Equipoise Dosage

…thout the additional and often undesirable water weight that is normally accompanied with Testosterone or other anabolic steroids (like Dianabol) that possess moderate or greater Estrogenic activity. Those who decide to use Equipoise can expect the same anabolic size, strength, and mass gains that would be resultant from Testosterone with a lower incidence of Estrogenic activity and androgenic side effects. This means that gains from Equipoise its…

Deca Durabolin Dosage

…are the primary goals, Nandrolone is an ideal choice even if run with just Testosterone. In combination with other strong mass building anabolic steroids such as Testosterone, Dianabol, Anadrol, etc. one can expect some notable increases in size and strength. Medical Deca-Durabolin Dosage The very first medical prescription guidelines for Deca Durabolin dosages was that of 50 – 100mg administered every 3 – 4 weeks for a total of 12 weeks. Differen…

Effects of Dianabol

…vidual to work out for longer and more intensively. Improves the amount of free testosterone in the individual’s system. Increases and improves blood flow to the muscular tissues for better growth and repair. It is for these effects that most men use Dianabol. When combined together, they create the ideal atmosphere for building strength and muscle rapidly. While it is known for its bodybuilding benefits, itis better known for its negative side ef…

Arimidex Side Effects

…omatase enzymes that have not been metabolized out of the body will then become free again, and begin aromatizing androgens into Estrogens at an often rapid rate. This is why it is advised to slowly halt administration of Arimidex, and/or slowly reduce the dose and/or frequency of the dose when stopping.       Medical References:   [1] “Switching of postmenopausal women with endocrine-responsive early breast cancer to anastrozole after 2 years’ ad…

About Dr. Khash Farzam

…peer-reviewed journals on an ongoing basis. Athletically, Khash is a drug-free athlete and has a silver medal from the IPF World Powerlifting championships plus 14 years of experience in Powerlifting & Track and Field.   Dr. Khash’s goal is to educate on the dangers and risks of steroid use and he does not endorse their use. His academic interests are focused on sudden death and cardiac health in athletes as well as men’s health. Instagram: @doct…

The Importance of Estrogen in Bodybuilding – Dr. George Touliatos

…increase serum levels of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG), which binds free testosterone (the active form-FT), leading to decreased levels of FT and testosterone’s action in male mammary gland. Gynecomastia is the benign enlargement of male breast glandular tissue and is the most common breast condition in males. [7]This term is often used by bodybuilders, due to accumulated estrogens under the nipple (areola), leading to breast tenderness. Me…

Dianabol Side Effects

…e effects will still remain present (such as bloating) when using SERMs to combat gynecomastia. The use of an aromatase inhibitor, such as Aromasin (AKA Exemestane) or Arimidex (AKA Anastrozole), acts on the aromatase enzyme effectively disabling it and preventing it from converting androgens into Estrogen. The use of an AI in this sense will effectively reduce total Estrogen levels in the body and resolve any other Estrogenic issues caused by Dia…

Masteron (Drostanolone)

…trength is fairly low (25 – 40). This demonstrates a stark difference when compared to Testosterone, which is the number one natural and original anabolic steroid, and is used as the reference measuring bar by which all other anabolic steroids are compared to and measured against. Testosterone in comparison holds an anabolic and androgenic strength rating of 100 for both respectively. Masteron’s details (as Drostanolone) were first released and pu…

Letrozole Side Effects

…omatase enzymes that have not been metabolized out of the body will then become free again, and begin aromatizing androgens into Estrogens at an often rapid rate. This is why it is advised to slowly halt administration of Letrozole, and/or slowly reduce the dose and/or frequency of the dose when stopping. Often times the inclusion of a SERM such as Nolvadex starting several days prior to and following the cessation of Letrozole will be necessary s…

Neotest 250

…cant reductions in natural testosterone production. Once treatment with Neotest 250 comes to an end, it will be important to perform post cycle therapy to help kick-start the body’s natural production of testosterone. As soon as all of the exogenous hormones have left the system the individual can expect their own testosterone production to begin. However, if the individual was suffering from low testosterone condition before starting Neotest 250…

Parabolan (Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate)

…ting being 100 and Trenbolone’s anabolic rating being 500. 2. Trenbolone becomes completely resistant to aromatization (the conversion into Estrogen), as the aromatase enzyme (the enzyme responsible for aromatization) cannot recognize Trenbolone as an appropriate substrate for chemical reaction[4]. This is different from Nandrolone, which is merely more resistant to aromatization than Testosterone, rather than completely immune to it like Trenbolo…

Cytomel (T3) Cycle

…problem. Sample Cytomel cycle #1 (12 weeks total cycle time) Weeks 1-12: – Testosterone Enanthate at 300mg/week – Trenbolone Enanthate at 400mg/week Weeks 1-8: – Cytomel (T3) at 75 – 100mcg/day Sample T3 cycle #2 (8 weeks total cycle time) Weeks 1-8: – Testosterone Propionate at 100mg/week (25mg every other day) – Trenbolone Acetate at 200mg/week (50mg every other day) – Clenbuterol at 120mcg/day – Ketotifen every second week of Clenbuterol use at…


…id use, as they are used to mitigate and control Estrogen when and if it becomes a concern, as well as their use as hormonal recovery compounds in men, and are in this case used after the end of an anabolic steroid cycle during post cycle therapy (PCT) in order to restore endogenous Testosterone production. It is useful knowledge that almost all anti-Estrogens developed and marketed were intended for the treatment of Estrogen responsive breast can…


…Methamphetamine, Cocaine, and many others. It is a very broad category of compounds. All of these compounds, which include Caffeine, Albuterol, Clenbuterol, Ephedrine, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, and so on and so forth, are all related to one another and could be considered siblings or ‘cousins’ to each other. Because of this they are related in many ways and carry many similarities. All of the mentioned compounds (stimulants/sympathomimetics) w…

Co-founder of Onyx Pharma steroids UGL, Tyler Baumann sentenced to 10 years in prison

…lame. Judge Gorton why is prepared to reduce his prison sentence to a term of 120 months, however, this was still a far way off of what Baumann was looking for, which was a more lenient sentence of 60 months. The sentence that was passed down to Baumann was more than fair given his past history as a career criminal and prior sentences that he had received. Source: https://www.justice.gov/usao-ma/pr/shrewsbury-couple-sentenced-roles-counterfeit-ste…

IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Guilty Of Selling Anabolic Steroids

…teroids were imported using the Unites States Postal Service (USPS). These compounds included: hundreds of grams of testosterone, oxandrolone (Anavar) and nandrolone decanoate (Deca-Durabolin) hormone powder. However, it wasn’t the raw steroid powders from China that spelt the end of the Kabov brothers, it was the prescription narcotic painkillers that put them on the Drug Enforcement Agency’s (DEA) radar. “These individuals engaged in one of the…

United States drug official discovered to have been the director for a supplement company that produced Superdrol illegally

…ct which was based on Superdrol for another leading Health supplementation company Competitive Edge labs back in the year 2011. In August of 2011, Nature’s chemistry was taken on by a well-known broker in the world of dietary supplements to manufacture D supplement known as M-drol. This product was subsequently sold as a product with nutritional benefits. The main active component listed on the ingredients list of M-drol why does the synthetic ste…

Combination of Fish Oil and Curcumin Activates Anabolism in Muscles

…les that go without a lot of activity for significant stretches of time. Researchers have been working on this project to help astronauts in space avoid atrophy that comes from existing in a zero gravity or nearly zero gravity environment for durations. In cooperation with NASA, these Texas A&M University researchers conducted a 17 day animal study to see what kind of impact a variety of different substances, supplements, and ingredients could hav…

Steroid Use

…ined a far higher employment rate as well as an overall higher household income compared to the rest of the average population. From the data outlined above, it is very clear that the average concepts of steroid use as portrayed by the media and the government is indeed highly misleading, as we will continue to discover. The next point to cover is the rate of anabolic steroid use. Anabolic steroid prohibition, enacted with the Anabolic Steroid Con…

Two Steroid Dealers in Tennessee Avoid Prison Time

…e of the co-conspirators also face money-laundering charges. Vanleeuwen admitted being part of the logistical side and was lucky to avoid prison. Source: http://www.timesnews.net/Law-Enforcement/2017/01/20/Johnson-City-man-sentenced-in-illegal-steroid-case…

Young Rugby Player Dies After Using Clenbuterol

…n prove to be fatal. Those who abuse Clen and take it in doses above the recommended guidelines face severe consequences, which can quickly prove to be fatal. Signs of overdose include tremors, stroke, breathing issues, vertigo, and tachycardia (a racing heart). The onset of overdose symptoms can occur in as little as a few minutes and if left ignored may lead to death. This is why it is important to use medications for their intended purposes and

Employee of Underground Steroid Lab Gets 24 Months in Prison

…rafficking punishment. As for Mr. Petzke, however, he is getting off light compared to some of the other convictions that have come out of this case. According to federal prosecutors, as well as US District Judge Nathaniel Gorton (the man that passed down the sentence for Mr. Petzke), Petzke was the “money man” as well as a general “gopher” for the underground laboratory at Onyx Pharmaceuticals. Petzke had a number of different responsibilities as…