Transdermal Testosterone

…nsdermal Testosterone, you should shower first to remove it from the skin. Testim Testosterone Gel Application Of Transdermal Testosterone Patches Think of these like sticky plasters. They are applied to the skin with an adhesive, most commonly to the arms, thighs, or stomach. They are applied first thing in the morning and skin should be clean and not wet. Dosage is around the 2.5mg – 5mg mark per day. Transdermal Testosterone Availability: Trans…

Cheque Drops (Mibolerone)

…up to a fight or some other short burst, need-to-get-psyched-up type of contest. It’s very common athletes to take the drug leading up to a fight to get more aggressive in the gym, but bodybuilders will use it at the end of a contest diet prep to get through those final weeks from a cognitive perspective. In bodybuilding, prep is very difficult, and in those last weeks where times tend to get toughest, there is always a need for that one last ment…

Cytomel (T3) Dosage

…pwards. Initially, for the very first use of T3 for an individual, it is recommended to do so in order to obtain a feel for the compound’s effects as well as to gauge the increasing body heat output, as well as any possible muscle loss. Once an individual is aware of his or her full effective peak optimal dose, it is generally not necessary to slowly ramp up T3 doses, and that starting at the known optimal Cytomel dosage should present no issues….

Top pitching prospect for the San Francisco Giants tests positive for performance-enhancing drugs

…d positive for the anabolic steroid Winstrol (Stanozolol) in a random drug test administered under the MLB and Minor League Baseball joint performance-enhancing drug protocol. 47 other players throughout the major leagues also tested positive and have been suspended for the rest of 2017, including other pictures with the San Francisco Giants. Though it seems like 47 players getting busted in a single sting for performance-enhancing drugs would be…

Joakim Noah Suspended For Performance Enhancing Drug Use

…d. As the son of Yannick Noah, a former professional tennis player, Joakim comes from a sports family. He has argued that ineffective dope testing is often the case. This faultiness in the system, he argues makes the situation worse than dope use ever has to begin with. His father has even stated that legalization of steroid use is the only way to ultimately solve this problem. Yannick has previously started quite the controversy after throwing a…

UFC Fighter Tom Lawlor Suspended By USADA For PED Violation

…ater, Romero was informed of a violation due to the results from an out of competition USADA test. He was flagged for a banned growth hormone release stimulant, dashing his hopes at receiving a UFC title shot. His management team fought hard against the ruling, and proved the growth hormone — ibutamoren — was ingested in a supplement that had not declared the ingredient on the product label by providing an unopened container of the supplement to a…

Jamaican Sprinter Caught In Doping Scandal After Not Giving Sample

…he was injured while training during the visit by the Jamaican anti-doping commission officials. He claimed that he was literally able to sit aside, and watch as the commissioners approached his teammates for samples but passed him by. Assuming that he was in the clear, he went home. Since hearing of his violation, he feels that this is all a terrible misunderstanding that has quickly spun out of control. He claims that after the ordeal, a friend…

Is La Liga Lacking in Drug Testing? WADA Thinks So.

…l Deporte), which is the official anti-doping body of Spain, for being non-compliant with drug testing rules. Shortly following the official rebuke, AEPSAD’s lab, which had been accredited by WADA in the past, received a suspension. After the suspension, the lab was not permitted to run anti-doping tests and analysis, for blood or for urine. It received the suspension due to missing an important deadline for updating its test procedures. Since the…

CAS Will Uphold Lifetime Ban on Former Top Officials from IAAF

…ome a whistle-blower. The case via IAAF happened due to a report which was compiled by a German broadcasting company known as ARD. The report alleged that the female marathon runner gave five hundred and thirty thousand dollars to Russian higher-ups after she was threatened by them. They told her she’d be banned before the London Olympics in 2012 if she didn’t pay what they asked. Her spouse got three hundred and thirty-five thousand dollars as a…

Testosterone Cypionate Side Effects

…the human body is accustomed to the most. However, this is not to say that Testosterone comes without its share of side effects. The positive side to this is that the side effects resultants from Testosterone are very easily manageable and there exist no unknown or ‘surprise’ side effects of Testosterone. Testosterone Cypionate being an esterified variant of Testosterone obviously falls into the same pit of potential side effects. Estrogenic Side…

Letrozole Dosage

…decreased. LH and FSH are the two important gonadotropins that signal the testes to begin production of Testosterone, while SHBG is a protein that binds to androgens and renders them inactive (in much the same way aromatase inhibitors will bind to the aromatase enzyme and render it inactive). The same study had determined that Letrozole was so effective at Estrogen reduction in men that the test subject’s Estrogen levels were in fact undetectable…

GHRP-6 Side Effects

…riptine, and even vitamin B6. Light-headedness and dizziness: GHRP-6 might commonly cause what is commonly referred to as a “head rush” feeling accompanied by a tingling and “pins and needles” feeling in the extremities, as reported by many users. This can also present itself as a spell of dizziness and/or light-headedness. It is in fact a strong indication that the hormone is indeed stimulating the pituitary gland, and is a side effect indicative…

Testosterone Side Effects

…ossible side effects. However, it is through science and medicine’s almost complete comprehension of this anabolic steroid that permits the possibility that Testosterone side effects can be well understood and dealt with. Estrogenic Side Effects Testosterone itself exhibits a modest amount of Estrogenic activity through its ability to express moderate binding affinity to the aromatase enzyme (the enzyme responsible for the conversion of Testostero…


…n normal Prolactin levels. Many individuals have even provided their blood test results as anecdotal evidence to attest to this. However, there has been wild variation in the trends concerning the Prolactin issue with anabolic steroids, and much of this is due to the fact that there unfortunately does not exist as much research on many anabolic steroids as we would like, and so there is no solid clinical data from which we can draw conclusions (e….

Testosterone Propionate Side Effects

…ith various analogues/derivatives should therefore not be experienced with Testosterone (compared to a very mysterious compound, such as Anadrol or Trenbolone, for example). Advertisement With this having been established, Testosterone is not without its share of potential side effects. But it is our almost complete understanding of this compound that allows Testosterone Propionate side effects to be efficiently understood and dealt with. Estrogen…

Prolactin & Anabolic Steroids

…Prolactin-related issues. The problem seems to be intermittent across the community, and until further research can be conducted that simulate/mimic the exact conditions under which anabolic steroid users use Progestins and experience Prolactin-related side effects, we will never know for sure. These are the questions that need to be answered in the future if studies of this nature are to be conducted: – The possibility of mysterious activity of…

HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin)

…at HCG will increase circulating blood plasma levels of androgens, notably Testosterone, and subsequently Dihydrotestosterone. This is a naturally expected and desired effect of HCG use. Androgenic side effects include: increased sebum secretion (oily skin), increased bouts of acne (linked to increased sebum secretion), bodily and facial hair growth, benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), and the increased risk of triggering Male Pattern Baldness (MP…

Arimidex Dosage

…erations due to Arimidex administration, there was a 58% increase in serum Testosterone levels in the test subjects[2]. In this study, LH (Luteinizing Hormone) and FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) had also increased, which are the two important gonadotropins that signal the testes to begin production of Testosterone. One can easily conclude, based on the data provided, that Arimidex should be an effective addition to the necessary increases in T…

Raloxifene Doses

for the purpose of stimulating endogenous Testosterone secretion, but for combating gynecomastia as well. For the purpose of stimulating endogenous natural Testosterone production, a Raloxifene dose of 30 – 60mg per day is ideal, though for this purpose a 60mg daily dose is more common. Proper Administration and Timing of Raloxifene Doses Raloxifene’s administration restrictions (or a lack thereof) are quite flexible, and Raloxifene dosages can b…

Trenbolone Side Effects

…strogen, Progesterone, and Prolactin create a complex network by which gynecomastia can become an issue. The effects of Prolactin on gynecomastia as the result of Trenbolone use often manifests itself in the form of nipple lactation (fluid leaking from the nipples, especially when squeezed or pressed). Increases in Prolactin levels in men also lead to the issue of erectile dysfunction and anorgasmia (the inability to achieve orgasm). There are sev…

Testosterone Enanthate Side Effects

…of the contributing factors in this case is due to the liver’s ability to freely metabolize Testosterone, and the fact that Testosterone is not extremely resistant to hepatic breakdown and metabolism. The issue where hepatotoxicity is concerned mostly stems from certain anabolic steroids that possess the trait of exhibiting heavier resistance to hepatic metabolism than Testosterone is. This is one of the main reasons as to why oral anabolic stero…

Eat More Fruit & Vegetables To Live Longer

…ers write, “Thus, our results do not support the hypothesis that simple or complex combinations of nutraceuticals, including antioxidants, are effective in delaying the onset or progress of the major causes of death in mice. The results are consistent with epidemiological studies suggesting that dietary supplements are not beneficial and even may be harmful for otherwise healthy individuals.” Animal studies are good and give us some indication of…

Olive Oil Increases Testosterone & Lowers Cortisol

…odyweight. Using a similar model to the study done in 2001, the Japanese researchers tested the rat’s nitrogen retention. They did this by examining the number of nitrogen molecules in the rat’s droppings and urine. The more nitrogen retention in the body, whether that is rodents or humans, indicates that the body is building proteins (muscle). Anabolic steroids known to enhance nitrogen dramatically is Deca-Durabolin and Dianabol.                …

Clomid As Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

…of the hypothalamus and pituitary producing natural hormones to stimulate testosterone production by the testes. This can be treated by Clomid use, and we see this when coming off of anabolic steroids during PCT. Primary hypogonadism is when the testes fail and need to be treated with testosterone replacement therapy. The study we’re going to look at today was done in 2011 at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York. Clomid was give…

How Effective Is An Anavar Only Cycle?

…uction moderately and cause the steroid user to experience symptoms of low testosterone. Because Anavar is a dihydrotestosterone (DHT) related anabolic steroid, its androgenic effects can cause libido to increase, even though endogenous testosterone may be inhibited, making it an excellent choice as an oral only based steroid cycle. But how effective is Anavar used alone? Today we’re going to look at a study done at the University of Southern Cali…