Curcumin Increases Testosterone Levels

…the blood were 32% lower in the Gallic acid group than the control. In the combination group testosterone was 184% higher showing a significant improvement. In the Circumin alone group the testosterone concentrations were a massive 257% higher! “Based on our results, Curcumin might be used as an alternative drug for the treatment of male infertility problems”, the Nigerians write. “However, the exact mechanism of action and dose analysis need to b…

Onion Juice Increases Testosterone Levels

…te that the rise in testosterone is due to the anti-oxidant effects on the testes. To go a little further, the researchers suspect that the antioxidants in question are probably selenium compounds found in onions, and phenols such as quercetin and isorhamnetin. The second study we’re going to look at is another Iranian one, done recently in February 2014 at the Jordan University of Science and Technology [2]. This time the study was done to find a…

Green Tea, Resveratrol & Grape Seed Extract Enhance Fat Loss

…s. These combinations of were taken for three days. On the third day the researchers tested to see how many calories the subjects were burning. Energy expenditure was tested both before eating [pre-meal] and after containing a primary fat meal replacement [post-meal]. When the researchers looked at the effects of the combination of EGCG, resveratrol, grape seed extract and wine phenols, they found the subjected burned 0.05 kilocalories per minute…

We Are a Performance Enhancement Society & Anabolic Steroids Are No Different

…rrently utilize with everything else in our society. We should be allowing freedom for science to research anabolic steroids and PEDs so that we might be able to reduce or eliminate the potential risks/hazards, and/or perhaps develop or discover a hypothetically ‘completely safe’ anabolic steroid or PED. Unfortunately, with these prohibitionist medieval and archaic attitudes that the majority of our society harbors towards PEDs and anabolic steroi…

Does Oral Human Growth Hormone Exist?

…n-gh-molecule; GHT = a different transferrin-gh-molecule; rGH = ordinary recombinant growth hormone. They found that th combination of GH + transferring remained active and the rats also put on bodyweight.                 The figure above examines the effects of the GH and transferring combination for seven days. The rats continued to put on weight until a protease inhibitor was given to the rats, which broke down the transferrin. However, the inj…

Ginkgo Biloba Decreases Prolactin Levels

…rive than those that were given no Ginkgo or in the control group, so they tested testosterone levels and also prolactin levels. As you can see in the figure below, the results were most severe in the 50mg group were testosterone levels rose around 90% compared to control.                             Prolactin levels were also recorded and all three groups given Gingko experienced a decrease in prolactin levels, as shown in the figure above. The 5…

Effects Of Testosterone Gel & Growth Hormone Short Term For HRT

…utropin growth hormone per day for 16 weeks, which is a pretty average and common dose of both compounds for anti-ageing. This trial looks mainly at what gains from the HRT doses of testosterone and growth hormone were made in the time they were receiving the compounds, and also what was left up to three months after finishing the course of drugs. Unfortunately, as you’ll see, not much was left when they finished the drugs. The figure below shows…

Monounsaturated Fats Extend Lifespan

…nsaturated fatty acids they consumed, the longer they lived. The Italian researchers conclude, “In conclusion, in this prospective study on older nondemented subjects with a typical Mediterranean diet, a higher MUFA intake increased survival, while a higher UFA/SFA ratio increased total mortality, but only marginally.” Monounsaturated fats should be a part of your diet if you wish to lead a healthy lifestyle and is imperative if bodybuilding or an…

Fenugreek Improves Uptake Of Creatine

…eatine attached to different esters and compounds. Monohydrate is the most common and researched creatine form, which is sold by Creapure globally. Creatine ethyl ester, hydrocholoride, instantised, micronized and very recently, nitrate, have all hit the shelves with different opinions on efficiency. However, not much has been studied on creatine with herbal product ingredients, such as, fenugreek combined. After all, those taking creatine are oft…

Testosterone Effects On Cholesterol

…th the Enanthate ester attached slowing the release of the parent hormone, Testosterone, comes in a variety of concentrations. The most common of which is 250mg per ml found in amps and 10ml vials. Injectable testosterone based anabolic steroids are important as they are widely used as a base in the majority of steroid cycles, and are also the most common delivery method when administering hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Of course, bodybuilding…

Soya Protein Causes Growth Hormone Spike

…ailable as a supplement for decades. Derived from soya beans, soya protein comes in both concentrate and the more expensive refined isolate form. Soya is a viable alternative to milk derived protein due to many being lactose intolerant or experiencing stomach problem from whey and casein ingestion. Soya is digested slightly slower than whey protein, but faster than casein. However, soya has been shown to contain phytoestrogens that may cause chang…

Maintain More Muscle Mass When Cutting With L-Citrulline

…given 60% of their daily food for two weeks, which reduced their fat mass, compared to the rats that were allowed to eat as much as they wanted. The table below shows that when rats were given 1g of L-citrulline per kilogram of bodyweight, the rats retained more muscle mass than the controls [R-CIT 1] before going to sleep.               L-leucine was also mixed with the rats feed, but surprisingly didn’t have a significant effect on retaining mus…

Whey Protein Pre-Workout Reduces Cortisol & Increases Testosterone

…ared to soya protein and maltodextrin.             The US researchers also tested testosterone after the three occasions. What they found was a favourable increase in testosterone when the whey protein isolate was consumed, when compared to the other two shakes. An increased testosterone level will mean an increase in protein synthesis, nitrogen retention and aggression. This blunting or cortisol and increasing testosterone leads to an anabolic ef…

Which Whey Protein Is Better? Hydrolysate or Concentrate.

…protein you are going to be consuming in each individual shake you make. Researchers from a Japanese dairy organization have been comparing these two different types of whey protein sources, finding that whey concentrate (the least expensive option by far) is just as good as whey cracker – but only if you are going to be using a considerable amount of protein powder in each individual shake. If you’re going to just be using a small amount of prote…

Part 2: Testosterone Recovery After Deca-Durabolin

…lar axis (HPTA). This occurs when both LH and FSH are suppressed and intra-testicular testosterone (ITT) is also decreased. To maintain testicular size and function when using anabolic steroids, we suggest using human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) at 250-500ius per week along with an aromatase inhibitor (AI).               There were also large differences in the men’s fertility recovery. Due to a loss of natural hormones, spermatogenesis will also…

What’s the best way to control Estrogen levels on a steroid cycle?

…on-suicidal aromatase inhibitor. Widely available and cheap, Arimidex is a common choice when it comes to estrogen control on cycle. With a long half-life 0.5mg every other day or three times per week is common, it considerably less effective than Letrozole. In women studies state a 65-85% reduction in levels of estrogen, which is a common drug again in the treatment of breast cancer in women. Again, these will differ in males and elderly subjects…

Going Green: Living the Vegetarian Lifestyle

…vegetarian diet will: Have a lower body weight. One study by the Cancer Research UK found that those who continue eating meat would pack on more weight over a five-year period, as compared to those who switched to vegetarianism. The study examined 22,000 meat eaters, fish eaters, vegetarians and vegans [1]. Have better cholesterol levels. Scientists at the University of Toronto demonstrated that a vegetarian diet made up of specific plant-foods c…

Study: More Testosterone and Less Estradiol in Coffee Drinkers

…hat are designed to confirm the findings that have already been uncovered. These tests and independent studies are already underway and while it may be a year or more until we see any definitive conclusion it’s exciting that researchers are committed to making sure they know exactly the kind of impact coffee has on the human body and critical hormones like the ones highlighted throughout. Source:…

5g BCAA Pre-Workout Equals Less Muscle Soreness

…overall concentration of BCAAs. The women’s BCAAs dosage per kg was 92mg, compared to the mens, which was 77mg per kg. The Japanese researchers did not investigate exactly how the BCAAs caused less muscle soreness in the subjects, but speculate, “”BCAA may attenuate exercise-induced protein breakdown, while leucine may stimulate muscle protein synthesis”, the researchers write. “If the finding is substantiated, the results could support the usefu…

DHEA Cream Stops Skin Ageing And Prevents Wrinkles

…her a cream containing 1% DHEA for four months. After the four months were completed the researchers first found that the number of active sebaceous glands in the DHEA group had increased significantly. Wrinkles around the eyes were measured and had increased by 15% in the group given placebo, whilst the DHEA cream group had no increased at all. The total amount of wrinkled skin around the eyes in the control group increased by 25% as well. The DH…

Testosterone Propionate Helps Muscle Memory

…e light done on animals. Researchers in Norway, at the University of Oslo, tested to see if Testosterone Propionate administration on muscle mass accrual is permanent. The Norwegians first published a study in 2010 stating how ‘muscle memory’ works which is shown here. The figure below shows the mechanism of action.             Until recently is was no understood how ‘muscle memory’ occurs, until researchers postulated the most important and dynam…

Is Tongkat Ali Effective In Healthy Men?

…ebo and the trial also lasted for 12 weeks. Contrary to various supplement company claims of raising testosterone in males, the Tongkat Ali had no effect on the men’s testosterone level. “During the trial the mean values of total testosterone level are in the range of 15.079 nmol/L to 16.604 nmol/L in subjects on the herbal product and in the placebo group these values range from 18.120 nmol/ to 19.051 nmol/L”, the researchers state. Sexual arousa…

How Does Tongkat Ali Increase Testosterone Levels?

…of Eurycoma longifolia boost testosterone levels. The extracts contain the compounds eurycomanone and13-alpha (21) epoxy-eurycomanone, and these boost the production of the hormones leutinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), thus raising levels of testosterone. They used methanol to make an extract of Eurycoma longifolia and further purified it, separating it into to four different fractions. Over time the Malaysian researche…

Is Anavar Good For Fat Loss?

…s proves Anavar is a good cutting agent, even when your steroidal cycle is complete, if a good diet is maintained keeping the fat mass off post cycle is a reality. The more fat the men had lost, the lower their insulin level prior to a meal. A low pre-meal insulin level means that you are sensitive to insulin, and is associated with less inflammatory processes. This means, in layman’s terms, your fat cells won’t store as much fat.           Other…