Anabolic Steroids Imported From Canada Using Ingenious Method

…c Services department. The vials then underwent an advanced analytical lab test. This test ultimately revealed the vials to be anabolic steroids. The reason this particular package was so easily discovered was the fact that the vials themselves were not actually hidden. The manifest was merely mislabeled as “Automotive Brake Pads”, while its actual contents were poorly hidden vials. Protecting the Borders While dealers and users continue to get cr…

Portland Police Union’s Proposed New Steroid Testing Policy

…thin The Department Blog Entry #4 By Dan Chaiet, Senior Editor – The latest involving anabolic steroids in the news regarding testing and legality involves the Portland police union’s revision of the department’s drug testing policy under a 4-year contract. The interesting thing about this particular piece of news is that it might seem to ironically protect police officers engaged in anabolic steroid use. The general policy in this c…

The Health Benefits Of Biotin

…A develop properly in a growing fetus, minimizing the likelihood of having complications during pregnancy. NATURAL SOURCES OF BIOTIN According to, if you are a person who doesn’t like taking supplements, then the following is a list of five healthy food sources that are chock-full of biotin: • Swiss Chard: This green plant is a top producer of biotin and is a great part of a healthy salad choice that will provide antioxidants and help b…

The Health Benefits of Folic Acid

…to 30 percent. NATURAL SOURCES OF FOLIC ACID According to, dark green vegetables are excellent sources of folic acid. It should be noted that when cooking the vegetables, it’s important not to overcook them because then the folic acid content decreases dramatically. The following are examples of foods that are rich in folic acid: Broccoli Cabbage Brussels sprouts Egg yolk Kidney beans Milk Oranges Peas Spinach Lettuce SIGNS OF…

Buy Primobolan

…istinct pricing differences between websites that set minimum order limits compared to those that do not do so. Websites that do not set minimum order limits allow individuals to buy Primobolan in very small quantities (single bottle orders, etc.), and because the vendor tends to make small sales as opposed to large quantity sales, prices are frequently inflated to make up for the logistical costs of small orders. Sources/vendors that do restrict…

Buy Testosterone Enanthate

…a new product just as the previous lab has shut down. Pharmaceutical Grade Testosterone Enanthate As Delatestryl is the most widely-known and sought after brand of Testosterone Enanthate that individuals are looking for, it will be the first to be covered here. Its immense popularity is also owed to the fact that this is exclusively an American and Canadian product. Potential users looking to buy Testosterone Enanthate as the Delatestryl brand wil…

Six Athletes From Russia Have Been Banned by RUSADA

for couple of years, following a positive test for banned substances. The competition she tested positive for was the European Athletics Championship (2006). It was held in Gothenburg. After the ban was complete, she re-entered competition and won a silver medal at the European Championships, which were held in Barcelona, Spain. At present, she faces another two-year ban. This means that she won’t be able to compete again until summer of 2019. In…

Testosterone Enanthate

…ng 250mg/ml. Testosterone Enanthate Pictures: Testosterone Enantahte Pharmacom Labs 300mg/ml                 Testosterone Enanthate Norma 250mg/ml                 Testoviron Depot Schering 250mg/ml               Testosterone Chemical Name: 4-androsten-3-one-17beta-ol, 17beta-hydroxy-androst-4-en-3-one Molecular Weight: 288.42 g/mol Formula: C19H28O2 Original Manufacturer: Squibb Half Life:  10 days Detection Time: 3 months Anabolic Rating: 100    …

Buy Dianabol Online

…y much only be seen between in-person ‘gym floor’ prices and many internet website prices (which consists of websites that do not set minimum order limits). Individuals must remember that price is also dependent on the concentration of drug per tablet (for example, Dianabol can be found in the following mg per tablet: 5mg, 10mg, 50mg, and 100mg). It is because of this that price description can become difficult, and so for the purpose of listing c…

Former Pastor Busted As Key Investor of Hulk Body Steroid Underground Lab

…make down payments on a couple of houses which would be utilized as secret labs. According to testimony, Lori and Edward wanted Joel to succeed at his illegal endeavor and weren’t really motivated by the desire to make money. They told Joel to pay their commission of ten percent to Life and Praise Worship Center, as a tithe. Christians are supposed to give a portion of their income to their churches in order to support God’s work. Possibly, Lori a…

Wildcat Labs Anabolic Steroid UGL In The United Kingdom Founders Jailed

…oung and Robinson had absolutely no other job aside from running Wildcat Research Laboratories. They were “officially” considered to be unemployed with absolutely zero source of legitimate income – which isn’t exactly the case, as has been proven out in court. Incredibly, both of these individuals must not have been satisfied with their skyhigh income produced from these illicit means. They applied for government assistance and collected a number…

Steroids Side Effects

…lled Cholestasis[13]. This is a condition whereby bile flow in the liver becomes either completely halted or at the very least disrupted. This can result from either a physical blockage, or a chemical one. What occurs here is that the blockage results in a buildup of bile salts and bilirubin in the liver and bloodstream. In large enough quantities, this build-up can become toxic to the hepatic cells of the liver and kill them. The severity of this…

Study: How Effective is Whey Protein For Increasing Muscle Mass?

…s but rather to figure out just how well it works. Each participant of the test hadn’t done any way training in the past, but during this testing protocol they were instructed to go to the gym twice a week for a period of 21 weeks. Another group, the control, didn’t do any training whatsoever. Those participants that were sent to the gym twice a week were tasked with targeting all of the major muscle groups throughout the body, working the lower b…

Russia Accused of State Sponsored Doping and Use of Performance Enhancing Drugs

…ok a course of doping, and to ensure that foreign control officers did not come and test them, they provided false names.” The Independent Commission Investigation has claimed Russia should be expelled from taking part in the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. It has recommended all athletes be suspended for 12-months whilst other checks and investigations are continuing. Whether or not Russian will be banned from the Olympics has not been de…

Who Am I? Correlation Between Diet and Alzheimer’s Disease

…etabolism, which occurs every minute of the day.” Since it’s impossible to completely eliminate free radicals from the body, consuming foods that are high in antioxidants – vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene and flavonoids – can help. Foods that are high in antioxidants include strawberries, blueberries and oranges. HEALTHY CIRCULATION Brain cells demand healthy blood flow to supply them with oxygen and nutrients. According to the Alzheimer’s Ass…

Calcium Increases Testosterone Levels

…stosterone was – zero.         However, when the sports scientist looks at free testosterone levels and not total testosterone levels, they did see a difference between groups. Group 2, who were given calcium gluconate and trained five times per week, had a higher free testosterone level than both other groups. Free testosterone is testosterone available to be used for muscle growth and not bound by sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG).         Its…

Royal Jelly Increases Testosterone Production

…hamster’s testosterone output, but also protected it from age decline from free radical testes damage. This is almost identical to the conclusion of the Iraq researchers. “The finding that the long-term daily intake of Royal Jelly inhibited the generation of LPO suggests that Royal Jelly could protect organs from free radical-induced cellular damage”, the Japanese researchers conclude. The final study we’re going to look at is a more applicable hu…

Research Company & Supplement Owner Targeted In Steroid Investigation

  By Admin – The owner of a research company offering ancillary compounds and supplement company offering designer steroids and prohormones has been targeted by police. According to Journalist Jim Mustian of the New Orleans Advocate, the investigation targeting a Louisiana couple for steroid distributing has gone up a notch. Edward and Natalie Barton are behind well known PHP Supplements, Celtic Labs and research companies Purity So…

‘Operation Cyber Juice’ Leads to 90 Arrests and Busts 16 Steroid UGLs in U.S.

…istribution of illegal anabolic steroids. ‘Operating Raw Deal’, ‘Operation Gear Grinder’, ‘Operation Juicy Fruit’, ‘Operation Juice Box’ and ‘Operation Blue Juice’ have been other major investigations. So far, its unclear exactly which steroid labs or who has been arrested, but will continue to update this story as more information becomes available. Source: DEA. (September 1, 2015). DEA Announces Major Steroid Operation. Retrieved f…

Zinc Increases Testosterone Levels

…study again but not being given extra zinc.         As you can see above, free testosterone (FT) rose 50% when rested and then increased again after exercise. In comparison, the control group’s free testosterone did not increase but actually decreased 20% after the physical activity. Whilst the above data shows promising results in terms of testosterone production, we feel these zinc doses are too high. Large amounts of zinc can cause toxicity an…

Ostarine is Being Sold Illegally by Dietary Supplement Suppliers

…nded sportsmen and women who showed the presence of Ostarine in their drug tests. Athletes tend to complain about these positive test results. They tell anyone who will listen that the supplements were sold over the counter and didn’t list any banned substances among their ingredients.  To date, twenty-eight athletes have tested positive for Ostarine in the past two years, based on WADA test figures. The number is lower for USADA tests, if still s…

Tyson Fury Allowed To Box Again

…a big part of how he was able to win a favorable decision, After the compromise on Tuesday, Fury and the UKAD move on and continue with business as usual. Source:…