Watermelon May Speed Up Recovery

…e ‘functionality’ of watermelon juice rich in natural L-citrulline”, the researchers write. “Future research should be focused on the minimal concentrations of citrulline required for reduction of muscle fatigue and other health benefits in stress, athletic performance, and cardiovascular disease. This amino acid could be supplied as watermelon juice or as products enriched in L-citrulline from watermelon extraction.” As we said earlier, if you’re…

Nandrolone Damages Blood Vessels 11x More Than Testosterone

…alian doctors investigated the effect on endothelial cells when exposed to Testosterone, the testosterone precursor androstenedione and two precursors of Nandrolone.           The more an anabolic steroid reduces growth of the blood vessels the more dangerous it is. As you can see, Nandrolone came out on top, more so than Testosterone and its two precursors. Although Nandrolone came out the worst offender, its two precursors Norandrostenediol and

Elastic Indulgence: Ways to Avoid Overeating

…day without eating in order to gluttonize your way into a nice fat-filled coma come dinnertime. According to research conducted by the Calorie Control Council, the average American may devour as much as 4,500 calories – and a whopping 229 grams fat – during a typical holiday gathering. The average holiday dinner can contain an upward of 3,000 calories, and another 1,500 from snacking and drinking leading up to the big dinner. Combined, that’s the…

It Is More Than Just Supplements

…in question-it is at this point that coaching ceases to be a science and becomes an art.” This one quote has resonated with me for quite some time. This means we need to know when to go after it in the gym and when to take it easy, what specific supplements will work for each individual, an individualized nutritional plan based upon the athlete’s genetic makeup and sport, we need to manage stress, and turn negative moods into more positive outlook…

Building Solid Muscle By Choosing Protein Wisely

…However, unlike whey, casein digests at a much slower rate due to the interaction with certain stomach acids. “Honestly, it’s pretty much an equal substitute,” says Brian St. Pierre, sports dietician and nutrition coach at Precision Nutrition. “The research that compares whey to caseins post-workout is equivocal.” Depending on your activity levels, St. Pierre recommends taking 0.6 to 0.9 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight each day. Any more…

Diet vs. Exercise: The Showdown

…hen it pertains to diet and exercise, is to see how those ‘empty’ calories compare to the calories in healthy food. “For example, 500 calories is a lot apples,” says Fitch. “ You’d be extremely full after eating that much fruit, but you wouldn’t feel full if you drank those calories in a beer.” CONCLUSION When it comes down to it, losing weight can be a very daunting and challenging endeavor to embark on. Every little thing you do in the name of d…

The Benefits of Eggs For Muscle Building

…s on blood cholesterol levels,” Dr. Katz explains. This evidence should be comforting news for many, since cholesterol is the main reason why people decide to eliminate eggs from their diet. Research at the University of Connecticut also concluded that adults with metabolic syndrome – a cluster of conditions that include increased blood pressure, high blood sugar level and excess body fat around the waist – could eat three eggs a day when on a car…

Is Baking Soda the Key to Increasing Your Performance?

…about sodium bicarbonate is it is not banned by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). This means there will be no harm in trying some baking soda pre-workout. The dosages that seem to have the greatest effects in the literature are 20g-30g (.3-.4g/kg of bodyweight) taken 60 to 90 minutes before exercise. Make sure to take this dosage with a large quantity of water. My only caution to taking this supplement is it may suppress the body’s abili…

The Wonderment Of Almond Use

…. Your body uses protein to help build and repair tissue, and is a crucial component in the construction of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin and blood. And like with most fiber-rich foods, almonds help prevent constipation. When it comes to keeping your digestive tract running at optimal levels, it only takes a small amount – four to five almonds – to maintain regular bowel movements. OPTIMAL BRAIN FUNCTION According to Organicfacts.net, two essent…

Are Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) Worth Using?

…mprove performance and are they worth the money we spend on them? The good news is BCAAs can be purchased for under $20 and there has been quite substantial research done on them as a supplement. BCAAs are a group of amino acids, the building blocks of protein. Specifically, the amino acids are leucine, isoleucine, and valine. They can be obtained from food products such as meat, fish, and eggs. They can also be purchased in supplement form. Some…

Tyrosine And Sports Performance

…lementation can aid military troops by improving cognitive function during combat situations, then it should be able to help an athlete in a contest. Another major influencer on sports performance is travel. Often athletes are traveling across time zones and not sleeping in their own beds. This can lead to decreased sleep quality which in turn can lead to decreased performance. Just think how successful professional teams are when they have to tra…

Donโ€™t Fret the Fatty: The Link Between Stress & Obesity

…your total calorie intake under control. Consuming healthy snacks. WebMD recommends eating snacks that combine protein and carbohydrates. The body digests these at a slower rate, which will make you feel fuller longer. An example of this is almond butter and whole-grain crackers, or cheese and a piece of whole-grain bread. Consider what you’re eating. “When people are really stressed, they think that paying attention to their diet will cause more…

How Does Tongkat Ali Increase Testosterone Levels?

…of Eurycoma longifolia boost testosterone levels. The extracts contain the compounds eurycomanone and13-alpha (21) epoxy-eurycomanone, and these boost the production of the hormones leutinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), thus raising levels of testosterone. They used methanol to make an extract of Eurycoma longifolia and further purified it, separating it into to four different fractions. Over time the Malaysian researche…