Paederia Foetida Increases Testosterone & Enhances Labido

…                Admittedly, this study is on rodents and not humans, but Paederia foetida shows promise in this rodent study, as did a whole host of other herbal ingredients which have gone on to prove their worth in human studies in the future. We at would suggest waiting for further research as little is also known about its toxicology. Source: Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Dr. H.S. Gour University, Sagar M.P.470003 India…

Can Food Affect Your Happiness?

…en diet and depression,” says Anil Malhotra, MD, director of psychiatric research at Zucker Hillside Hospital in Glen Oaks, N.Y. Research also hints at a link between sugar and addictive eating. For instance, a 2012 study published in the International Journal of Eating Disorders found that – of 81 obese people seeking treatment for binge eating – 57 percent met the criteria for food addiction. Foods that people were addicted to were high in fat a…

Caffeine/Ephedrine/Aspirin (ECA) – The Fat Burning Stack

…o has much more of an impact on the way the body stores muscle glycogen. Researchers found that the carb/caffeine combo resulted in a 66 percent increase in muscle glycogen four hours after intense, glycogen-depleting exercise. Glycogen, which is the form of carbohydrate that gets stockpiled in the muscles, serves as a vital energy chamber during exercise, which increases the body’s power strength moves and endurance. THE EPHEDRINE SURGE It should…

The Energy Complex: Importance of Vitamin B

…hment in order to keep it running for a long time. Many of the nutritional compounds the body requires come from B vitamins. Vitamin B has been known to ease stress, aid memory, reduce heart disease, and help with depression. In order for your body to achieve the greatest results, you need to be consuming all of the essential B vitamins. BREAKDOWN OF THE B’S The following is a list of the eight B vitamins – along with the dosage range that are com

The Best Muscle Building Supplements

…ng natural products that would help boost the body’s natural production of testosterone. Tribulus Terrestris This compound stems from a fruit-producing Mediterranean plant that’s covered with spines.  It’s often referred to as a puncture vine.  People often use the fruit, leaf, or root of the tribulus plant as medicine, according to WebMD. Over the past decade, people have used tribulus as a way to enhance athletic performance and to improve certa…

Don’t’ Strain: The Importance of a Fiber-Rich Diet

…n and absorbs – fiber isn’t digested by your body, according to Instead, the fiber – still relatively intact – passes through your stomach, small intestine, and colon, before being dispensed out of your body. According to the American Diabetes Association, fiber is broken down into two types: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber: This type dissolves in water to form a “gel-like” material. When in this state, the fiber can help to l…

Alcohol’s Effect on Muscle Growth

…TRAINING It has been speculated that alcohol may have the ability to lower testosterone.  According to WebMD, this influence alcohol has on testosterone has been widely overstated. A three-week study that had men and women consuming 30 to 40 grams of alcohol per day showed a 6.8 percent reduction in testosterone for the men and none for the women at the end of the study [4]. These percentages are the equivalent to three beers a day during the thre…

The Benefits of Eating Fish For Muscle Building

…ncertainty of how to properly prepare or cook fish. Doctors at, suggest that people research and educate themselves on the benefits of adequate fish consumption because it may one day save their life. OMEGA-3 ALTERNATIVES If you are a person who absolutely dislikes all types of seafood, rest assured that there are other alternatives to maintaining proper omega-3 fatty acid levels. Many Americans receive their omega-3s in the form o…

The Health Effects of Juice Cleansing

By Anthoney J. Andersen – With summer coming to a close, the holiday seasons begin to approach with grand acceleration. Family. Fun. Alcohol. Weight gain. The latter of the bunch is what concerns many Americans the most, especially if you worked your muscles to the bone in order to maintain that beach body. So, what’s the fastest and most efficient way to maintain your weight through the holidays, or at the very least, find a way to…

Adderall and Sports Performance

…tting diagnosed with these disorders and then prescribed medication that accompanies this diagnosis. Many of these children getting diagnosed with ADD or ADHD play sports, are they getting a competitive advantage over their peers? Adderall is a member of the amphetamine class of drugs. It works by increasing the amounts of norepinephrine and dopamine in our system. Norepinephrine and dopamine are both neurotransmitters that help improve memory, fo…

Up To One Million Britons Using Anabolic Steroids

and permenant side effects, often worsened by increasing steroid doses and combining compounds. Steroids side effects include; gynecomastia, cholesterol impairment, liver and kidney stress, roid rage, testosterone inhibition, erectile dysfunction, testicular shrinkage, acne, hair loss and prostate enlargement. Source: Kelso, P. (January 7, 2015). One Million Britons May Use Steroids Regularly. Retrieved from…

Former Champion Powerlifter Scott Rabine Has Received a Prison Sentence for Selling Oxycontin

…. Rabine will need to serve 7/8th of his sentence or more before he will become eligible for parole. This the the second time that Rabine has been convicted of a felony. He’ll be able to apply for parole in July of 2023. It’s an extreme downward spiral for a man who was once a notable powerlifter. Rabine was also renowned for helping athlete-students at a local high school (South Glen Falls High School) with nutrition and training programs. The st…

Primobolan Cycle

…e found Primobolan’s place in their Primobolan cycles as strictly a pre-contest compound. This is very similar to the anabolic steroid Masteron, which holds the same value as Primobolan in this regard. In fact, many experienced anabolic steroid users consider Masteron and Primobolan to be the two exclusive pre-contest anabolic steroids of choice, and that they are also very similar to one another. The claim that they are similar is not very far fr…

Bodybuilding Steroids

formats, blends, and ester variants of Testosterone itself. These are most commonly compounds such as Testosterone Enanthate, Testosterone Cypionate, Testosterone Propionate, Testosterone Suspension, and Sustanon 250 (or other blends of Testosterone esters). Although there exist other variants of Testosterone (such as Testosterone Acetate, for example), they are quite rare among the market and among users themselves. Testosterone Enanthate tends t…

Connecticut Prison Guard Receives Tough Penalty For Distributing Steroids

…point in that direction. That’s likely why the US district attorney was so comfortable handing down what many consider to be a very lenient penalty, though the fines and house arrest components of the sentence are pretty significant. For his part, Mr. Aurora was quick to cooperate with the investigation and also ended up pleading guilty to a single count of possession and a single count of intent to distribute controlled substances in court on Mar…

10 Year prison sentence given to Texas man for illegal steroid trafficking

…h the defense attorney argued that the evidence that was found during this search was inadmissible because they had pulled over his client without any reasonable cause whatsoever. All of this legal wrangling and back and forth eventually became moved when Mr. Adams came forward and admitted to his part in both the possession of misdemeanor amounts of illegal steroids and his role as the point man for a major distribution network for these kinds of…

Testosterone Injections

…o find a suitable form that would be convenient to administer, both in the search of Testosterone injections as well as oral formats. The first attempt at an oral form of Testosterone was Methyltestosterone, which was methylated (also known as C17-alpha alkylated) Testosterone on the 17th carbon. This allowed Testosterone to become bioavailable through oral ingestion, but exhibited a measure of hepatotoxicity that would make it impractical for lon…

Winstrol For Sale

…of popularity and hit the headlines for the first time due to Ben Johnson testing positive for Stanozolol in the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games. After winning the 100m final and setting a new world record, he failed the necessary drug and was stripped and banned from competing again. Athletes due to its performance enhancing effects have long used Winstrol and this occurs illegally even today. Because Winny can add power, strength and speed to a user,…


…es. The same is true for the male counterpart, androgens, which consist of Testosterone, Dihydrotestosterone, and various others male androgens. Estrogen occurs naturally in all vertebrates[1] and in some insects[2]. In females, Estradiol is the primary Estrogen, especially during the peak of a female’s reproductive years, and is the strongest of the three Estrogens. The balance shifts later on, however, as Estrone levels increase and become domin…

Finasteride (Proscar)

…me) pharmaceutical forms of the drug can be found. Additionally, several research chemical companies have been offering Finasteride in their line of products as a research chemical for research purposes only. Finasteride can be easily found online on online web shops, as well as through traditional anabolic steroid sources, both online, mail-order, as well as in-person ‘gym dealer’ sources. Depending in which store or source it is purchased from,…

Side Effects For Women

…not as strong in the area of androgenicity. Examples of strong androgenic compounds include Testosterone, Dianabol (Methandrostenolone), Trenbolone, Fluoxymesterone, and other similar strength compounds that can induce these rapid changes in vocal physiology[2] [3] [4] [5]. This is not to say that ‘mild’ anabolic steroids that exhibit lower androgenic strength ratings cannot produce the same side effect, however, as studies have demonstrated that…


…the effects of Nandrolone hormone on lipids are at an increased rate when compared to testosterone, but at a much lower rate when compared to many oral steroids. While it shouldn’t have a strong, direct effect on LDL cholesterol, it will have the ability to significantly reduce or suppress HDL cholesterol. It is for this reason that the use of Dinandrol is only recommended to those who have already healthy levels of cholesterol. Making healthy li…


…e individuals who use Trenbolone Acetate without the addition of exogenous testosterone, the occurrence of low testosterone condition may appear. If you do not use exogenous testosterone with Trenbolone Acetate then there will be zero testosterone running through your body. As soon as Trenbolone Acetate leaves the system and the body is clear of it, the individual will once again begin to produce their own naturally occurring testosterone. It will…

Domestic UGL owner responsible for supplying Army soldiers with steroids pleads guilty

…nsually acting as a mole to rat out the supplier in exchange for a lighter sentence. The sting was established rather quickly and over a two block month of time the military and postal investigators were able to uncover plenty of research about the operation that led them directly to Cravatta. Cravatta currently faces up to 10 years in prison and a potential fine up to $500,000 and will appear in the US District Court in Tacoma, Washington on May…

IWF Has Been Given December Deadline to Clean Up Doping Issues

…ith the demands of the IOC. They have made a number of statements on their website committing to comply with all of the requests made by this international committee, are preparing proposals to share with the IOC, and are looking to work in partnership with the IOC and partner nations to come up with more stringent performance-enhancing drug testing protocols. The IWF understands that if they lose a spot at the Olympics they may never get it back,…