Andriol (Testosterone Undecanoate)

…lability. It can be used on its own in a solitary cycle, or used as a base Testosterone compound while other anabolic steroids are used. Cycle lengths of Andriol can range from 8 weeks to 12 weeks or more. As stated earlier, it is not a very popular Testosterone product for the purpose of performance or physique enhancement among bodybuilders and athletes, and it is very rare to come across much information in regards to Andriol cycles. Beginners…

British Dragon Steroids

…eroids, but only time will be able to tell if this is truly the case. This new British Dragon prints a completely different label, is of a completely different brand and lab, and bears absolutely no resemblance to the original British Dragon of several years back. Time will only tell if this new British Dragon is worthwhile. In addition, many dealers, sources, and suppliers will claim to sell left-over old stock of British Dragon steroids. Once ag…

Top Foods For Fighting Inflammation

…st cases, is a good thing. It simply means that you pushed your muscles to new limits and it’s your body’s way of coping with the building of new muscle. However, the inflammation that we experience isn’t always a good thing – and in some instances – can cause serious health issues. Fortunately, there are foods that will help cope with this acute inflammation and keep your body operating at peak performance. FIGHT THE FIRE Think about an open woun…

Steroids Side Effects

…lled Cholestasis[13]. This is a condition whereby bile flow in the liver becomes either completely halted or at the very least disrupted. This can result from either a physical blockage, or a chemical one. What occurs here is that the blockage results in a buildup of bile salts and bilirubin in the liver and bloodstream. In large enough quantities, this build-up can become toxic to the hepatic cells of the liver and kill them. The severity of this…

Halotestin (Fluoxymesterone)

…tates, still sold by the original manufacturer (Upjohn), but now under the new company name Pharmacia and only in very small and very limited quantities. Chemical Characteristics of Halotestin As previously touched upon, Halotestin is a Testosterone derivative whereby it has undergone several modifications. Halo possesses an added methyl group on the 17th carbon (known as carbon 17-alpha). It is also halogenated at carbon 9-alpha. Halogenation ref…

Winstrol Side Effects

…r oral anabolic steroids administered at the same doses. It is therefore recommended that it is recommended to limit oral Winstrol use to periods of no longer than 6 – 8 weeks, and the injectable preparation for periods no greater than 10 weeks. It is also highly recommended that users supplement with a proven liver support and health supplement, such as TUDCA/UDCA while using oral anabolic steroids. Cardiovascular Side Effects Negative cardiovasc…

Hair Loss Treatment & Anabolic Steroids

…a process of hair thinning and hair loss [3]. Variable levels of total and free testosterone are seen in men with androgenic alopecia. Though whether or not it actually occurs has to do with 5-alpha reductase expression in the scalp. Regardless of the levels of testosterone and external DHT, if the scalp is not susceptible to expressing the enzyme and ultimately being damaged by DHT then the hair follicles will stay healthy. The level of 5-alpha r…

Female Hurdling Champion Cleared Of Doping Allegations

…e test, that she wasn’t given any advanced notice whatsoever, and that the testing agents were not in compliance of the rules and regulations for testing as outlined by WADA and the Jamaican Anti-Doping Commission. Because she immediately refused to take the test in the first place she was given a probationary ban from competition. This probationary ban had a chance to really derail the career of Spencer, as she was anticipating participating in t…

Caffeine/Ephedrine/Aspirin (ECA) – The Fat Burning Stack

… As we enter the New Year, people are flocking back to the gym and searching for new ways to get themselves back into shape and shed those unwanted pounds that were piled on during the holiday season. But what are the best ways to burn off the fat and tone up your body? Where do you start? Not to worry, the following will dive into a unique fat burning combination that will help you achieve your fitness goals, while delivering you with you…

The Astonishing Benefits of Avocados

…neficial to your diet? Let’s investigate. HEALTHY FATS According to, fats account for around three quarters of the calorie count of an avocado. The majority of it is monounsaturated fat, in the form of oleic acid. When consumed in moderation, monounsaturated fats can be extremely beneficial to your health, especially when they’re used as a substitute for saturated fat and trans fat. Monounsaturated fats can help reduce bad cho…

Zinc Increases Testosterone Levels

…study again but not being given extra zinc.         As you can see above, free testosterone (FT) rose 50% when rested and then increased again after exercise. In comparison, the control group’s free testosterone did not increase but actually decreased 20% after the physical activity. Whilst the above data shows promising results in terms of testosterone production, we feel these zinc doses are too high. Large amounts of zinc can cause toxicity an…

Olympic gold medalist has been completely cleared of PED suspicions

…ly a full year after the Olympics had concluded. Roberts failed and out of competition tests in 2017 As part of routine testing of Olympic athletes both before and after the Olympics, Roberts was subjected to a number of performance-enhancing drug and anti-doping testing protocols throughout 2016 and 2017 to make sure that he wasn’t trying to subvert the rules and break the law of competition. During an out of competition test on March 24, Roberts…

Nebido (Testosterone Undecanoate)

…ower manner. In terms of how anabolic it is, it is no different than other testosterone compounds. It is rated as a 100 in terms of its androgenic capability, as are other forms of testosterone. Because of its ester makeup, it has one of the longest half-lives in existence as far as androgenic compounds go. This means that if you’re expecting the compound to be out of your system, for example, a concern of many athletes using a similar compound, y…

Primobolan (Methenolone)

…true for its androgenic strength rating, which is approximately 44 – 57 in comparison with Testosterone’s androgenic rating of 100. This weaker androgenic strength rating is actually very favorable, but its weak anabolic strength capability leaves it as a far less desired anabolic steroid where the majority of individuals considering its use often opt for Anavar instead. It is instead utilized as primarily a compound in cutting cycles, whereby the…

Effects of Aspartame

…hers who were trying to create a new antiulcer drug.  According to, combining phenylalanine (an essential amino acid) and aspartic acid (a non-essential amino acid) creates aspartame. Aspartame is a low-calorie sweetener, which is approximately 200 times sweeter than sucrose. Over the years, nutritionists and researchers have battled back and forth about the pros and cons of aspartame. Is it healthier than actual sugar?  Or is it a dan…

Ostarine is Being Sold Illegally by Dietary Supplement Suppliers

…nded sportsmen and women who showed the presence of Ostarine in their drug tests. Athletes tend to complain about these positive test results. They tell anyone who will listen that the supplements were sold over the counter and didn’t list any banned substances among their ingredients.  To date, twenty-eight athletes have tested positive for Ostarine in the past two years, based on WADA test figures. The number is lower for USADA tests, if still s…

A Shot-Putter From Belarus Has Been Stripped of Her Olympic Medals For Using PEDs

…mage of the nation’s world-class athletes. In particular, a very sensitive new way of testing for oral Turinabol has toppled three different athletes from the country. Ostapchuk was the gold medal winner in shot-put when she competed at the Olympics in London in 2012. However, testing which happened “in competition” showed that she was positive for Primobolan. When this happened, she lashed out and blamed her former coach. She said that the coach,…

Female Olympic Gold Medalist Gets Her Ban Doubled For Falsifying Medical Records

…after providing a urine sample collected during an unannounced and out of competition test conducted by the IAAF. Immediately after the preliminary results came back positive for EPO Sumgong admitted that she used these performance-enhancing drugs, though she stated that she had been administered EPO in the course of an emergency medical visit in February 2017 – just six days prior to having the unannounced test conducted. Sumgong told investigat…

Study: Blueberries Protect Against Heart Attack

…0% certain they are doing everything they can to protect their bodies against cardiovascular issues in both the short and long-term. Sources:…

Past UFC champion Jon Jones calls out Colby Covington over PEDs

…th Jones, one of the most controversial athletes in UFC history. Covington opened up completely about how often Jones would use performance-enhancing drugs, going so far as to state that he saw Jones inject steroids directly into his body firsthandand that Jones would often fly into “roid rage” with alarming frequency. Jones took to social media took all Covington a liar, distancing himself from these new allegations. However, Covington seems t…