Raloxifene Side Effects

…stion, hot flashes. Rarer Raloxifene side effects include: ulcers, gastrointestinal hemorrhaging, reduced blood platelets, reduced white blood cell count, pulmonary embolism, deep-vein thrombosis, narrowing of the arteries, vaginal bleeding, and inflammation of veins, blood clots, and breast pain. The majority of the above listed Raloxifene side effects are normally never apparent in male users, which compose nearly all of the anabolic steroid use…

Neotest 250

…cant reductions in natural testosterone production. Once treatment with Neotest 250 comes to an end, it will be important to perform post cycle therapy to help kick-start the body’s natural production of testosterone. As soon as all of the exogenous hormones have left the system the individual can expect their own testosterone production to begin. However, if the individual was suffering from low testosterone condition before starting Neotest 250…

Effects Of Anadrol

…rogenic effect that they may have on the body. As Anadrol is so similar to testosterone, common side effects associated with increases in testosterone may also be experienced. Those who are new to steroids and cycles should take a gently-gently approach, as the negative side effects can be severe if you are not used to the hormone. It is recommended to start with 25mg to 50mg each day and then work your way up to larger doses. Working your way up…

Masteron (Drostanolone)

…trength is fairly low (25 – 40). This demonstrates a stark difference when compared to Testosterone, which is the number one natural and original anabolic steroid, and is used as the reference measuring bar by which all other anabolic steroids are compared to and measured against. Testosterone in comparison holds an anabolic and androgenic strength rating of 100 for both respectively. Masteron’s details (as Drostanolone) were first released and pu…

Dianabol Side Effects

…e effects will still remain present (such as bloating) when using SERMs to combat gynecomastia. The use of an aromatase inhibitor, such as Aromasin (AKA Exemestane) or Arimidex (AKA Anastrozole), acts on the aromatase enzyme effectively disabling it and preventing it from converting androgens into Estrogen. The use of an AI in this sense will effectively reduce total Estrogen levels in the body and resolve any other Estrogenic issues caused by Dia…

Study: Vitamin C Increases Breast Cancer Survival Odds

…cessary to fully understand exactly what’s happening with the body when it comes to Vitamin C and cancer cells. Research right now looks as though either of the major theories could be supported with data, and hopefully the Swedish research team is able to continue conducting these kinds of experiments and this kind of analysis to better understand exactly what can be done to improve the overall survivability rates for women diagnosed with breast…

Study: Taurine Protects Testes When Using Anabolic Steroids

…ticles according to a new report published by a university in Giza. This research is coming at a very important time in Egypt. Over the last 20 years steroid use has really skyrocketed. Objection athletes and performance-enhancing compound users are just now starting to see the long-term side effects these compounds can bring about firsthand, and many of them are discovering to their horror that their natural testosterone levels have dipped and th…

Health Products Regulatory Authority Says Illegal Anabolic Steroid Use Remains Unacceptably High

…rt and long-term health prospects for the citizens of Ireland for years to come, and those in the fitness community are rightfully nervous as well. Fitness leaders have stated that an increasing the overall participation rates in sports throughout Ireland have led to all kinds of unscrupulous behavior, unregulated activities, and athletes looking to gain a competitive edge and advantage in a field of competition that is more crowded now than ever…

Employee of Underground Steroid Lab Gets 24 Months in Prison

…rafficking punishment. As for Mr. Petzke, however, he is getting off light compared to some of the other convictions that have come out of this case. According to federal prosecutors, as well as US District Judge Nathaniel Gorton (the man that passed down the sentence for Mr. Petzke), Petzke was the “money man” as well as a general “gopher” for the underground laboratory at Onyx Pharmaceuticals. Petzke had a number of different responsibilities as…

Study: Decline Bench The Best For Chest Muscle Growth

…t to do “double duty” and work the entirety of your pectoralis major by going with decline work rather than “isolating” muscle areas with incline, flat, and decline. Source: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/232218111_Electromyographical_Activity_of_the_Pectoralis_Muscle_During_Incline_and_Decline_Bench_Presses…

Anadrol (Oxymetholone)

…s that may not know better (this is common among the in-person dealers). Latest Research:  December 30, 2017: At the University of Southern California sports scientists examined the results of placebo, 50mg and 100mg per day given to elderly healthy patients. The then published the results of the study in 2003 showing the positive effects Oxymetholone has on muscle growth and fat loss. The study showed that the men that had taken the compound saw…

Combination of Fish Oil and Curcumin Activates Anabolism in Muscles

…les that go without a lot of activity for significant stretches of time. Researchers have been working on this project to help astronauts in space avoid atrophy that comes from existing in a zero gravity or nearly zero gravity environment for durations. In cooperation with NASA, these Texas A&M University researchers conducted a 17 day animal study to see what kind of impact a variety of different substances, supplements, and ingredients could hav…

Usain Bolt Stripped Of Gold Medal in Performance Enhancing Drugs Scandal

…ly Bolt has not tested positive for a banned substance in his career. Tyson Gay (9.69sec), Yohan Blake (9.69sec), Asafa Powell (9.72sec) and Justin Gatlin (9.74sec) – have all failed doping tests and served punishments. Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/sportsnews/article-4156236/Usain-Bolt-Jamaica-stripped-2008-Olympic-gold-medal.html…

IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Guilty Of Selling Anabolic Steroids

…teroids were imported using the Unites States Postal Service (USPS). These compounds included: hundreds of grams of testosterone, oxandrolone (Anavar) and nandrolone decanoate (Deca-Durabolin) hormone powder. However, it wasn’t the raw steroid powders from China that spelt the end of the Kabov brothers, it was the prescription narcotic painkillers that put them on the Drug Enforcement Agency’s (DEA) radar. “These individuals engaged in one of the…

U.S. Attorney & Bodybuilder Guilty Of Importing Steroids

…e fake wall was: 538 10ml vials of steroids such as, Trenbolone, Sustanon, Testosterone and Winstrol. Steroid tablets totally 17,700 were located including popular steroids Dianabol, Anavar and Anadrol 50. Officers from U.S. Marshals Service, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations, the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, the Turlock Police Department and the Modesto Police Department all played roles in Moje an…

Westminster Bridge Terrorist Used Steroids In The Time Leading Up To The Attack

…variables are being examined closely to try and reveal any other possible motives that could lead to such a deranged character. Anabolic steroids are known to be able to cause behavioral and psychological effects, and these results will be considered only after a complete ‘psychological autopsy’ has been completed. It is still too soon to know if the use of steroids contributed to his act of terrorism. Source: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/…

Young Rugby Player Dies After Using Clenbuterol

…in the world of professional athletes and is often used when preparing for competition to meet weight targets. Unfortunately, many people are aware of the risks of the drug, and continue to abuse it for reaching body goals. Short-term side effects of Clenbuterol can range from headaches, muscle cramps, heart palpitations and breathing problems. Over the long-term, it can lead to atrophy of the left artery of the heart, swelling, and inflammation o…

Co-founder of Onyx Pharma steroids UGL, Tyler Baumann sentenced to 10 years in prison

…was basically saying that Goodwin what’s the Mastermind behind the entire company, therefore, he deserves to take the brunt of the punishment. Unfortunately for Baumann, prosecutors saw through his pathetic attempts to blame his partner in crime, and they came to the agreement that both men were almost identical when it came to blame. Judge Gorton why is prepared to reduce his prison sentence to a term of 120 months, however, this was still a far…

Two Steroid Dealers in Tennessee Avoid Prison Time

…y transfer services were used to pay for illegal hormone powder from Asia. Testosterone, Trenbolone, Dianabol, Winstrol, Anavar and other popular anabolic steroids were manufactured and distributed via the illegal network, said to be responsible for a number of different UGLs, but headquartered in Johnson City. The steroid sources were mostly online, utilizing anonymous wire transfer services such as, Western Union, Moneygram and BitCoin. A number…

Cytomel (T3)

…d protein sparing properties of theanabolic steroids. Cytomel (T3) is also commonly combined with other fat loss agents in order to increase its overall effect, as it does work synergistically with other fat loss agents. Some of these include Ephedrine, Clenbuterol, Albuterol, Human Growth Hormone (HGH) as well as other fat burning agents. The combination of T3 with anabolic steroids and other fat burning agents, as well as the possible interactio…

Primobolan Side Effects

…cts Although Primobolan possesses a very low androgenic strength rating in comparison to Testosterone, Primobolan might still exhibit androgenic side effects especially in individuals with a greater sensitivity to this category of Primobolan side effects. All anabolic steroids exhibit androgenic effects to varying degrees, and some less than others. Primobolan is one such anabolic steroid in which it tends to exhibit far less androgenic activity t…

Anadrol Side Effects

…hat Anadrol does not aromatize into Estrogen, aromatase inhibitors will be completely useless in combating Anadrol-related Estrogenic side effects (such as bloating for example). Because of the inability to combat water retention and bloating with the use of aromatase inhibitors, there is essentially no defense against the excess water weight and bloating issue aside from adjustments in diet (and even dietary adjustments are limited in their resul…

Steroid Cycles

…oid cycle. Solitarily run Testosterone cycles provide the user with a safe compound (Testosterone) that the human body is already accustomed to naturally, as all humans already produce Testosterone endogenously. This will allow the user to gauge their response to the most basic anabolic steroid, Testosterone. It is from this gauging process that individuals can assess their potential responses to other anabolic steroids, as the chances are that if…