Today: “They’re open-minded. Knowing that it’ll take 10 years to get [the studies] done, it’s easy to be open-minded and say when it’s there, it’s there. But hopefully it’s something I can accelerate. I’ve talked to a couple of different universities about funding studies. It doesn’t happen in a year or two, though. It’ll take a long time.” It is important to note that HGH use for these pu…

Oral Steroids

…First, injectable steroids and their impacts on cholesterol levels will be examined. Testosterone Cypionate, an injectable non alkylated anabolic steroid was administered in studies at doses of 300mg weekly, which exhibited a 21% reduction in cholesterol levels[7], and an increase to 600mg weekly did not impart any additional reductions in HDL. This data suggests that the impact of cholesterol alterations by injectable Testosterone is not extremel…

Effects of Steroids

…raged that individuals read the steroids side effects article for an all-encompassing in-depth coverage of all of the side effects of anabolic steroids and how and why they occur. This is not an all-inclusive list of the side effects of steroids, and it is very important for all readers to understand this. The five primary negative effects of steroids are acne, gynecomastia, male pattern baldness (MPB), hepatotoxicity (liver toxicity). Acne: Perha…