Study: How Effective is Whey Protein For Increasing Muscle Mass?

…age 3.1 kg of lean muscle mass over the same block of time. This has led researchers to conclude that supplementing with just 30 g of protein split in half (15 g before you workout and 15 g afterwards) can help to build 21% more lean muscle mass – anything but an insignificant factor for those that want to bulk up as quickly and as efficiently as possible. Anyone that is taking their body transformation process seriously will want to lean heavily…

Combination of Fish Oil and Curcumin Activates Anabolism in Muscles

…les that go without a lot of activity for significant stretches of time. Researchers have been working on this project to help astronauts in space avoid atrophy that comes from existing in a zero gravity or nearly zero gravity environment for durations. In cooperation with NASA, these Texas A&M University researchers conducted a 17 day animal study to see what kind of impact a variety of different substances, supplements, and ingredients could hav…

The President of the Latvian Athletic Association Has Tested Positive for PEDs

…ng these back tested results, and a significant chunk of that criticism is coming out because Radevica has been retired from sports competition for more than six years. At the same time, Radevica remains incredibly involved with the Olympic team of Latvia and the national initiatives for international sports and athletics in her home country – as evidenced by the fact that she remains the president of the Latvian Athletic Association (even still t…

Co-founder of Onyx Pharma steroids UGL, Tyler Baumann sentenced to 10 years in prison

…lame. Judge Gorton why is prepared to reduce his prison sentence to a term of 120 months, however, this was still a far way off of what Baumann was looking for, which was a more lenient sentence of 60 months. The sentence that was passed down to Baumann was more than fair given his past history as a career criminal and prior sentences that he had received. Source:…

Study: Taurine Protects Testes When Using Anabolic Steroids

…ticles according to a new report published by a university in Giza. This research is coming at a very important time in Egypt. Over the last 20 years steroid use has really skyrocketed. Objection athletes and performance-enhancing compound users are just now starting to see the long-term side effects these compounds can bring about firsthand, and many of them are discovering to their horror that their natural testosterone levels have dipped and th…

Westminster Bridge Terrorist Used Steroids In The Time Leading Up To The Attack

…variables are being examined closely to try and reveal any other possible motives that could lead to such a deranged character. Anabolic steroids are known to be able to cause behavioral and psychological effects, and these results will be considered only after a complete ‘psychological autopsy’ has been completed. It is still too soon to know if the use of steroids contributed to his act of terrorism. Source:…

Fenugreek Improves Uptake Of Creatine

…eatine attached to different esters and compounds. Monohydrate is the most common and researched creatine form, which is sold by Creapure globally. Creatine ethyl ester, hydrocholoride, instantised, micronized and very recently, nitrate, have all hit the shelves with different opinions on efficiency. However, not much has been studied on creatine with herbal product ingredients, such as, fenugreek combined. After all, those taking creatine are oft…

Clomid As Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

…gs, and vision disturbances are evident in some users, but these seem to become apparent in larger doses exceeding 100mg per day. We would suggest some sort of alternative hormone replacement therapy similar to the above protocol, with the addition of herbal products to enhance libido and possible testosterone production naturally. If these protocols fail, hormone replacement therapy in the format of injectable estered testosterone would be a viab…

Testosterone Recovery After Deca-Durabolin

…Nandrolone metabolites were still evident. After a full twelve months had passed, the researchers had unfortunately lost track of some of the original subjects. However, four remained and were tested twelve months after stopping Deca. Surprisingly, two of the four tested positive for Nandrolone, meaning they would fail a doping controlled sport.                         Importantly, the Swedes also tested levels of leutinizing hormone (LH) and fol…

Part 2: Testosterone Recovery After Deca-Durabolin

…duction. Its pretty common knowledge Deca-Durabolin is one of the harshest compounds when its comines to recovery endogenous testosterone production post use, which was confirmed by one of our most recent articles. Today we’re going to look at another piece of data on Nandrolone hexylphenylproprionate or more commonly known as Anadur. This is applicable to the widely used Deca-Durabolin as the parent hormone Nandrolone is the same. The hormone is…

Quercetin Lowers Cortisol Levels

…rty minutes before the WIR, which occurred for three hours. The Japanese researchers then examined the rat’s concentration of ACTH and cortisol.                       As we can see, over time the Quercetin dose had the strongest suppression on cortisol levels. They then examined the rats brains they saw the Quercetin had inhibited the release of CRF. This then had an effect on cortisol levels.             The figure above shows the 50mg Quercetin…

Whey Protein Pre-Workout Reduces Cortisol & Increases Testosterone

…s when the strength athletes consumed the whey protein isolate shake, when compared to soya protein and maltodextrin.             The US researchers also tested testosterone after the three occasions. What they found was a favourable increase in testosterone when the whey protein isolate was consumed, when compared to the other two shakes. An increased testosterone level will mean an increase in protein synthesis, nitrogen retention and aggression…

Olive Oil Increases Testosterone & Lowers Cortisol

…odyweight. Using a similar model to the study done in 2001, the Japanese researchers tested the rat’s nitrogen retention. They did this by examining the number of nitrogen molecules in the rat’s droppings and urine. The more nitrogen retention in the body, whether that is rodents or humans, indicates that the body is building proteins (muscle). Anabolic steroids known to enhance nitrogen dramatically is Deca-Durabolin and Dianabol.                …

Fish Oil Helps Clear Acne

Blog Entry #72 By Admin – Acne is one of the most common side effects from anabolic steroids due to various hormonal changes experienced with their use, whilst coming off and trying to normalise testosterone production also causes hormonal changes. Not all androgens will cause acne and whether or not the user experiences acne is mostly genetic predisposition. Some anabolic steroids are worse than others, such as Trenbolone, Dianabol…

How Effective Is An Anavar Only Cycle?

…ions, but Anavar is one of them. Dianabol can also be used alone, but this compound does cause estrogen levels to rise, will impact testosterone production moderately and cause the steroid user to experience symptoms of low testosterone. Because Anavar is a dihydrotestosterone (DHT) related anabolic steroid, its androgenic effects can cause libido to increase, even though endogenous testosterone may be inhibited, making it an excellent choice as a…

Curcumin Increases Testosterone Levels

…s. No active ingredients (control), 100mg Gallic acid per kg of bodyweight, 100mg of Circumin + 100mg Gallic acid per kg, or finally, 100mg Circumin per kg of bodyweight.   DSP = Daily Sperm Production. In the four weeks the rats sperm quality had fallen in the Gallic acid group, increased slightly in the Circumin + Gallic group, but increased the most in the Circumin alone group.                         Testosterone levels in the blood were 32% l…

Onion Juice Increases Testosterone Levels

…e to the anti-oxidant effects on the testes. To go a little further, the researchers suspect that the antioxidants in question are probably selenium compounds found in onions, and phenols such as quercetin and isorhamnetin. The second study we’re going to look at is another Iranian one, done recently in February 2014 at the Jordan University of Science and Technology [2]. This time the study was done to find a compound that exerts similar effects…

Resveratrol Effects As An Anti-Estrogen

…e’re going to look at resveratrol’s effects as an anti-estrogen and how it combats estrogen as well as the side effects estrogen brings. This is applicable to steroid users as often estrogen can rise when aromatasable compounds are used, whilst estrogen is also a known carcinogen and can cause an accelerate cancer growth. A study conducted in 2006, by the Chinese University of Hong Kong, measured resveratrol’s effects on breast cancer cells [2]. T…

Green Tea, Resveratrol & Grape Seed Extract Enhance Fat Loss

…nd after containing a primary fat meal replacement [post-meal]. When the researchers looked at the effects of the combination of EGCG, resveratrol, grape seed extract and wine phenols, they found the subjected burned 0.05 kilocalories per minute more than placebo if the combination was consumed prior to eating. The fat loss effects were also slowed or blunted when soya isoflavones were added to the mix.                   Energy expenditure was acc…

Boost Glucose Uptake With Green Tea

…opular dietary supplement for fat loss and weight loss, may also contain a compound that boosts insulin. Green tea’s primary active compound for longevity, anti-oxidant effects, fat burning and other health benefits is EGCG or epigallocatechine gallate. This is the compound we’re going to look at today and its effects on blood glucose levels and insulin. The animal study was done in Korea in 2008, at the University of Kyung Hee. Rat muscles were g…

Eat More Fruit & Vegetables To Live Longer

…ers write, “Thus, our results do not support the hypothesis that simple or complex combinations of nutraceuticals, including antioxidants, are effective in delaying the onset or progress of the major causes of death in mice. The results are consistent with epidemiological studies suggesting that dietary supplements are not beneficial and even may be harmful for otherwise healthy individuals.” Animal studies are good and give us some indication of…

Ginkgo Biloba Decreases Prolactin Levels

…the rats for one month. They were put with female rats and the Taiwanese researchers recorded how many times they had sex per day. The researchers saw an increase in the rat’s sexual desire when given the Ginkgo compared to the control in all groups. The most dramatic increase, at around 85% was seen in the 50mg per kg of bodyweight group. The researchers wanted to see why the rats given Ginkgo had a higher sex drive than those that were given no…

Effects Of Testosterone Gel & Growth Hormone Short Term For HRT

…utropin growth hormone per day for 16 weeks, which is a pretty average and common dose of both compounds for anti-ageing. This trial looks mainly at what gains from the HRT doses of testosterone and growth hormone were made in the time they were receiving the compounds, and also what was left up to three months after finishing the course of drugs. Unfortunately, as you’ll see, not much was left when they finished the drugs. The figure below shows…

Kelp Has Anti-Estrogenic Effects

…anti-cancer effects wee put down to their large soy consumption. The US researchers gave female rats between 175-350mg of kelp per kilogram of bodyweight per day. The figure below shows the results. In the group given the highest seaweed dose, estrogen was inhibited the most.                 The US researchers went a couple of stages further to try to understand how the kelp inhibits estrogen production. So they exposed human ovary cells to the k…

Testosterone Long Esters “Kick-In” Myth

…se two testosterone based anabolic steroids for performance enhancement is common knowledge and dates back over 60 years. We have come along way in terms of what’s right and wrong in that time but one rule has stuck for years. Its often advised that testosterone based long esters, such as Testoseterone Enanthate and Cypionate “kick in” only after around 6-7 weeks and should be run for extended periods. We don’t disagree that they should be used fo…