Soya Protein Causes Growth Hormone Spike

…ailable as a supplement for decades. Derived from soya beans, soya protein comes in both concentrate and the more expensive refined isolate form. Soya is a viable alternative to milk derived protein due to many being lactose intolerant or experiencing stomach problem from whey and casein ingestion. Soya is digested slightly slower than whey protein, but faster than casein. However, soya has been shown to contain phytoestrogens that may cause chang…

Prostate Protection From Vitamin C When Using Steroids

…The figure below shows the levels of PSA and that they were highest in the testosterone alone group. PSA levels were almost twice as high as the testosterone plus vitamin C group.                 Due to the lower PSA levels in the vitamin treated group and rats had a smaller prostate than the testosterone alone group. The rats in the T group also had more HIF-1alpha, the addition of vitamin C reduced this hormone.                 The Koreans concl…

Testosterone Propionate Helps Muscle Memory

…e light done on animals. Researchers in Norway, at the University of Oslo, tested to see if Testosterone Propionate administration on muscle mass accrual is permanent. The Norwegians first published a study in 2010 stating how ‘muscle memory’ works which is shown here. The figure below shows the mechanism of action.             Until recently is was no understood how ‘muscle memory’ occurs, until researchers postulated the most important and dynam…

Triptorelin Restores Bodybuilders Hormones

…ect it has on testosterone levels. Triptorelin is also only available by research chemical companies. You need to put a lot of trust into this company as if the peptide is dosed wrong, you’re going to have a long road ahead trying to restore testosterone. If this can be obtained legally and with a prescription, that would be ideal, although then you’d probably be on HRT and not require Triptorelin anyhow. Source: Fertil Steril. 2010 Apr 21. [Epub…

Eat More Fruit & Vegetables To Live Longer

…ers write, “Thus, our results do not support the hypothesis that simple or complex combinations of nutraceuticals, including antioxidants, are effective in delaying the onset or progress of the major causes of death in mice. The results are consistent with epidemiological studies suggesting that dietary supplements are not beneficial and even may be harmful for otherwise healthy individuals.” Animal studies are good and give us some indication of…

The Carnal Escapades of Fad Dieting

…ER PROTEIN DIET “Feel fit and boost your health in just weeks!” This claim comes from the authors of The New York Times best-selling book: Power Protein: The High-Protein/Low Carbohydrate Way to Lose Weight, Feel Fit, and Boost Your Health-in Just Weeks! Husband and wife, Michael R. Eades, MD, and Mary Dan Eades, MD, wrote this low-carb, high protein diet plan that consists of scientific explanations about insulin and glucagon – the major hormones…

The Importance of Protein For The Aging Athlete

…n your body – including proteins that help make up your immune system. For example, immunoglobulins – also called antibodies – are proteins that circulate in your blood and make up key components of a strong immune system. Proteins are also part of antibodies, which help attack viruses, bacteria, or other foreign substances in your body. ENERGY When the proteins you eat are digested, they’re broken down into individual amino acids, so that the cel…

Ginkgo Biloba Decreases Prolactin Levels

…rive than those that were given no Ginkgo or in the control group, so they tested testosterone levels and also prolactin levels. As you can see in the figure below, the results were most severe in the 50mg group were testosterone levels rose around 90% compared to control.                             Prolactin levels were also recorded and all three groups given Gingko experienced a decrease in prolactin levels, as shown in the figure above. The 5…

Health Effects of Red Meat

…then treated with nitrates, preservatives and other various chemicals, for example. Before you go reaching for that delicious New York steak, first distinguish between the different types of meat: Processed meat: These products are usually derived from traditionally raised cows, and then go through diverse processing methods.  Examples of this are sausage and bacon. Conventional red meat: This type of meat is fairly unprocessed, but the cows are u…

Does Oral Human Growth Hormone Exist?

…n-gh-molecule; GHT = a different transferrin-gh-molecule; rGH = ordinary recombinant growth hormone. They found that th combination of GH + transferring remained active and the rats also put on bodyweight.                 The figure above examines the effects of the GH and transferring combination for seven days. The rats continued to put on weight until a protease inhibitor was given to the rats, which broke down the transferrin. However, the inj…

Study: Is Citrus Extract Sinensetin Anabolic?

…he muscle tissue created by the older rats, but the difference disappeared completely as soon as the research team exposed older muscle cells to sinsentin from citrus fruits. One of the most interesting parts of this study was how quickly the sinsentin biochemical was able to have a huge impact on the older muscle tissue. This specific flavonoids increased production of anabolic signaling molecules almost immediately, helping to flood this muscle…

DHEA Cream Stops Skin Ageing And Prevents Wrinkles

…her a cream containing 1% DHEA for four months. After the four months were completed the researchers first found that the number of active sebaceous glands in the DHEA group had increased significantly. Wrinkles around the eyes were measured and had increased by 15% in the group given placebo, whilst the DHEA cream group had no increased at all. The total amount of wrinkled skin around the eyes in the control group increased by 25% as well. The DH…

Study: More Testosterone and Less Estradiol in Coffee Drinkers

…hat are designed to confirm the findings that have already been uncovered. These tests and independent studies are already underway and while it may be a year or more until we see any definitive conclusion it’s exciting that researchers are committed to making sure they know exactly the kind of impact coffee has on the human body and critical hormones like the ones highlighted throughout. Source:…

5g BCAA Pre-Workout Equals Less Muscle Soreness

…overall concentration of BCAAs. The women’s BCAAs dosage per kg was 92mg, compared to the mens, which was 77mg per kg. The Japanese researchers did not investigate exactly how the BCAAs caused less muscle soreness in the subjects, but speculate, “”BCAA may attenuate exercise-induced protein breakdown, while leucine may stimulate muscle protein synthesis”, the researchers write. “If the finding is substantiated, the results could support the usefu…

Fenugreek Improves Uptake Of Creatine

…eatine attached to different esters and compounds. Monohydrate is the most common and researched creatine form, which is sold by Creapure globally. Creatine ethyl ester, hydrocholoride, instantised, micronized and very recently, nitrate, have all hit the shelves with different opinions on efficiency. However, not much has been studied on creatine with herbal product ingredients, such as, fenugreek combined. After all, those taking creatine are oft…

Can Food Affect Your Happiness?

…en diet and depression,” says Anil Malhotra, MD, director of psychiatric research at Zucker Hillside Hospital in Glen Oaks, N.Y. Research also hints at a link between sugar and addictive eating. For instance, a 2012 study published in the International Journal of Eating Disorders found that – of 81 obese people seeking treatment for binge eating – 57 percent met the criteria for food addiction. Foods that people were addicted to were high in fat a…

Paederia Foetida Increases Testosterone & Enhances Labido

…                Admittedly, this study is on rodents and not humans, but Paederia foetida shows promise in this rodent study, as did a whole host of other herbal ingredients which have gone on to prove their worth in human studies in the future. We at would suggest waiting for further research as little is also known about its toxicology. Source: Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Dr. H.S. Gour University, Sagar M.P.470003 India…

Donโ€™tโ€™ Strain: The Importance of a Fiber-Rich Diet

…ccording to Instead, the fiber – still relatively intact – passes through your stomach, small intestine, and colon, before being dispensed out of your body. According to the American Diabetes Association, fiber is broken down into two types: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber: This type dissolves in water to form a “gel-like” material. When in this state, the fiber can help to lower cholesterol and glucose levels. Soluble fiber c…

Q: โ€œWhatโ€™s the best way to use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)?โ€

…(used on cycle). A larger initial HCG dosage would be needed to shock the testes into producing testosterone again. HCG doses of 1,000-2,500ius can be used two to three days apart. This is because every day or every other day HCG use is not as effective. PCT is often not just HCG alone, an AI is often used to control excess estrogen and selective-estrogen-receptor modulator (SERM), such as, Tamoxifen or Clomid to help kick start the bodies own LH…

The Health Effects of Juice Cleansing

By Anthoney J. Andersen – With summer coming to a close, the holiday seasons begin to approach with grand acceleration. Family. Fun. Alcohol. Weight gain. The latter of the bunch is what concerns many Americans the most, especially if you worked your muscles to the bone in order to maintain that beach body. So, what’s the fastest and most efficient way to maintain your weight through the holidays, or at the very least, find a way to…

The Benefits of Eating Fish For Muscle Building

…ncertainty of how to properly prepare or cook fish. Doctors at, suggest that people research and educate themselves on the benefits of adequate fish consumption because it may one day save their life. OMEGA-3 ALTERNATIVES If you are a person who absolutely dislikes all types of seafood, rest assured that there are other alternatives to maintaining proper omega-3 fatty acid levels. Many Americans receive their omega-3s in the form o…

Turinabol Dosage

…be considerably high in comparison to other compounds such as Dianabol or Testosterone, for example. However, as previously mentioned, the advantage is the near absence of androgenic side effects (and complete absence of estrogenic side effects) – but the trade-off is the fact that the Turinabol doses required to elicit a considerable effect must be considerably large. Advertisement As a result of its considerably weak anabolic strength, Turinabo…


…cal structure resembles the traditional ‘targets’ that aromatase binds to (Testosterone, for example) and that it essentially ‘fools’ the aromatase enzyme into binding with it, only to become inhibited/deactivated. Because the binding strength is so great, this inhibition becomes permanent for the aromatase enzyme that Aromasin has become bound to. Arimidex and Letrozole, being non-suicidal aromatase inhibitors, both compete with the enzyme’s trad…