Roid Rage

…ide from anabolic steroids, as well as a possibility that a person might encom*]}*pass some underlying (and often unknown) psychological condition that could manifest itself only during anabolic steroid use. There are many ‘triggers’ that could trigger such unknown underlying conditions or predispositions, though these instances are extremely rare. In 2000, one study demonstrated this (which happens to be one of the studies mentioned earlier in the ar

New Zealand Rugby Stars Banned After Steroid Use

…m NZ Clenbuterol. An investigation is underway and being performed by Drug-Free Sports, New Zealand. Three of the players were penalized for violating the strict anti-doping laws, due to the fact that they were all found to possess the cutting drug, Clenbuterol. The 4th player, Quaqua-Dodds was charged with being in possession of methandienone, which is a potent anabolic steroid also commonly know as Dianabol. Robertson and berry have received a 4…

Athletic World Records Much Harder To Obtain Under New PED Proposal

…ate throughout the sporting communities of the world. What exactly is this new proposal? The new proposal is pretty simple and straightforward. Essentially, all European world records in sports will be eliminated completely and “reset”, with athletes setting world records having to conclusively prove that they did not use performance-enhancing drugs when they established the record but also leaving behind samples that can be tested at least 10 yea…

Study: Ginger Helps Burn Fat

…able while at the same time making for a more efficient delivery of the actual ginger itself into our digestive system. They believe that the dietary fats consumed at the same time as the ginger will increase its overall bioavailability. Sources:,inflammatory%20proteins%20and%20liver%20health. https://www.healt…


…on through the cellular phospholipid bilayer (the layer that encases and encompasses the whole cell), and it will travel through the cytosol (the fluid-filled space inside of the cell) towards the androgen receptor. Once the receptor is located, Testosterone will then bind with the receptor to form what is properly known as the receptor complex. The complex (or ‘receptor complex’) refers to the now bound receptor and hormone together as one. When…

Jon Jones Gets Busted for Anabolic Steroids At UFC 214

…leased by his team indicates that the team will wait for another test result from the sample which got Jones busted. Jones is apparently very upset over the news. Cormier has weighed in on the new test result. He indicated that he’s quite emotional about Jones’ failed drug test and that he feels disappointed. Cormier is currently on holiday in Hawaii….

Dorian Yates Discusses Anabolic Steroids in a New Documentary

…er. In particular, his feelings about steroids were something that he felt compelled to share. For example, in an interview which was published by London Real during summer of 2015, Yates talked about just how extensive steroid usage is in the sport. He felt that bodybuilders were not being honest regarding just how much they relied on steroids in order to get cut and ripped. However, he also felt that steroid usage in bodybuilding is just as comm…

Australian Olympic Swimmer Banned After Missing Third PED Test

…an Sports Anti-Doping Agency said that this constituted missing out on the test completely. The test conductor that was to meet with Fraser Holmes did report him as arriving late, but because of the strict rules and regulations regarding this kind of testing – and even though the swimmer himself said that he was simply running late because of having dinner at his mother’s home for her birthday – the test wasn’t able to be administered. Being the t…

Study: L-Theanine & Stress

…elt happier, healthier, and more energized. Moving forward, the Japanese researchers tested the L-Theanine subjects to see if they had improved cognitive ability as well. Over a short block of time the test subjects were asked to name off as many words as possible in rapid succession, with the L-Theanine individuals not only finding it easier to name more over the same duration of time but also able to name longer and more complex words as well. T…

Portland Police Union’s Proposed New Steroid Testing Policy

…thin The Department Blog Entry #4 By Dan Chaiet, Senior Editor – The latest involving anabolic steroids in the news regarding testing and legality involves the Portland police union’s revision of the department’s drug testing policy under a 4-year contract. The interesting thing about this particular piece of news is that it might seem to ironically protect police officers engaged in anabolic steroid use. The general policy in this c…

Steroid Detection Times

…of metabolites in this case, as well as the faster clearance of them. For example, Testosterone suspension is an un-esterified variant of Testosterone that can completely clear the body within 12 – 24 hours, and this can also mean that the Testosterone:Epitestosterone ratios in the user’s urine can and will return to normal ranges even faster than the use of a longer-acting variant of Testosterone, such as Testosterone Enanthate. Properties uniqu…

UFC’s Brock Lesnar Fails Second Drugs Test

…ping Agency (USADA) has notified the UFC that Lesner has also failed an in-competition test on July 9. Although the banned substance has not been named, understand this is for clomiphene (Clomid), the same substance Jon Jones has been suspended for recently. Lesnar has been tested twice and both times he has failed the USADA policy on banned substances leading to UFC 200. The UFC has come under criticism because they gave Lesnar a on…

The Foolproof Guide To ‘Clean Eating’

…AS PROCESSED? Most shop-bought foods will have been processed in some way. Examples of common processed foods include: Breakfast cereals Cheese Canned vegetables Bread Savory snacks, such as chips Meat products, such as bacon Microwave meals Food processing techniques include freezing, canning, baking, drying and pasteurizing products. “Not all processed food is a bad choice,” says Sian Porter, consultant dietician and spokesperson for the British…

Buy Human Growth Hormone

…sive performance enhancing drug currently on the market. There is no other compound that comes close to the cost of Human Growth Hormone. HGH is normally provided in what is known as kits. Each kit of Human Growth Hormone, depending on the product and brand, typically contains 100IU of Somatropin (synthetic Human Growth Hormone). Each 100IU kit normally contains 10 vials containing 10IU of Somatropin per vial. Some kits may or may not come provide…

Thomas Pannone, Toronto Blue Jays pitcher tests positive for oral steroid Turinabol

…the Major League Baseball’s treatment and Drug prevention program. This latest positive test result further builds up the reputation of the Blue Jays organization as being the most juiced up team in the major league baseball. As is common with many of the other players who have been caught with anabolic steroids being in their system, he vehemently denied using any anabolic steroids knowingly or using any banned PEDs (performance enhancing drugs)…

Harper-Nelson Has Been Banned From Olympic Sport Due to Failing a Drug Test

…. She’s been banned from competition for three months due to a failed drug test. The test for banned substances showed that she had a the diuretic, Hydrochlorothiazide, on board when she was tested. Since she tested positive for this banned substance, she’s not allowed to compete and her results from competitions on the first of December, 2016, and afterwards, are now forfeit. Dawn is currently thirty-two years of age. The substance that she had o…

UFC Fighter Banned For Two Years After Using Anabolic Steroids

…sitive may be punished long after their competitions are over. There Was a Testing Issue Andrade’s test sample was processed in a lab which lost WADA accreditation for a time. This accreditation was later reinstated. Whether Andrade will protest the validity of his positive test result remains to be seen. If the lab can prove that the sample was handled properly and that the test was conducted professionally, it may be difficult for Andrade to con…

Jorge Polanco of the Minnesota Twins tests positive for Winstrol

…ing that he would like to move on and take responsibility for the positive test outcome. The 24 year-old player thinks that he knows how Winstrol had ended up in his system and place the blame on a trainer back in the Dominican Republic who gave him what was supposedly a supplement containing vitamin B12. He refused to give any further information about whom this mysterious trainer was or anything more about the vitamin supplement. He also went on…

History of Anabolic Steroids

…d Ernst Laqueur and published in a paper On Crystalline Male Hormones from Testicles (Testosterone).[5] The name for the hormone Testosterone finds its etymology in the two words testicle and sterol (a ‘sterol’ is the name for the general sterol chemical skeleton structure), which determine the prefix, and the suffix of the word Testosterone is derived from the prefix of the word ketone. In August of that same year, Butenandt and G. Hanisch then s…

Steroids Statistics

…Dillon P (March 1998). Med. J. Aust. 168 (6): 311–2. PMID 9549549. [11] Trends in non-medical use of anabolic steroids by U.S. college students: Results from four national surveys. McCabe SE, Brower KJ, West BT, Nelson TF, Wechsler H (2007). Drug and alcohol dependence 90 (2–3): 243–51. doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2007.04.004. PMC 2383927. PMID 17512138. //…

Study: Anabolic Effects of Garlic

…ative and all natural medicine and healing, particularly in Asia. But this new research provided by the Japanese team suggests that it may be capable of so much more, offering legitimate performance enhancing benefits that could not and should not go overlooked. One of the more intriguing things about this research paper is that it isn’t the first time that this specific group of researchers have looked into the pharmacological impact that garlic…

Another New Long-Acting Human Growth Hormone (hGH) Product

…ls, Hanmi claimed at ENDO the product is safe and effective, stating human testing was a success. Although the human testing was only conducted for one week in Korea on adult males, Hanmi claimed they’re now moving to Phase 2 clinical trails. Phase 2 testing has been underway, not only in Korea, but 8 Eastern European countries, with 22 medical institutions using LAPSrhGH to treat GHD. These trials are still on going, but Hanmi are optimistic the…

Professional golf in USA unveils brand-new performance-enhancing drug testing protocols

…. The PGA Tour has been pretty quiet about why they are making the move to new testing protocols in conjunction with different international standards, but a number of well-respected journalists and reporters that follow professional golf have been talking about a PED epidemic sweeping through the PGA Tour for some time now and it’s likely that the governing body of the sport wants to get ahead of these issues before they have a Major League Baseb…