What Time Of Day Should You Exercise?

…ibly the following week. There’s no arguing the fact that other priorities come up that you must tend to first. With that being said, wouldn’t it be more beneficial if you got the workout out of the way first thing in the morning? By getting your exercise out of the way early, it frees you up to do other social activities after work – like going to happy hour with friends and/or coworkers – or spending more time with the family. Either way, it’s a…

The Nutritional Benefits of Choline

…al.com There are many nutritional components that make up a healthy diet – components, when combined with regular exercise, can contribute to a long and active life. However, in this day and age, where there are so many food choices on the market – especially the “fast food options” – it’s hard to stick to a healthy and well-balanced diet regimen. No matter what diet plan you choose, consuming the right amount of essential vitamins and nutrients s…

Dietary Supplements for Joints

…supplements like Omega 3. Glucosamine is often added along with a similar compound named chondroitin. These compounds have less of an effect on soft tissue and bones than other dietary supplements for joints, but they seem to work better on one important part of the joint: cartilage. When taken as a dietary supplement, glucosamine has been found to improve cartilage health, expand joint mobility, and slow damage to the joints due to aging. Both g…

The Truth Surrounding DHEA

…ing, but can the hormone actually extend the human life span? “While the research literature strongly supports this claim, it still remains unproven,” says Klatz. The following are some of the diseases/health ailments that experts have tested DHEA on, and what they discovered during their testing: General “anti-aging” effects: One of the longest studies on DHEA was a two-year Mayo Clinic trial of people over 60 in the “New England Journal of Medic…

Diet vs. Exercise: The Showdown

…hen it pertains to diet and exercise, is to see how those ‘empty’ calories compare to the calories in healthy food. “For example, 500 calories is a lot apples,” says Fitch. “ You’d be extremely full after eating that much fruit, but you wouldn’t feel full if you drank those calories in a beer.” CONCLUSION When it comes down to it, losing weight can be a very daunting and challenging endeavor to embark on. Every little thing you do in the name of d…

The Importance of Protein For The Aging Athlete

…n your body – including proteins that help make up your immune system. For example, immunoglobulins – also called antibodies – are proteins that circulate in your blood and make up key components of a strong immune system. Proteins are also part of antibodies, which help attack viruses, bacteria, or other foreign substances in your body. ENERGY When the proteins you eat are digested, they’re broken down into individual amino acids, so that the cel…

Rich Piana has died

…ay during the night of Thursday August 24. Rich was in a medically induced coma after banging his head on August 7. He was said to have collapsed in his bathroom for unknown reasons.    For those unaware, Rich Piana is bodybuilder and social media celebrity and founder of “Rich Piana 5% Nutrition”. He has a large following on Instagram with some 1.2m followers.  TMZ.com first reported the turn of events last week. It stated a possible overdose was…

Doctor Pleads Guilty After Importing Deca-Durabolin

…ile the drug-related issues were resolved, it remains to be seen what will come of his sexual assault cases. The odds are pretty good that the doctor isn’t going to be able to out run his legal troubles. Harnetty faces many years behind bars if convicted of multiple sexual assault charges.  Source: http://trib.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/two-charges-against-former-casper-doctor-dismissed-he-still-faces/article_3f829d9d-dad0-5e85-aac6-3ef584df2…

The Health Benefits of Vitamin K2

…els, as well as the redistribution of that calcium back to your bones. Without adequate levels of K2, this process is inefficient and can lead to bone and cardiovascular health issues. This connection has led many health professionals to recommend K2 supplements to those who are already taking bone health supplements like vitamin D, calcium and magnesium to ensure the calcium is transported to where it’s supposed to go – your bones….

The founder of Alpha Pharma charged and arrested with steroid trafficking in the UK

…pite everything that was already known about his involvement in the sister company Alpha Pharma Healthcare, he still felt comfortable to travel between his home in India and his home in Denmark several times each year. It is still not known as to why he was travelling through the United Kingdom, although it is likely that he was making a transfer at the airport. Regardless of this, it placed him within Easy reach of the United Kingdom’s law enforc…

Saw Palmetto and Testosterone

…ular herbal treatment for BPH. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) commonly recommends saw palmetto as an alternative treatment to BPH. According to the Mayo Clinic, more than two million American men use saw palmetto to treat the condition. The fruit of saw palmetto is available in several forms, including liquid tablets, capsules and tea.  Saw palmetto is also sometimes used to treat the following: • Low sperm count • Low sex drive • Hai…

Prison Worker Jailed After Smuggling Anabolic Steroids

…he contraband into the facility, and that she abused her abilities to move freely throughout the prison as a part of the staff to distribute this contraband to inmates throughout the facilities. Investigators requested her mobile phone records and discovered more than 1500 phone calls, text messages, and digital messages made between June 2017 and September 2017 that corroborated the entire story. It turns out that Farr had been conspiring with an…

The Benefits of the Glycemic Index

…ght. It’s especially pragmatic if you suffer from type 1 or type 2 diabetes, and are looking for a healthier meal plan that will help you with your ongoing treatment. As with most things in life, do your research first and talk to your doctor before committing your body to a diet plan that may otherwise not be suited to your best interest and overall well being. Be smart. And stay healthy….

The Benefits of Eggs For Muscle Building

…s on blood cholesterol levels,” Dr. Katz explains. This evidence should be comforting news for many, since cholesterol is the main reason why people decide to eliminate eggs from their diet. Research at the University of Connecticut also concluded that adults with metabolic syndrome – a cluster of conditions that include increased blood pressure, high blood sugar level and excess body fat around the waist – could eat three eggs a day when on a car…

Fish Oil May Help Hay Fever

…hnical University of Munich who looked at precisely this [1]. The German researchers measured the amount of omega-3 fatty acids present in the membranes of the red blood cells of 325 women and 243 men (568). Firstly, the scientists wanted to know which of whom of their subjects was sensitised to hay fever, so they looked to see if any of them had anti-bodies against pollen proteins. They then asked the subjects if they were troubles by hay fever a…

Soya Protein Causes Growth Hormone Spike

Blog Entry #94 By Admin – Steroidal.com Soya protein is a popular alternative to whey or milk protein and has been available as a supplement for decades. Derived from soya beans, soya protein comes in both concentrate and the more expensive refined isolate form. Soya is a viable alternative to milk derived protein due to many being lactose intolerant or experiencing stomach problem from whey and casein ingestion. Soya is digested slightly slower…

Maintain More Muscle Mass When Cutting With L-Citrulline

…given 60% of their daily food for two weeks, which reduced their fat mass, compared to the rats that were allowed to eat as much as they wanted. The table below shows that when rats were given 1g of L-citrulline per kilogram of bodyweight, the rats retained more muscle mass than the controls [R-CIT 1] before going to sleep.               L-leucine was also mixed with the rats feed, but surprisingly didn’t have a significant effect on retaining mus…

Prostate Protection From Vitamin C When Using Steroids

…inhibitor use, like Aromaisn or Anastrozole will prevent estrogen levels becoming wildly out of control which will help a prevent number of side effects. Anabolic steroid users, or hormone replacement therapy (HRT) patients, often experience an increased level of prostate-specific antigen (PSA), which leads to a higher risk of developing prostate cancer. Levels of BPH are related to PSA and exposure to PSA is linked to prostate cancer. Apart from…

Going Green: Living the Vegetarian Lifestyle

…continue eating meat would pack on more weight over a five-year period, as compared to those who switched to vegetarianism. The study examined 22,000 meat eaters, fish eaters, vegetarians and vegans [1]. Have better cholesterol levels. Scientists at the University of Toronto demonstrated that a vegetarian diet made up of specific plant-foods could lower cholesterol as effectively as drug treatment [2]. Live longer. An article published in Food Tec…

Good Carbs v. Bad: The Showdown

…f energy. Carbs come in several forms and are grouped into two categories: complex and simple. Complex carbs are the good carbohydrates and consist of a chemical structure that is made up of three or more sugars linked together to form a chain. These sugars are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Simple carbs, or bad carbs, include table sugar, fructose, fruit sugar or corn syrup. The body breaks down these carbohydrates too quickly to furnish…

BCAAs Improve Good Cholesterol (HDL)

…corded. The mice were sedentary and did not exercise. After four weeks had passed the Italian researchers looked at the mice’s blood and found some genes had been altered. They found the mice that had ingested the BCAA mixture had higher levels of Apolipoprotein A-1. Apolipoprotein A-I is the major protein component of high-density lipoprotein (HDL). When this gene increases, so do HDL levels creating a more favourable cholesterol profile.        …

The Carnal Escapades of Fad Dieting

…sort of physical activity to your diet regimen – resistance training is recommended ¾ in order to help your body burn more stored fat. THE FOLLOW THROUGH When it comes to diet and weight loss, self-control and dedication are two major factors in order to succeed at achieving your goal. If you find your will power begin to slip during your chosen diet plan, take a moment to remember why you’re doing it in the first place: for a healthier and bette…

Honey Bee Drone Milk Increases Testosterone & Anabolic

…olic effect. They only saw androgenic effects when the rats were given the combination [C].               The researchers suspect drone milk stimulates the products of DHEA in the adrenal glands. If this is the case, it may also mean estrogen levels rising not only from testosterone aromatasing from testosterone to estrogen. For an athlete or bodybuilder weighing 80kg, you’d need 1,420mg every day of drone milk to repeat this study. Like most earl…

Is Baking Soda the Key to Increasing Your Performance?

…increase performance in the gym. This household product is baking soda, or commonly referred to as sodium bicarbonate. Maybe the Arm and Hammer guy got so jacked from ingesting some of his own product pre-workout? Sodium bicarbonate has been researched as a performance enhancer for quite some time. It shows its biggest effects when ingested before a high intensity workout. The idea is that sodium bicarbonate can create a more alkaline cellular env…