CEO of Wellness Fitness Nutrition ready to expose his famous customers

…ll of the customer databases, shipping records, order history, and written communication between Rodriguez and his customers. There are a lot of actors, sporting Superstars, and bodybuilders who will now be on edge as they wait to see whether they are outed or not. Bravo also let slip that he has information of an incriminating nature on many of these clients, which could lead to extensive problems with that careers. This will prove to be especial…

Human Growth Hormone Cycle

…st stack, as it will provide a very lean and hard physique favorable for a competition. Testosterone has been reduced to a TRT dose of 100mg weekly in order to merely maintain normal physiological function of Testosterone in the absence of endogenous Testosterone levels that have been suppressed by the use of anabolic steroids. This TRT dose of Testosterone also serves to control Estrogen levels so as to eliminate the possibility of Estrogen-relat…

Clenbuterol Cycle

combination with anabolic steroids’ nutrient partitioning abilities. Other compounds commonly stacked in a Clenbuterol cycle is T3 (Triiodothyronine), which is a substance commonly used alongside Clenbuterol. T3 is synthetic thyroid hormone, and T4, which is a different type of thyroid hormone that is synthesized by the liver which ultimately gets converted into T3, is also a commonly stacked drug with Clenbuterol. T3 and T4 are very strong fat lo…

It’s Time for Big Pharma to Work with Law Enforcement to Stop the Smuggling of Illegal and Counterfeit Drugs

…% of all pharmaceutical products circulating throughout lower and middle income nations were either fake or of a substandard quality. The WHO is calling on Big Pharma companies to get their act together, innovating new ways to protect their supply chain, to better identify legitimate drugs from counterfeits and fakes, and to find a way to push back against those that are looking to break down the trust that the global population has in pharmaceuti…

Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate)

…oes not produce any greater or faster effect on reducing or preventing gynecomastia, despite common misconceptions. Nolvadex For Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) The other primarily utilized purpose for Nolvadex among bodybuilders and athletes is its ability to stimulate and increase the male production of endogenous Testosterone, as evidenced by many studies. It does so by acting on the pituitary and hypothalamus gland in the brain, and signaling an incr…

Female From California Pleads Guilty to Being Part of Power Trip Steroid UGL

…, who became a new accomplice in his illegal business dealings. He met her online, via his digital dating profile. Then, she decided to rent a home in the city and let her new partner and his helpers use it as a secret lab for steroid production. As well, she let him utilize her other home in Missouri (in the city of Weston) for the same purpose. Baker didn’t really spend a lot of time working for Power Trip UGL. However, she did a lot of illegal…

Former Pastor Busted As Key Investor of Hulk Body Steroid Underground Lab

…ission for their work. There were other participants who oversaw marketing online, via websites and forums. Lori and Edward Pasternak didn’t step in and question the poor judgment of their son, Joel. They did nothing to halt his illegal activities and the illegal activities of their two other sons. Even worse, Lori and Edward joined in. The fact that a Pastor was participating in this sort of under-the-table activity is surprising. Edward Pasterna…


…e for sale. However, the one place where it is very common to find is on research chemical websites. It is a very desired compound on those sites, but coincidentally, it is also very low in supply. That said, it remains a very popular item, so if you do try to get it online, be prepared to pay a pretty penny for it. Conlclusion: Overall, Caber is a great product for the anabolic steroid user because it provides a practical prevention of prolactin-…


…with a prescription (Dostinex), but you can also get it from a myriad of research chemical websites mainly in liquid form, but remember, it’s for research purposes only and not for human consumption. Conclusion: Overall, Pramipexole is a great option as a dopamine agonist for prolactin control. That said, many find the stomach issues it can present too frustrating to deal with, so rather than dealing with Pramipexole, many would prefer to deal wit…

Russia refuses to recognize doping report findings

…idelines. In fact, the country is doing all that can be done to get around these rules.  Doping is such a contentious issue. People have different moral beliefs and some think that doping is so common that athletes who decide to do it are just trying to compete on a level playing field. It’s a big problem and it causes tension between nations sometimes….

Bodybuilder From Italy Busted for Steroids and Other Banned Substances

…ten, they are competing against people who dope. So, it’s not hard to find compassion for bodybuilders who make the decision to use these substances. On the flip side, they know the rules, so they are fully aware of the possible consequences. In Italy, during the Italian Bodybuilding Norditalia Championship, which was held in Bussolengo, during late May of 2016, NADO Italia busted eleven bodybuilders. All of them were taking four or more banned su…

Portugalov Banned for Life By CAS For Doping Violations

…work. Though it may take years and a lot of hard work before the RUSADA is completely complaint with the wold doping code, the steps that Kolobkov is taking with the athletic teams, RUSADA and WADA are sure to make a difference. In any system where corruption has existed for such a long time, it can be difficult to introduce a positive and long lasting change. Kolobkov hopes that he and his team can do the heavy lifting to implement this change an…

Buy Legal Steroids

…gal steroids is that anabolic steroids is not a classification of a single compound or substance. ‘Anabolic steroids’ refers to a broad family of related compounds. Furthermore, the word ‘steroids’ refers to an even broader family of related substances and compounds. ‘Anabolic steroids’ are but merely one sub-section or sub-classification of substances under the larger classification of ‘steroids’. For example, individuals in countries such as the…

Turinabol Side Effects

…e original manufacturer pamphlets in the prescription Turinabol packages recommended that regular liver function tests be conducted during use due to the fact that liver function can be significantly affected by high dose use. With that having been said, Turinabol is, however, one of the oral anabolic steroids that is considered the least hepatotoxic (alongside Anavar and Primobolan) – but the risk of possible liver damage cannot be excluded, espe…

Advanced Steroid Cycles

…ycle protocols that might seem out of the ordinary to beginners or against common comprehension. This, once again, is because advanced users possess the required experience and knowledge of their own individual bodily responses. Some of these protocols include high-dose Testosterone cycles, of which an example will be provided under the advanced cycle examples. There might also be many differing opinions and reasons as to why steroid cycles might…

Testosterone Cypionate Dosage

…ionate doses. This is because the vast majority of newcomers and beginners commonly become intimidated by the concept of frequent injections. Testosterone Enanthate is just as popular amongst beginner anabolic steroid users for the same reasons. Advertisement Testosterone Cypionate doses are very flexible in terms of the user’s goals in question. Testosterone Cypionate doses can be tailored to any possible goal – cutting, bulking, lean mass cycles…

Clenbuterol Side Effects

…ferent stimulant-like side effects can possibly be less prominent with one compound in comparison to another (for example, Ephedrine versus Caffeine). Even though one side effect may be less pronounced in a particular compound, a different associated stimulant-like side effect may be much stronger. A perfect example would be that of Ephedrine versus Clenbuterol. Many experienced individuals who have used both compounds (separately instead of stack…

Four-time Olympic champion cleared after false positive PED charge

…ah had his name cleared and his metals solidified, and thankfully none of the sponsors – including Nike – that had helped to support this athlete abandoned ship before the full investigation concluded. As of right now, Mo Farah fully intends to compete in the upcoming 2020 Summer Olympics and hopes to become an even more decorated member of the British national track team. It’ll be interesting to see if he has any more scrutiny placed on him after…

USADA Report Alleges Athlete and Nike Oregon Project Violated Anti-Doping Rules

…protect the athletes that are using these drugs, to cover up the positive tests, and to do everything they can to obscure results and cover for these individuals even when they are discovered to be cheating. World-famous long-distance running coach Alberto Salazar has been found to have likely violated significant anti-doping rules and regulations according to a confidential report published by the USADA for internal use only. Reporters from the…


…American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. Retrieved 3 April 2011. [2] Comparison of the effects of salbutamol and clenbuterol on skeletal muscle mass and carcass composition in senescent rats. Carter WJ, Lynch ME (September 1994). Metab. Clin. Exp. 43 (9): 1119–25. doi:10.1016/0026-0495(94)90054-X. PMID 7916118. [3] Ventolin remains a breath of fresh air for asthma sufferers, after 40 years. The Pharmaceutical Journal 279 (7473): 404–405. [4]…

The Importance of Estrogen in Bodybuilding – Dr. George Touliatos

…ecreased levels of FT and testosterone’s action in male mammary gland. Gynecomastia is the benign enlargement of male breast glandular tissue and is the most common breast condition in males. [7]This term is often used by bodybuilders, due to accumulated estrogens under the nipple (areola), leading to breast tenderness. Medications which can cause gynecomastia include: – AAS converted to estrogens (beta estradiol) by the enzyme aromatase. Estrogen…

Toremifene Dosage

…when it comes to Toremifene doses, they must be much higher than its most comparable compound, Nolvadex. Of course, Toremifene doses also depend on the purpose it is being used for. Anabolic steroid using bodybuilders and athletes for the most part reserve their Toremifene use and Toremifene dosage for two primary uses: one purpose is for the purpose of mitigating, blocking, or preventing gynecomastia, and the second purpose is for the recovery o…


…Methamphetamine, Cocaine, and many others. It is a very broad category of compounds. All of these compounds, which include Caffeine, Albuterol, Clenbuterol, Ephedrine, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, and so on and so forth, are all related to one another and could be considered siblings or ‘cousins’ to each other. Because of this they are related in many ways and carry many similarities. All of the mentioned compounds (stimulants/sympathomimetics) w…