
…e for sale. However, the one place where it is very common to find is on research chemical websites. It is a very desired compound on those sites, but coincidentally, it is also very low in supply. That said, it remains a very popular item, so if you do try to get it online, be prepared to pay a pretty penny for it. Conlclusion: Overall, Caber is a great product for the anabolic steroid user because it provides a practical prevention of prolactin-…

Estrogenic Steroids

…ds Most aromatizable androgens are direct derivatives of Testosterone. For example, Testosterone, Boldenone (Equipoise), Dianabol (Methandrostenolone) and Deca-Durabolin (Nandrolone) are three prime examples of compounds that aromatize. That is to say, all of these compounds (and others, less popular) act as recognized substrates of the aromatase enzyme. Not all aromatization is equal, however. Some exhibit a lower rate of aromatization than other…

Top Endocrinologist Has Been Administering PEDs To Elite Athletes

…. Other endocrinologist basically shunned Brown for his very controversial testing protocol and very suspect diagnosis of these athletes, and most in the medical community were aware that Brown was doing so in an effort to prescribe performance-enhancing drugs under the innocuous appearing umbrella of medication. The USADA had been looking into Brown for a while for they stumbled upon his connection to the Nike Oregon Project, but he was a bit of…

Itโ€™s Time for Big Pharma to Work with Law Enforcement to Stop the Smuggling of Illegal and Counterfeit Drugs

…either fake or of a substandard quality. The WHO is calling on Big Pharma companies to get their act together, innovating new ways to protect their supply chain, to better identify legitimate drugs from counterfeits and fakes, and to find a way to push back against those that are looking to break down the trust that the global population has in pharmaceutical interventions to begin with. The WHO also recommends that nations around the world start…

Human Growth Hormone Cycle

…st stack, as it will provide a very lean and hard physique favorable for a competition. Testosterone has been reduced to a TRT dose of 100mg weekly in order to merely maintain normal physiological function of Testosterone in the absence of endogenous Testosterone levels that have been suppressed by the use of anabolic steroids. This TRT dose of Testosterone also serves to control Estrogen levels so as to eliminate the possibility of Estrogen-relat…

Parabolan Dosage

…dvanced level anabolic steroid that is very rarely suited for beginners or newcomers to the anabolic steroid world. However, being that is the case, Parabolan among the users who are experienced enough to use it can be categorized into the three tiers of users among Trenbolone users themselves (not as general anabolic steroid users). Therefore, a Parabolan user should be an individual with sufficient experience and cycle experience to be able to c…


…. The following is a breakdown of the various compounds of concern when it comes to Gynecomastia. Aromatizable Anabolic Steroids (High rate of aromatization): – Cheque Drops (Mibolerone) – Methyltestosterone Aromatizable Anabolic Steroids (Moderate rate of aromatization): – Testosterone (all esters and blends) – Dianabol (Methandrostenolone) Aromatizable Anabolic Steroids (Low rate of aromatization): – Deca-Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate) – Equip…

Primobolan Dosage

…2 weeks or 200mg every 2 – 3 weeks. There exist no separate medical dosing guidelines for female patients. 2. Oral Primobolan (Methenolone Acetate): Medical prescription guidelines for the oral variant of Primobolan were that of 100 – 150mg per day for no longer than a 6 – 8 week period. Just as with the injectable Primobolan prescription guidelines, there are no separate instructions for female Primobolan doses. Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced P…

HGH Side Effects

…bodybuilders. In such cases, organ growth (in this case specifically the intestines) becomes large enough to start pressing outward against the abdomen, often giving the gut a distended look when un-flexed. Other minor but more rare side effects of GH that varies among individuals also includes: flu-like symptoms, headaches, back pain, dizziness, nausea, and rhinitis (the inflammation of the mucous membranes in the nose and sinuses, often creating…

Onion Juice Increases Testosterone Levels

…te that the rise in testosterone is due to the anti-oxidant effects on the testes. To go a little further, the researchers suspect that the antioxidants in question are probably selenium compounds found in onions, and phenols such as quercetin and isorhamnetin. The second study we’re going to look at is another Iranian one, done recently in February 2014 at the Jordan University of Science and Technology [2]. This time the study was done to find a…

Green Tea, Resveratrol & Grape Seed Extract Enhance Fat Loss

…s. These combinations of were taken for three days. On the third day the researchers tested to see how many calories the subjects were burning. Energy expenditure was tested both before eating [pre-meal] and after containing a primary fat meal replacement [post-meal]. When the researchers looked at the effects of the combination of EGCG, resveratrol, grape seed extract and wine phenols, they found the subjected burned 0.05 kilocalories per minute…

Effects Of Testosterone Gel & Growth Hormone Short Term For HRT

…utropin growth hormone per day for 16 weeks, which is a pretty average and common dose of both compounds for anti-ageing. This trial looks mainly at what gains from the HRT doses of testosterone and growth hormone were made in the time they were receiving the compounds, and also what was left up to three months after finishing the course of drugs. Unfortunately, as you’ll see, not much was left when they finished the drugs. The figure below shows…

Monounsaturated Fats Extend Lifespan

…nsaturated fatty acids they consumed, the longer they lived. The Italian researchers conclude, “In conclusion, in this prospective study on older nondemented subjects with a typical Mediterranean diet, a higher MUFA intake increased survival, while a higher UFA/SFA ratio increased total mortality, but only marginally.” Monounsaturated fats should be a part of your diet if you wish to lead a healthy lifestyle and is imperative if bodybuilding or an…

Maintain More Muscle Mass When Cutting With L-Citrulline

…given 60% of their daily food for two weeks, which reduced their fat mass, compared to the rats that were allowed to eat as much as they wanted. The table below shows that when rats were given 1g of L-citrulline per kilogram of bodyweight, the rats retained more muscle mass than the controls [R-CIT 1] before going to sleep.               L-leucine was also mixed with the rats feed, but surprisingly didn’t have a significant effect on retaining mus…

We Are a Performance Enhancement Society & Anabolic Steroids Are No Different

…rrently utilize with everything else in our society. We should be allowing freedom for science to research anabolic steroids and PEDs so that we might be able to reduce or eliminate the potential risks/hazards, and/or perhaps develop or discover a hypothetically ‘completely safe’ anabolic steroid or PED. Unfortunately, with these prohibitionist medieval and archaic attitudes that the majority of our society harbors towards PEDs and anabolic steroi…

How Effective Is An Anavar Only Cycle?

…uction moderately and cause the steroid user to experience symptoms of low testosterone. Because Anavar is a dihydrotestosterone (DHT) related anabolic steroid, its androgenic effects can cause libido to increase, even though endogenous testosterone may be inhibited, making it an excellent choice as an oral only based steroid cycle. But how effective is Anavar used alone? Today we’re going to look at a study done at the University of Southern Cali…

Going Green: Living the Vegetarian Lifestyle

…continue eating meat would pack on more weight over a five-year period, as compared to those who switched to vegetarianism. The study examined 22,000 meat eaters, fish eaters, vegetarians and vegans [1]. Have better cholesterol levels. Scientists at the University of Toronto demonstrated that a vegetarian diet made up of specific plant-foods could lower cholesterol as effectively as drug treatment [2]. Live longer. An article published in Food Tec…

Good Carbs v. Bad: The Showdown

…f energy. Carbs come in several forms and are grouped into two categories: complex and simple. Complex carbs are the good carbohydrates and consist of a chemical structure that is made up of three or more sugars linked together to form a chain. These sugars are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Simple carbs, or bad carbs, include table sugar, fructose, fruit sugar or corn syrup. The body breaks down these carbohydrates too quickly to furnish…

Vitamin C Enhances Fat Loss

…min C, other known as Ascorbic acid, is one of the most popular and well-researched vitamins of all due to its many health benefits. We have written before about vitamin C and it improving health when using anabolic steroids, and recently how vitamin C can be used to protect the prostate. Vitamin C is a potent anti-oxidant and will help protect us against; immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, cancers and strokes. Athletes and bodybu…

BCAAs Improve Good Cholesterol (HDL)

…ct of anabolic steroid use and need to be controlled and checked via blood testing. The good news is BCAA supplementation can help improve your cholesterol profile, as well as give you an extra kick in performance and increase protein synthesis via mTOR signalling. Today we’re going to look at a study, which was done in 2013, at the University of Pavia in Italy, and published in the respected Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutritio…

Curcumin Increases Testosterone Levels

…the blood were 32% lower in the Gallic acid group than the control. In the combination group testosterone was 184% higher showing a significant improvement. In the Circumin alone group the testosterone concentrations were a massive 257% higher! “Based on our results, Curcumin might be used as an alternative drug for the treatment of male infertility problems”, the Nigerians write. “However, the exact mechanism of action and dose analysis need to b…

Testosterone Effects On Cholesterol

…th the Enanthate ester attached slowing the release of the parent hormone, Testosterone, comes in a variety of concentrations. The most common of which is 250mg per ml found in amps and 10ml vials. Injectable testosterone based anabolic steroids are important as they are widely used as a base in the majority of steroid cycles, and are also the most common delivery method when administering hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Of course, bodybuilding…

Olive Oil Increases Testosterone & Lowers Cortisol

…odyweight. Using a similar model to the study done in 2001, the Japanese researchers tested the rat’s nitrogen retention. They did this by examining the number of nitrogen molecules in the rat’s droppings and urine. The more nitrogen retention in the body, whether that is rodents or humans, indicates that the body is building proteins (muscle). Anabolic steroids known to enhance nitrogen dramatically is Deca-Durabolin and Dianabol.                …

Whey Protein Pre-Workout Reduces Cortisol & Increases Testosterone

…ared to soya protein and maltodextrin.             The US researchers also tested testosterone after the three occasions. What they found was a favourable increase in testosterone when the whey protein isolate was consumed, when compared to the other two shakes. An increased testosterone level will mean an increase in protein synthesis, nitrogen retention and aggression. This blunting or cortisol and increasing testosterone leads to an anabolic ef…

Part 2: Testosterone Recovery After Deca-Durabolin

…lar axis (HPTA). This occurs when both LH and FSH are suppressed and intra-testicular testosterone (ITT) is also decreased. To maintain testicular size and function when using anabolic steroids, we suggest using human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) at 250-500ius per week along with an aromatase inhibitor (AI).               There were also large differences in the men’s fertility recovery. Due to a loss of natural hormones, spermatogenesis will also…