Another New Long-Acting Human Growth Hormone (hGH) Product

…ction cycle to more than a week and drastically relieve the injection pain compared to existing products, we expect that it will improve patients’ quality of life dramatically.” What this means for athletes and bodybuilders is not known yet. Logically, long-acting hGH analogues would lead to enhanced IGF-1 levels, which is one of the primary anabolic pathways for muscle growth. As we said previously on hGH-CTP, these longer duration products could…

Corticosteroids Might Be Banned By WADA After Bradley Wiggins Controversy

…e. He also added that the real-world situation on this topic is that the research hasn’t come to fruition as hoped and that that the task was much harder than originally expected, with results still eluding the researchers. The director of WADA has said that we are currently at the point whereby a fresh discussion must be engaged in, with the current system lacking as only athletes who are opening up about the use of performance enhancing drugs ar…

Jared Wheat Faces Third Jail Term

…only bad news for wheat, as Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals was made to pay $40 Million USD to the FTC, or Federal Trade Commission on the grounds of false advertising. Source:…

Fighting Off Spurious Accusations, Rugby Player Dan Carter Is Cleared Of All Doping Charges

…the matter. They concluded that the allegations made by the magazine were completely unfounded. The medical commission also validated the position held by the Racing 92 Team, and reiterated that the team doctor as well as the players had not committed any breach in either the rules or the ethics involved. The team as a whole was grateful for the ruling. A Step Too Far Relieved that he was vindicated, Carter was grateful for the ruling. Taking his…

Two Arrested In Axio Labs Founder Murder

…to avoid extradition by hiding out in the posh suburbs of Cape Town, he would eventually be murdered while sleeping in bed with his wife and infant son. Source:…

Australian UGLs Oz Pharma and Alpha Anabolics Sentenced To Jail

…s that perhaps Triulcio will be able to wake up and stop settling for the drug trade to make an honest living. As bad as his situation seems now, he could be paroled within the next year. Source:…

Up To One Million Britons Using Anabolic Steroids

and permenant side effects, often worsened by increasing steroid doses and combining compounds. Steroids side effects include; gynecomastia, cholesterol impairment, liver and kidney stress, roid rage, testosterone inhibition, erectile dysfunction, testicular shrinkage, acne, hair loss and prostate enlargement. Source: Kelso, P. (January 7, 2015). One Million Britons May Use Steroids Regularly. Retrieved from…

The Health Effects of Juice Cleansing

…a short term fix, it may not be the most beneficial route to take when it comes to maintaining proper health. “There’s not a lot of scientific evidence to prove that cleanses work,” says Lauren Blake, a registered dietician with The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. “When you’re restricting your calories so heavily, you’re going to lose weight, but people who follow these cleanses tend to put the weight right back on and leave themselv…

Caffeine/Ephedrine/Aspirin (ECA) – The Fat Burning Stack

…o has much more of an impact on the way the body stores muscle glycogen. Researchers found that the carb/caffeine combo resulted in a 66 percent increase in muscle glycogen four hours after intense, glycogen-depleting exercise. Glycogen, which is the form of carbohydrate that gets stockpiled in the muscles, serves as a vital energy chamber during exercise, which increases the body’s power strength moves and endurance. THE EPHEDRINE SURGE It should…

The Benefits of Eating Fish For Muscle Building

…ncertainty of how to properly prepare or cook fish. Doctors at, suggest that people research and educate themselves on the benefits of adequate fish consumption because it may one day save their life. OMEGA-3 ALTERNATIVES If you are a person who absolutely dislikes all types of seafood, rest assured that there are other alternatives to maintaining proper omega-3 fatty acid levels. Many Americans receive their omega-3s in the form o…

Can Food Affect Your Happiness?

…en diet and depression,” says Anil Malhotra, MD, director of psychiatric research at Zucker Hillside Hospital in Glen Oaks, N.Y. Research also hints at a link between sugar and addictive eating. For instance, a 2012 study published in the International Journal of Eating Disorders found that – of 81 obese people seeking treatment for binge eating – 57 percent met the criteria for food addiction. Foods that people were addicted to were high in fat a…

The Energy Complex: Importance of Vitamin B

…hment in order to keep it running for a long time. Many of the nutritional compounds the body requires come from B vitamins. Vitamin B has been known to ease stress, aid memory, reduce heart disease, and help with depression. In order for your body to achieve the greatest results, you need to be consuming all of the essential B vitamins. BREAKDOWN OF THE B’S The following is a list of the eight B vitamins – along with the dosage range that are com

Vitamin B12: Friend or Foe?

By Anthoney J. Andersen – When it comes to dietary supplements – including vitamins – the first thing that many people probably consider is how these items will improve their overall health. Vitamins, for example, are vital nutrients that – when taken in small quantities – can help sustain life. Sounds good, right? But what happens when these crucial nutrients turn their back on your body, creating side effects that will ultimately…

Paederia Foetida Increases Testosterone & Enhances Labido

…                Admittedly, this study is on rodents and not humans, but Paederia foetida shows promise in this rodent study, as did a whole host of other herbal ingredients which have gone on to prove their worth in human studies in the future. We at would suggest waiting for further research as little is also known about its toxicology. Source: Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Dr. H.S. Gour University, Sagar M.P.470003 India…

Dianabol And Testosterone Enanthate Effects On Sperm

…they are done on limited subjects and also that we’re now in 2014. More research has been done since then and the use of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is common now amongst steroid users. HCG will mimic luteinizing hormone (LH) and stimulate the testes to maintain intra-testicular testosterone (ITT) even when shutdown through the use of anabolic steroids. This will help increase sperm count significantly and we’ll go as far as to suggest usi…

Protein Only Breakfast Is Anabolic

…s fuel and replenishment sources during this sedentary time. In terms of research, we’ve come a long way on how best to fuel the body when sleeping. Supplement companies will have you believe a protein shake consisting of casein protein is best as its slow released, and while this is true, there are also other options that will provide more nutrients to athletes and bodybuilders. Beef is digested slower than most other protein sources, so we here…

Nolvadex Raises Testosterone More Than Toremifene & Rolaxifene

…er natural hormone levels after using anabolic steroids and lists detailed examples. The most common PCT protocols contain SERMs, Nolvadex, or chemical name Tamoxifen and Clomid, also called Clomiphene. One way in which the body regulates testosterone levels is to monitor levels of andorgens and estrogens in the blood. SERMs act by blocking the effects of estrogen in the brain, thus raising hormones and testosterone levels. Recently, newer SERMs h…

Alcohol’s Effect on Muscle Growth

…one was actually affected and that cortisol was only minimally affected. Researchers expected that a small change in cortisol would take place because alcohol has been known to affect catecholamines – hormones made by the adrenal glands. According to Mayo Clinic, alcohol causes dehydration and slows down the body’s ability to recover. Speeding up the recovery of sore muscles is essential to achieving optimal performance. Alcohol is a toxin that co…

Don’t’ Strain: The Importance of a Fiber-Rich Diet

…n and absorbs – fiber isn’t digested by your body, according to Instead, the fiber – still relatively intact – passes through your stomach, small intestine, and colon, before being dispensed out of your body. According to the American Diabetes Association, fiber is broken down into two types: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber: This type dissolves in water to form a “gel-like” material. When in this state, the fiber can help to l…