The Benefits of the Glycemic Index

…ght. It’s especially pragmatic if you suffer from type 1 or type 2 diabetes, and are looking for a healthier meal plan that will help you with your ongoing treatment. As with most things in life, do your research first and talk to your doctor before committing your body to a diet plan that may otherwise not be suited to your best interest and overall well being. Be smart. And stay healthy….

Study: Is Citrus Extract Sinensetin Anabolic?

…he muscle tissue created by the older rats, but the difference disappeared completely as soon as the research team exposed older muscle cells to sinsentin from citrus fruits. One of the most interesting parts of this study was how quickly the sinsentin biochemical was able to have a huge impact on the older muscle tissue. This specific flavonoids increased production of anabolic signaling molecules almost immediately, helping to flood this muscle…