‘Operation Cyber Juice’ Leads to 90 Arrests and Busts 16 Steroid UGLs in U.S.

…eration Gear Grinder’, ‘Operation Juicy Fruit’, ‘Operation Juice Box’ and ‘Operation Blue Juice’ have been other major investigations. So far, its unclear exactly which steroid labs or who has been arrested, but Steroidal.com will continue to update this story as more information becomes available. Source: DEA. (September 1, 2015). DEA Announces Major Steroid Operation. Retrieved from http://www.dea.gov/divisions/hq/2015/hq090115.shtml…

Rich Piana Discusses His Extensive Anabolic Steroid Usage

…usage. Piana says that he only started taking steroids at 18 years old to compete with others taking the PEDs on stage at the time. “I was competing on stage and I was getting to the point where I was getting blown off stage if I wasn’t going to do steroids, so I took that step,” said Piana. Piana wasn’t actually a bad bodybuilder claiming the title of Mr California and placing 7th and 11th respectively in different shows. Although he has found h…

Member Of The US National Swim Team Has Been Suspended After Admitting To Using A Banned Substance

…ns a beta-2 androgenic agonist substance called vilanterol. Vilanterol is a 100% banned substance according to the rules and regulations of the USA Swimming Doping Control, without any exceptions (aside from those athletes that pursue and receive a waiver). Those that have tested positive for using this substance are immediately given a ban from competition under the 100% zero-tolerance program that has been instituted by the USADA and the World A…

Hair Loss Treatment & Anabolic Steroids

…wn it to carry some level of efficacy with minimal adverse effects. More research is required before this treatment modality is broadly recommended for hair loss [18,19]. Saw Palmetto This herbal supplement has been classically used to aid the treatment of BPH. It is a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor and in theory should lower the levels of DHT that are expressed in the scalp. However, it is questionable whether it is able to sufficiently lower DHT le…

Ostarine is Being Sold Illegally by Dietary Supplement Suppliers

…nded sportsmen and women who showed the presence of Ostarine in their drug tests. Athletes tend to complain about these positive test results. They tell anyone who will listen that the supplements were sold over the counter and didn’t list any banned substances among their ingredients.  To date, twenty-eight athletes have tested positive for Ostarine in the past two years, based on WADA test figures. The number is lower for USADA tests, if still s…

Former Steroid Dealer Angel Heredia Has Been Hired to Help Jon Jones With His Case

…ed in order to establish whether or not Jones was clean in the past and he passed these tests with flying colors. Heredio shared his opinions while appearing as a guest on a Submission Radio broadcast. Heredio remarked that USADA would have performed CR testing for lab-created testosterone and that the newest form of test for Turinabol would also have been used. As well, he stated that the testers would bring Jones’ “bio-passport” into the testing…


…letely eradicate organic testosterone production and suppressed it by up to 100%. It is for this reason that any male using Dinandrol will also need to make use of an Exogenous testosterone. If exogenous testosterone is not used alongside Dinandrol use, then testosterone levels will fall to dangerously low levels and place you in a low testosterone state. As soon as the individual is coming to the end of their Dinandrol and anabolic steroid cycle…

DNP (2,4-Dinitrophenol)

…ubstances to mimic the actual effects of DNP. DNP Fat Burning Drug Buy DNP Online When you buy DNP online, you have to be very, very careful. Remember, because it’s so potent and dangerous in terms of the dosage, you have to understand that assuming you were actually able to get real, genuine DNP, it’s going to have to be dosed at an extremely low level. Now, with this understand, you have to realize that the fact that it’s almost impossible ot fi…

Anderson Silva Explains Why He Failed A Drugs Test For Using Masteron

…edication temazepam (Restoril). The official complaint was obtained by MMA website Combate.com and likely detailed Silva’s defence. The complaint was filed by defence attorney Michael Alonso and sheds light on the defence strategy for the next Nevada State Athletic Commission (NSAC) hearing. Silva has admitted using the anti-anxiety and insomnia medications benzodiazepines oxazepam and temazepam, but has again denied using PEDs. Silva, instead, bl…

Steroid Use

…ined a far higher employment rate as well as an overall higher household income compared to the rest of the average population. From the data outlined above, it is very clear that the average concepts of steroid use as portrayed by the media and the government is indeed highly misleading, as we will continue to discover. The next point to cover is the rate of anabolic steroid use. Anabolic steroid prohibition, enacted with the Anabolic Steroid Con…

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP)

…hat Nandrolone Decanoate costs more. Buy Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP) Online People also buy NPP online. Yes, it’s not legal in America, but they buy it anyway. It’s actually considered a controlled substance (Schedule III) in the USA. We’re sure that you’re apprehensive about breaking the law. For this reason, we encourage you to seek out legal steroid alternatives. Many of them are amazing and offer exceptional, steroid-like benefits, witho…

Finasteride (Proscar)

…tive as a DHT inhibitor, it is unable to block DHT conversion anywhere near 100%, nor will it do so equivalently in all body tissues where DHT is a concern. Because it prevents Testosterone from undergoing reduction into DHT, studies have shown that Finasteride is able to increase circulating blood plasma levels of Testosterone by about 15%. This is, of course, due to the fact that Finasteride is leaving less 5AR enzymes to interact with Testoster…


common with men at this age range. The symptoms can be very simple to very complicated. For example, most of the common ones involves those related to sex and aggression. Testosterone levels, especially high or healthy levels, are correlated with aggression, focus, and motivation. These tie into one’s desire to have sex with their partner or just with the desired sex they enjoy in general. Should you notice a sharp consistent decline in this motiv…

Testosterone Cypionate

…again, the Cypionate and Enanthate variants of Testosterone are both almost 100% identical and there is no practical reason to prefer one compound over the other). Advertisement However, there have been very minimal reports of various pateints that prefer Testosterone Cypionate to Testosterone Enanthate if only because of the fact that some individuals tend to respond better at the injection site. A very small percentage of individuals have report…

Nocturnal Munchies: The Truth About Eating Before Bed

…rotein increases post-exercise overnight recovery. According to Healthline.com, the latest study, published in the ‘Journal of Nutrition’ in 2015, monitored 44 young men, as they completed a 12-week resistance training program. All participants consumed a high-protein diet (1.3 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight), but one group consumed a drink before bed containing 27.5 grams of protein and 15 grams of carbohydrates while the other grou…

Who Am I? Correlation Between Diet and Alzheimer’s Disease

…etabolism, which occurs every minute of the day.” Since it’s impossible to completely eliminate free radicals from the body, consuming foods that are high in antioxidants – vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene and flavonoids – can help. Foods that are high in antioxidants include strawberries, blueberries and oranges. HEALTHY CIRCULATION Brain cells demand healthy blood flow to supply them with oxygen and nutrients. According to the Alzheimer’s Ass…

Royal Jelly Increases Testosterone Production

…the generation of LPO suggests that Royal Jelly could protect organs from free radical-induced cellular damage”, the Japanese researchers conclude. The final study we’re going to look at is a more applicable human study done in Iraq in 2007, and published in the digital scientific journal of Thi-Qar College of Medicine in Iraq [3]. Eighty-three infertile men who wanted to have children were divided into four groups but all took 10g of honey befor

Calcium Increases Testosterone Levels

…were given calcium gluconate and trained five times per week, had a higher free testosterone level than both other groups. Free testosterone is testosterone available to be used for muscle growth and not bound by sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG).         Its not fully understood how calcium increased the free testosterone level, but it may be due to sensitising the testes to second messenger hormones, LH and FSH, or reducing SHBG freeing more t…

Superdrol (Methyldrostanolone)

…t easier today than it ever used to be to get your hands on legitimate (and 100% legal) anabolic steroids – all without having to worry about the law coming down on you, disastrous short and long-term health effects stemming from anabolic steroid usage, or purchasing products that promise the moon and the stars realizing that those products never really deliver the goods, so to speak. To learn a little bit more about everything that Superdrol has…


…makes it far less likely to give you androgenic side effects as some other compounds. Commonly, DHT based anabolics cause the most severe problems in steroid users. It should also be noted that if you use something like Finasteride to try and reduce the side effects, it’s not going to do much. Just like with estrogen and Nandrolone, using a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor like Finasteride is just going to exacerbate non-existent androgenic symptoms by…

The Astonishing Benefits of Avocados

…art of maintaining proper health. Most people tend to be deficient when it comes to consuming the recommended daily values of essential vitamins and minerals. The vitamins that can be found in an avocado are B vitamins, vitamin K and vitamin E. According to Wholeliving.com, B vitamins have been known to ease stress, boost energy, treat anxiety and depression, aid memory, relieve PMS and reduce the risk of heart disease. Vitamin K plays a key role…

Unearthing the Reality Behind the Detox Diet

…al-weight and fit people. However, many people go into the diets without researching the potential drawbacks that comes with fasting and reducing your food intake. “Extreme detox diets are not nutritionally balanced,” says Christine Gerbstadt, MD, a Maryland-based medical doctor and registered dietician. “When you’re not getting enough protein and calories, you can lose muscle mass and experience dangerously low blood sugar, which can cause you to…