Clomid Raises Testosterone Levels

…mid is part of most post cycle therapy (PCT) protocols and is an essential compound to learn about when delving in the anabolic steroid world. Being an anti-estrogen, Clomiphene can also be used to stop gynecomastia as it reduces breast cell differentiation and proliferation, much the same as Tamoxifen does. Today we’re going to look at how effective it is at raising testosterone levels in males, and also its positive effects when used during PCT…

Is Tongkat Ali Effective In Healthy Men?

…of Eurycoma longifolia extract for three months is well-tolerated and safe compared to placebo.”, the Malaysian researchers write. Although this study does not show very positive changes in testosterone levels or sex drive, many do claim to experience this. Perhaps the more refined extract LJ100 would be more applicable and this study does not also rule out testosterone rising when hypogondal or when the user has a low natural testosterone level t…

Steroid Testing: ARL Primobolan Result

…to Janoshik in Slovenia.  The 1.5ml sample were forwarded and received by the analytical laboratory Janoshik on June 26, 2019, whilst the test was ordered on June 20, 2019. Janoshik performed HPLC-UV quantitative dosage testing testing shortly afterwards. The report was completed and received by on June 30, 2019 via email. The multi dosage labelled 10ml vial of ARL Primobolan was identified as batch #445. Label claim: 100mg/ml Primob…

5g BCAA Pre-Workout Equals Less Muscle Soreness

…overall concentration of BCAAs. The women’s BCAAs dosage per kg was 92mg, compared to the mens, which was 77mg per kg. The Japanese researchers did not investigate exactly how the BCAAs caused less muscle soreness in the subjects, but speculate, “”BCAA may attenuate exercise-induced protein breakdown, while leucine may stimulate muscle protein synthesis”, the researchers write. “If the finding is substantiated, the results could support the usefu…

DHEA Cream Stops Skin Ageing And Prevents Wrinkles

…her a cream containing 1% DHEA for four months. After the four months were completed the researchers first found that the number of active sebaceous glands in the DHEA group had increased significantly. Wrinkles around the eyes were measured and had increased by 15% in the group given placebo, whilst the DHEA cream group had no increased at all. The total amount of wrinkled skin around the eyes in the control group increased by 25% as well. The DH…

Testosterone Propionate Helps Muscle Memory

…e fibres also became 77 percent thicker.         Fourteen days later the researchers stopped giving the mice Testosterone Propionate. The dimensions of the muscle fibres decreased, whilst the muscle cells inside the muscle fibres remained the same. Three months followed and the researchers forced the mice to exercise their muscle for a period of six days. The muscle of the mice that had received the Testosterone Propionate pellets some fourteen we…

Fish Oil Enhances Muscle Building

…atty acids had no effect on the other anabolic signal molecules that the researchers also examined: mTOR, Akt, 4EBP1 and rps6.           “Fish oil supplementation containing a higher proportion of EPA than DHA could be the most efficacious in improving protein accretion in response to anabolic stimuli such as L-leucine/resistance exercise and could attenuate protein breakdown in ageing skeletal muscle”, the researchers in Aberdeen conclude. “Furth…

Progesterone And Prolactin: Clearing Confusion

…lic steroids that act as Progestins can be particularly suppressive to the HPTA more so than other compounds, and their interaction with the Progesterone receptor can exacerbate the potential for the development of gynecomastia by increasing the sensitivity of Estrogen receptor to Estrogens. Prolactin can be a concern because elevated Prolactin levels in men will result in lactation from the nipples, as well as suppression of the HPTA and endogeno…

Anadrol Effects On Cholesterol And Liver Values

…holone, is known as the most powerful of all oral anabolic steroids. Often compared to Dianabol, Anadrol is a common oral steroid added to a bulking stack when athletes and bodybuilders are after more mass. First brought to the market in the early 1960’s, its use has grown to be one of the most popular steroids used today. Used medically to treat muscle wasting and weight loss based conditions and disorders, it’s also a potent compound for adding…

How Does Tongkat Ali Increase Testosterone Levels?

…of Eurycoma longifolia boost testosterone levels. The extracts contain the compounds eurycomanone and13-alpha (21) epoxy-eurycomanone, and these boost the production of the hormones leutinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), thus raising levels of testosterone. They used methanol to make an extract of Eurycoma longifolia and further purified it, separating it into to four different fractions. Over time the Malaysian researche…

Is Anavar Good For Fat Loss?

…confused for lean muscle gains, although muscle mass will be lost as time passes as well. But what research has been done on Oxandrolone in terms of how good it is at burning body fat and does this body fat stay off post cycle? When Anavar was first brought to market, various medical studies were conducted by the US Government, and partly by Savient who manufactured Anavar back in the 1960’s. Moderate Oxandrolone dosages were given to elderly sub…

Vitamins Minerals and Testosterone

…having a solid nutrition program can have drastic positive effects on body composition. Whether it be losing excess body fat, adding lean muscle mass or wishing to increase strength your diet is often key to your success and should be the driving force behind your goals. Consuming a diet rich in protein is paramount to building lean muscle mass in men and women, as well as carbohydrate and fat sources having their place in a well balanced diet. Bu…

Triptorelin Restores Bodybuilders Hormones

…ect it has on testosterone levels. Triptorelin is also only available by research chemical companies. You need to put a lot of trust into this company as if the peptide is dosed wrong, you’re going to have a long road ahead trying to restore testosterone. If this can be obtained legally and with a prescription, that would be ideal, although then you’d probably be on HRT and not require Triptorelin anyhow. Source: Fertil Steril. 2010 Apr 21. [Epub…

Human Growth Hormone And Healing

…althy individuals increased collagen synthesis by up to 6-fold without causing any side effects”, the Danes write. “An increase of this magnitude holds clinical perspectives in relation to traumatic musculoskeletal injuries, where the collagen matrix inevitably is damaged.” So the Danish researchers speculate that growth hormone could be used as an injury treatment due to helping repair collagen quicker than the control. Similar studies exist demo…

BCAA Supplementation Is Anti-Catabolic

By Admin – Branch-chain amino acids or BCAAs are nutrients the body obtain from foods. Foods rich in BCAAs are meat, fish, dairy, eggs and most protein based foods. The amino acids making up BCAAs include; leucine, isoleucine, and valine. These three amino acids are present in most protein foods and products and also a lot of supplements. We all know how important protein intake is for muscle building and growth (or should do) and m…

Garlic Is Anabolic And Boosts Testosterone

…first Japanese study done at the Kobe University, and by a pharmaceutical company called Riken, the researchers tested rats given a protein diet and garlic powder [1]. The rats were split into three groups and given varied amounts of protein, 10%, 20% and 40% protein in their diet. The Japanese scientists then split each diet group into two sub groups. One was given ordinary feed containing 10%, 20% or 40% protein; the feed for the other sub grou…

Monounsaturated Fats Extend Lifespan

…nsaturated fatty acids they consumed, the longer they lived. The Italian researchers conclude, “In conclusion, in this prospective study on older nondemented subjects with a typical Mediterranean diet, a higher MUFA intake increased survival, while a higher UFA/SFA ratio increased total mortality, but only marginally.” Monounsaturated fats should be a part of your diet if you wish to lead a healthy lifestyle and is imperative if bodybuilding or an…

Nandrolone Damages Blood Vessels 11x More Than Testosterone

…Deca-Durabolin and NPP – has been found to be damaging to blood vessels. Researchers from the University of L’Aquila in Italy have discovered that Nandrolone is eleven times more potent than Testosterone at destroying blood vessel lining in human cells. Using anabolic steroids such as Testosterone and Nandrolone increase the risk of fatal heart failure. This is then increased again by using human growth hormone, larger steroid doses and prolonged…

We Are a Performance Enhancement Society & Anabolic Steroids Are No Different

…rrently utilize with everything else in our society. We should be allowing freedom for science to research anabolic steroids and PEDs so that we might be able to reduce or eliminate the potential risks/hazards, and/or perhaps develop or discover a hypothetically ‘completely safe’ anabolic steroid or PED. Unfortunately, with these prohibitionist medieval and archaic attitudes that the majority of our society harbors towards PEDs and anabolic steroi…

Flaxseed Oil vs. Fish Oil: The Showdown

By Anthoney J. Andersen – When it comes to maintaining a proper diet and healthy lifestyle, it can often be a complicated and discouraging task, due to the plethora of diet plans, supplement choices and exercise routines. Not only is it vital to know which supplements and diets to endure, but also you have to know exactly what the health benefits and risks are, and whether it’s a match for the kind of lifestyle you engage in. When g…

It Is More Than Just Supplements

…. From there you can begin to institute changes to the athlete’s life. For example, if I have an athlete who is not getting adequate sleep I will fix that before I worry about anything else. If an athlete cannot regenerate he or she cannot continue to work hard in the gym and performance will suffer. I encourage all of you to do a thorough assessment on yourselves and see how altering some lifestyle behaviors will positively affect your performanc…

Elastic Indulgence: Ways to Avoid Overeating

…day without eating in order to gluttonize your way into a nice fat-filled coma come dinnertime. According to research conducted by the Calorie Control Council, the average American may devour as much as 4,500 calories – and a whopping 229 grams fat – during a typical holiday gathering. The average holiday dinner can contain an upward of 3,000 calories, and another 1,500 from snacking and drinking leading up to the big dinner. Combined, that’s the…

Can A Cup of Coffee Increase Performance?

…. I have had good individual success having caffeine pre-workout. This did come with a higher carbohydrate diet the day before. Research shows some positive signs for ingesting caffeine both before a workout or game and also after. Too much caffeine can limit sleep and increase anxiety symptoms so do be careful of how much you consume. References: [1]. J Alzheimers Dis. 2010;20 Suppl 1:S3-15. doi: 10.3233/JAD-2010-1379. [2]. Psychopharmacology (Be…

Eating for Gainz

…need to make sure that our muscle glycogen stores are filled. I usually recommend someone start with a carbohydrate intake of 1.5g to 2g per pound of body weight. For that 200lb individual this is between 300g and 400g of carbohydrates per day. The rest of the calories can come from fat. The carbohydrate intake can be adjusted according to fat gain and performance. If you begin to notice a little extra padding forming on the midsection cut the ca…