Testosterone Recovery After Deca-Durabolin

…osterone Recovery After Deca-Durabolin Blog Entry #56 By Admin – Steroidal.com When it comes to negative side effects associated with anabolic steroids, some are far worse than others. Deca-Durabolin, perhaps one of the most popular anabolic steroids ever used, and still widely used, is known as mild compared to other commonly used androgens. The parent hormone is Nandrolone and is found in both Deca-Durabolin and NPP (Nandrolone Phenylpropionate)…

Triptorelin Restores Bodybuilders Hormones

…ect it has on testosterone levels. Triptorelin is also only available by research chemical companies. You need to put a lot of trust into this company as if the peptide is dosed wrong, you’re going to have a long road ahead trying to restore testosterone. If this can be obtained legally and with a prescription, that would be ideal, although then you’d probably be on HRT and not require Triptorelin anyhow. Source: Fertil Steril. 2010 Apr 21. [Epub…

Human Growth Hormone And Healing

…he animals’ livers to grow back at a rate typical of younger mice they had tested. More research was conducted which explained it was responsible for making the liver cells divide and multiply. You’re probably asking yourself what this means? Well, in the present study human growth hormone was given to rats with partially removed livers again and the Foxm1b gene activity was tested. They discovered that Foxm1b levels increased dramatically, as did…

DHEA Is Anti-Catabolic

…ne and then to DHEA. DHEA is a precursor to more potent hormones, such as, Testosterone, Estrogen and Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It’s supplemented to treat various conditions and will improve confidence, well being, memory, sexual desire and prevent or treat erectile dysfunction. After or during a course of anabolic steroids, DHEA levels can decline, so supplementing it is suggested at 25-100 my every day, split in the morning and prior to bed. Bu…

BCAA Supplementation Is Anti-Catabolic

By Admin – Steroidal.com Branch-chain amino acids or BCAAs are nutrients the body obtain from foods. Foods rich in BCAAs are meat, fish, dairy, eggs and most protein based foods. The amino acids making up BCAAs include; leucine, isoleucine, and valine. These three amino acids are present in most protein foods and products and also a lot of supplements. We all know how important protein intake is for muscle building and growth (or should do) and m…

Letrozole Doubles Mens Testosterone Levels

…e understood and AIs have been more widely available now often sold for “research”. A compound that blocks estrogen, much like a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM), or lowers circulating estrogen levels has the ability to raise natural levels of testosterone. These work by different mechanisms, but essentially anything anti-estrogenic can raise total testosterone in healthy men. A SERM does this by blocking the estrogen receptor in the h…

Anadrol Effects On Cholesterol And Liver Values

…holone, is known as the most powerful of all oral anabolic steroids. Often compared to Dianabol, Anadrol is a common oral steroid added to a bulking stack when athletes and bodybuilders are after more mass. First brought to the market in the early 1960’s, its use has grown to be one of the most popular steroids used today. Used medically to treat muscle wasting and weight loss based conditions and disorders, it’s also a potent compound for adding…

Clomid Raises Testosterone Levels

…elow average levels around the 300-400ng/dl mark. Usual treatments for low testosterone include, testosterone gels, creams, sprays, pills and testosterone injections. However, on this trial the 125 men were given 25mg of Clomid per day for 3-6 months.                                                     As you can see in the figure above, the men’ testosterone levels doubled on a modest dose of 25mg per day. Good cholesterol (HDL) went down margina…

Kelp Has Anti-Estrogenic Effects

…anti-cancer effects wee put down to their large soy consumption. The US researchers gave female rats between 175-350mg of kelp per kilogram of bodyweight per day. The figure below shows the results. In the group given the highest seaweed dose, estrogen was inhibited the most.                 The US researchers went a couple of stages further to try to understand how the kelp inhibits estrogen production. So they exposed human ovary cells to the k…

Prostate Protection From Vitamin C When Using Steroids

…The figure below shows the levels of PSA and that they were highest in the testosterone alone group. PSA levels were almost twice as high as the testosterone plus vitamin C group.                 Due to the lower PSA levels in the vitamin treated group and rats had a smaller prostate than the testosterone alone group. The rats in the T group also had more HIF-1alpha, the addition of vitamin C reduced this hormone.                 The Koreans concl…

Building Solid Muscle By Choosing Protein Wisely

…However, unlike whey, casein digests at a much slower rate due to the interaction with certain stomach acids. “Honestly, it’s pretty much an equal substitute,” says Brian St. Pierre, sports dietician and nutrition coach at Precision Nutrition. “The research that compares whey to caseins post-workout is equivocal.” Depending on your activity levels, St. Pierre recommends taking 0.6 to 0.9 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight each day. Any more…

Good Carbs v. Bad: The Showdown

…f energy. Carbs come in several forms and are grouped into two categories: complex and simple. Complex carbs are the good carbohydrates and consist of a chemical structure that is made up of three or more sugars linked together to form a chain. These sugars are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Simple carbs, or bad carbs, include table sugar, fructose, fruit sugar or corn syrup. The body breaks down these carbohydrates too quickly to furnish…

The Top Foods For Boosting Brain Function

…acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that is vital for maintaining memory and communication among brain cells. According to an article in Reader’s Digest titled “The Best Brain Food You Should Be Eating,” Boston University researchers tracked the eating habits of nearly 1,400 healthy adults for 10 years and found that choline intake correlated positively with better performance on certain types of memory tests. GRASS-FED BEEF A study published in the…

Eating for Gainz

…need to make sure that our muscle glycogen stores are filled. I usually recommend someone start with a carbohydrate intake of 1.5g to 2g per pound of body weight. For that 200lb individual this is between 300g and 400g of carbohydrates per day. The rest of the calories can come from fat. The carbohydrate intake can be adjusted according to fat gain and performance. If you begin to notice a little extra padding forming on the midsection cut the ca…

Phenibut & Performance

By Kevin Cann – Steroidal.com Contributor For those of you out there that compete in sports we are always looking to gain an edge on the competition. We attempt to work harder in the gym than the person next to us. We leave with shaky knees, kidney cramps, and a bout of nausea that makes our post workout nutrition more difficult to swallow down. These negative effects from a hard workout are caused by fatiguing in our central nervous system (CNS)…

What Time Of Day Should You Exercise?

…ibly the following week. There’s no arguing the fact that other priorities come up that you must tend to first. With that being said, wouldn’t it be more beneficial if you got the workout out of the way first thing in the morning? By getting your exercise out of the way early, it frees you up to do other social activities after work – like going to happy hour with friends and/or coworkers – or spending more time with the family. Either way, it’s a…

The Nutritional Benefits of Choline

…al.com There are many nutritional components that make up a healthy diet – components, when combined with regular exercise, can contribute to a long and active life. However, in this day and age, where there are so many food choices on the market – especially the “fast food options” – it’s hard to stick to a healthy and well-balanced diet regimen. No matter what diet plan you choose, consuming the right amount of essential vitamins and nutrients s…

Dietary Supplements for Joints

…supplements like Omega 3. Glucosamine is often added along with a similar compound named chondroitin. These compounds have less of an effect on soft tissue and bones than other dietary supplements for joints, but they seem to work better on one important part of the joint: cartilage. When taken as a dietary supplement, glucosamine has been found to improve cartilage health, expand joint mobility, and slow damage to the joints due to aging. Both g…

Another Russian Anabolic Steroid Scandal is Coming

…ers (high ranking members at that) in the Russian government were not only complicit in helping top performance athletes subvert the World Anti-Doping Agency rules, regulations, and testing protocols, but many of the Russian government agencies responsible for supporting these athletes in a variety of ways have been funneling money directly to these programs designed to help them make the most out of performance-enhancing drugs. Spies are even get…

The Importance of Protein For The Aging Athlete

…e possessed. There are many factors that cause this, such as a decrease in testosterone, a lower metabolism and a decrease in bone mass and health. Whether you’re training for the Ironman Triathlon or simply looking to sculpt that beach body for the summer months, protein intake plays a pivotal role in helping you achieve your fitness goals. But how much protein does your body really need? Let’s find out. PROTEIN’S ROLE IN THE BODY Proteins are la…

Dallas McCarver has died

…rts.  Dallas reportedly died last night on 21 August. Dallas was taking a year out from this seasons Olympia and training to add mass to his frame ready for a 2019 Mr Olympia contest. He allegedly weighed over 320lbs.  Steroidal.com will update this story as more details are released.  RIP Dallas McCarver….

Can A Cup of Coffee Increase Performance?

…. I have had good individual success having caffeine pre-workout. This did come with a higher carbohydrate diet the day before. Research shows some positive signs for ingesting caffeine both before a workout or game and also after. Too much caffeine can limit sleep and increase anxiety symptoms so do be careful of how much you consume. References: [1]. J Alzheimers Dis. 2010;20 Suppl 1:S3-15. doi: 10.3233/JAD-2010-1379. [2]. Psychopharmacology (Be…

Rich Piana has died

…ion”. He has a large following on Instagram with some 1.2m followers.  TMZ.com first reported the turn of events last week. It stated a possible overdose was the cause of his collapse, but this has not been confirmed by anyone close to him. Then reports were circulated that lines of a white substance were found on his lounge table, possible cocaine. Police also stated they found 20 vials of steroids at his home. After his collapse he was rushed to…

Doctor Pleads Guilty After Importing Deca-Durabolin

…ile the drug-related issues were resolved, it remains to be seen what will come of his sexual assault cases. The odds are pretty good that the doctor isn’t going to be able to out run his legal troubles. Harnetty faces many years behind bars if convicted of multiple sexual assault charges.  Source: http://trib.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/two-charges-against-former-casper-doctor-dismissed-he-still-faces/article_3f829d9d-dad0-5e85-aac6-3ef584df2…

Detective of Edmonton Police Convicted on Charges of Steroid Trafficking

…harged and convicted him on only two of the counts as parts of the witness testimony for the third count was found to be unreliable. It was reported that he sold several types of anabolic steroids to various police members who worked out at the same gym as him. Of the steroids that he sold to his colleagues, some of these were found to include injectable steroids such as testosterone enanthate, Dianabol, nandrolone decanoate (Deca Durabolin) and t…