The Health Benefits of Citrus Bergamot

…fect noted in the initial bergamot studies. While it could eventually be recommended as a complement to statins – with the potential for a lower statin dose – larger scale studies are necessary to establish the supplement’s safety. Bergamot extract must be handled with special care, as exposure to direct sunlight can render the extract toxic. As with any supplement, it is best to discuss with a physician before using them. “I would tell a patient…

The Health Benefits of Vitamin K2

…function, a healthy metabolism and protect against cancer. According to researchers from Mid America Heart Institute at Saint Luke’s Hospital, research has shown that vitamin K is an “anticalcification, anticancer, bone-forming and insulin-sensitizing molecule.” It’s many protective effects make it one of the best vitamins for adult men and women. Vitamin K is most well-known for being responsible for bone building and blood clotting. Blood would…

The founder of Alpha Pharma charged and arrested with steroid trafficking in the UK

…pite everything that was already known about his involvement in the sister company Alpha Pharma Healthcare, he still felt comfortable to travel between his home in India and his home in Denmark several times each year. It is still not known as to why he was travelling through the United Kingdom, although it is likely that he was making a transfer at the airport. Regardless of this, it placed him within Easy reach of the United Kingdom’s law enforc…

Saw Palmetto and Testosterone

…ular herbal treatment for BPH. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) commonly recommends saw palmetto as an alternative treatment to BPH. According to the Mayo Clinic, more than two million American men use saw palmetto to treat the condition. The fruit of saw palmetto is available in several forms, including liquid tablets, capsules and tea.  Saw palmetto is also sometimes used to treat the following: • Low sperm count • Low sex drive • Hai…

Prison Worker Jailed After Smuggling Anabolic Steroids

…he contraband into the facility, and that she abused her abilities to move freely throughout the prison as a part of the staff to distribute this contraband to inmates throughout the facilities. Investigators requested her mobile phone records and discovered more than 1500 phone calls, text messages, and digital messages made between June 2017 and September 2017 that corroborated the entire story. It turns out that Farr had been conspiring with an…

Nandrolone Damages Blood Vessels 11x More Than Testosterone

…alian doctors investigated the effect on endothelial cells when exposed to Testosterone, the testosterone precursor androstenedione and two precursors of Nandrolone.           The more an anabolic steroid reduces growth of the blood vessels the more dangerous it is. As you can see, Nandrolone came out on top, more so than Testosterone and its two precursors. Although Nandrolone came out the worst offender, its two precursors Norandrostenediol and

Elastic Indulgence: Ways to Avoid Overeating

…day without eating in order to gluttonize your way into a nice fat-filled coma come dinnertime. According to research conducted by the Calorie Control Council, the average American may devour as much as 4,500 calories – and a whopping 229 grams fat – during a typical holiday gathering. The average holiday dinner can contain an upward of 3,000 calories, and another 1,500 from snacking and drinking leading up to the big dinner. Combined, that’s the…

Vitamin C Enhances Fat Loss

…min C, other known as Ascorbic acid, is one of the most popular and well-researched vitamins of all due to its many health benefits. We have written before about vitamin C and it improving health when using anabolic steroids, and recently how vitamin C can be used to protect the prostate. Vitamin C is a potent anti-oxidant and will help protect us against; immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, cancers and strokes. Athletes and bodybu…

Don’t Fret the Fatty: The Link Between Stress & Obesity

…your total calorie intake under control. Consuming healthy snacks. WebMD recommends eating snacks that combine protein and carbohydrates. The body digests these at a slower rate, which will make you feel fuller longer. An example of this is almond butter and whole-grain crackers, or cheese and a piece of whole-grain bread. Consider what you’re eating. “When people are really stressed, they think that paying attention to their diet will cause more…

BCAAs Improve Good Cholesterol (HDL)

…sedentary and did not exercise. After four weeks had passed the Italian researchers looked at the mice’s blood and found some genes had been altered. They found the mice that had ingested the BCAA mixture had higher levels of Apolipoprotein A-1. Apolipoprotein A-I is the major protein component of high-density lipoprotein (HDL). When this gene increases, so do HDL levels creating a more favourable cholesterol profile.                 Limitations…

Caffeine Boosts Testosterone After Training

…primarily due to the massive caffeine dose of 800mg by 51%, but the ratio of testosterone:cortisol decreased by 14%, creating a less favourable environment for muscle growth. The New Zealand researches conclude, “Caffeine has some potential to benefit training outcomes via the anabolic effects of the increase in testosterone concentration, but this benefit might be counteracted by the opposing catabolic effects of the increase in cortisol and resu…

The Carnal Escapades of Fad Dieting

…sort of physical activity to your diet regimen – resistance training is recommended ¾ in order to help your body burn more stored fat. THE FOLLOW THROUGH When it comes to diet and weight loss, self-control and dedication are two major factors in order to succeed at achieving your goal. If you find your will power begin to slip during your chosen diet plan, take a moment to remember why you’re doing it in the first place: for a healthier and bette…

Honey Bee Drone Milk Increases Testosterone & Anabolic

…If this is the case, it may also mean estrogen levels rising not only from testosterone aromatasing from testosterone to estrogen. For an athlete or bodybuilder weighing 80kg, you’d need 1,420mg every day of drone milk to repeat this study. Like most early data on supplement ingredients, this study was also on rodents and not humans, so more research may be needed before we suggest adding this to post cycle therapy (PCT) protocols, or to gain an e…

Betaine Builds Muscle Plus Cuts Fat & Anabolic

and hormonal markers were examined. After the supplementation period the researchers got the students to train their legs. Just before [Pre] and 15 minutes after the workout [Post] the researchers analysed the subjects’ blood. Just before the workout and 10 minutes afterwards they also took a sample of muscle cells out of the subjects’ leg muscle. This was done on betaine supplementation and after taking placebo. Fifteen minutes after the betaine…

Losing Weight Without Putting Down the Fork

…them with lean protein and healthy fats. HOW IT WORKS Consuming the right combination of protein and carbs is designed to teach dieters how to combine foods on the fat loss plate to, according to Ferguson, “speed up metabolism, which helps burn fat.” Fast carbs – white bread, instant oatmeal, pretzels, crackers and white rice – rapidly transpose to sugar and increase insulin levels, whereas the preferred slow carbs – steel cut oatmeal, oat bran,…

Watermelon May Speed Up Recovery

…e ‘functionality’ of watermelon juice rich in natural L-citrulline”, the researchers write. “Future research should be focused on the minimal concentrations of citrulline required for reduction of muscle fatigue and other health benefits in stress, athletic performance, and cardiovascular disease. This amino acid could be supplied as watermelon juice or as products enriched in L-citrulline from watermelon extraction.” As we said earlier, if you’re…

Tyrosine And Sports Performance

…lementation can aid military troops by improving cognitive function during combat situations, then it should be able to help an athlete in a contest. Another major influencer on sports performance is travel. Often athletes are traveling across time zones and not sleeping in their own beds. This can lead to decreased sleep quality which in turn can lead to decreased performance. Just think how successful professional teams are when they have to tra…

It Is More Than Just Supplements

…in question-it is at this point that coaching ceases to be a science and becomes an art.” This one quote has resonated with me for quite some time. This means we need to know when to go after it in the gym and when to take it easy, what specific supplements will work for each individual, an individualized nutritional plan based upon the athlete’s genetic makeup and sport, we need to manage stress, and turn negative moods into more positive outlook…

Are Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) Worth Using?

…s. They can also be purchased in supplement form. Some of these supplement companies market the increased performance gains associated with BCAA supplementation. However, this is not the case. Research has continually shown that BCAA supplementation does not enhance athletic performance. Does this mean that is not a worthwhile supplement? Absolutely not. Research has shown that BCAA supplementation can be a major aid in muscle recovery. In fact, t…

The Importance of Calcium

…ked full of calcium and can aid in meeting your daily intake. Calcium also comes in a wide range of vitamins and supplements. According to WebMD, two common dietary calcium supplements that can be found at your local drug or grocery store include citrate and carbonate. Calcium citrate tends to be more expensive, but is absorbed superbly by the body on either a full or empty stomach. Calcium carbonate is less expensive and can be found in certain a…

The Importance of Breakfast

…re, RD, of Aramark at Baylor Regional Medical Center in Plano, TX. When it comes to losing and maintaining your weight, flooding your body with foods that are high in fats and calories is not a health conscious decision. According to the National Weight Control Registry, 80 percent of the individuals in the registry that have lost at least 30 pounds – and kept it off for an entire year – consumed a breakfast every morning that was high in protein,…

The Wonderment Of Almond Use

…. Your body uses protein to help build and repair tissue, and is a crucial component in the construction of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin and blood. And like with most fiber-rich foods, almonds help prevent constipation. When it comes to keeping your digestive tract running at optimal levels, it only takes a small amount – four to five almonds – to maintain regular bowel movements. OPTIMAL BRAIN FUNCTION According to, two essent…

The Benefits of Eggs For Muscle Building

…s on blood cholesterol levels,” Dr. Katz explains. This evidence should be comforting news for many, since cholesterol is the main reason why people decide to eliminate eggs from their diet. Research at the University of Connecticut also concluded that adults with metabolic syndrome – a cluster of conditions that include increased blood pressure, high blood sugar level and excess body fat around the waist – could eat three eggs a day when on a car…

Diet vs. Exercise: The Showdown

…or to embark on. Every little thing you do in the name of diet and exercise is a small victory for your body. The experts proclaim that focusing more on your diet has the greater effect on weight loss. However, when combined with regular exercise (three to four days a week recommended) can leave you feeling good and giving your body the energy it needs to propel forward toward a long and fruitful life. Sky’s the limit….

Vitamin D and Strength Training

…son vitamin D may play a critical role in strength gains is its effects on testosterone. We all know that testosterone is credited with building size and strength. There are receptor sites for vitamin D found in the reproductive tracts of males and supplementation of vitamin D has been shown to increase testosterone levels in overweight males (4). Vitamin D not only increases testosterone levels in men increasing their strength, but it may also be…