A Glimpse Into The Mediterranean Diet

By Anthoney J. Andersen – Steroidal.com America. It’s the land of the free and home to some of the most trendy and commercialized diets on the planet. In a country full of endless food choices, it can sometimes stifle even the sanest person. But which foods are the healthiest, and will help a person achieve his or her fitness goals? Let’s take it one step at a time, and look at one of the more popular diet plans currently trending the nation: The…

Supplemental & Dietary Changes To Detoxify Your Liver

…ess on your liver, according to MayoClinic. AVOID THE CANCER STICK When it comes to this rule of thumb it’s very simple: smoking cigarettes will not only harm you liver’s ability to flush out toxins, but it can also create further complications in individuals with alcohol-induced liver disease. DR. OZ’S NATURAL DETOX PLAN Most people are unaware of the body’s natural regimen for internal detoxification. According to Dr. Oz, there are three critica…

Iron Madness: Benefits of this Important Mineral

…f iron. A healthful diet may include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fat free milk, lean meats, fish, eggs and nuts. In addition to a proper diet, you can also consume foods that aid in the absorption of iron. For example, foods that are high in vitamin C help speed up the absorption rate of iron in the body. Foods that are high in vitamin C include guava, red bell peppers, oranges, strawberries, Brussels sprouts, tomato juice and mangoes. PROPE…

US Cyclist Gets Slapped with Four-Year Suspension For Steroids

…individual to see if he was doping. It didn’t take long for USA Cycling to come back and state that Pate had in fact tested positive for anabolic steroid, but that they weren’t going to release the name of the steroid or performance-enhancing drug substance that he had tested positive for. This is pretty unusual, particularly when we are talking about amateur and recreational competitors that are usually interested in having a bit of fun as oppose…

Four-time Olympic champion cleared after false positive PED charge

…ing 30% before the next upcoming Olympics in 2020. Mo Farah had a positive test when compared to his biological passport information from 2010, and he was also listed in two different spreadsheets that were collected during the investigation into the Russian doping scandal. Right out of the gate, however, Mo Farah denied that he had ever taken performance-enhancing drugs and also promised to do absolutely everything and anything he could in his po…

Three Russian Athletes Banned For Doping

…reanalyses. Turinabol seems to be the most prevalent anabolic steroid that comes up. What is commonly considered a crime and sports, seems to be an issue among the Russian athletic community. The Levada Center did a poll among ordinary Russian citizens that resulted in 14% of them believing that their nation’s athletes we’re actively doping. Russia nearly triples the runner-up nation’s amount of Olympic medals revoked due to doping. The majority o…

Shot Putter Tests Positive For Dianabol

…arlier in the year. It’s unlikely that this will be the last instance of an Olympic athlete getting busted for performance-enhancing drugs, but hopefully it comes a lot less frequent of an occurrence in the future because of examples like this….

Anavar Side Effects

…st Cycle Therapy (PCT) program following the termination of a cycle, where Testosterone-stimulating compounds are utilized. As evidenced by the studies referenced, the rumors among the steroid-using community of Anavar being a ‘mild’ anabolic steroid where HPTA suppression is concerned should not be taken seriously – all users should be constantly aware that side effects include that of endogenous Testosterone suppression to the same extent as mos…

Aromasin Dosage

and effects over other aromatase inhibitors that do not exhibit them. For example, a common attribute of all aromatase inhibitors is the unfortunate effect of altering cholesterol levels in a very negative manner (reduction of the ‘good’ HDL cholesterol and increasing the ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol). This is due in large part to the drop in Estrogen levels, as well as the aromatase inhibitor’s actions themselves. Aromasin has demonstrated in several s…

Study: Taurine Protects Testes When Using Anabolic Steroids

…ticles according to a new report published by a university in Giza. This research is coming at a very important time in Egypt. Over the last 20 years steroid use has really skyrocketed. Objection athletes and performance-enhancing compound users are just now starting to see the long-term side effects these compounds can bring about firsthand, and many of them are discovering to their horror that their natural testosterone levels have dipped and th…

U.S. Attorney & Bodybuilder Guilty Of Importing Steroids

…) he routed shipments of steroids through a UPS mail-forwarding service in New York. In May 2015 one of these packs was intercepted. After analysis it contained one kilo of anabolic steroids. That’s not a small amount even in underground lab (UGL) terms. Surveillance was put on Moje and officers observed him seeing a number of bodybuilders at his residence and not practicing much law. Enough was enough. DEA agents then raided his home finding a fa…

Ibuprofen Causes Testosterone Suppression

…’s important to consider the level of dosage you’re using. Should you use these drugs, try to keep them contained to acute dosages and even so, try to use them sparingly. Source: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/ibuprofen-testosterone-production-negative-impact-male-fertility-compensated-hypogonadism-research-a8149026.html…

CAS Will Uphold Lifetime Ban on Former Top Officials from IAAF

…ome a whistle-blower. The case via IAAF happened due to a report which was compiled by a German broadcasting company known as ARD. The report alleged that the female marathon runner gave five hundred and thirty thousand dollars to Russian higher-ups after she was threatened by them. They told her she’d be banned before the London Olympics in 2012 if she didn’t pay what they asked. Her spouse got three hundred and thirty-five thousand dollars as a…

Transdermal Testosterone

…nsdermal Testosterone, you should shower first to remove it from the skin. Testim Testosterone Gel Application Of Transdermal Testosterone Patches Think of these like sticky plasters. They are applied to the skin with an adhesive, most commonly to the arms, thighs, or stomach. They are applied first thing in the morning and skin should be clean and not wet. Dosage is around the 2.5mg – 5mg mark per day. Transdermal Testosterone Availability: Trans…

Is La Liga Lacking in Drug Testing? WADA Thinks So.

…l Deporte), which is the official anti-doping body of Spain, for being non-compliant with drug testing rules. Shortly following the official rebuke, AEPSAD’s lab, which had been accredited by WADA in the past, received a suspension. After the suspension, the lab was not permitted to run anti-doping tests and analysis, for blood or for urine. It received the suspension due to missing an important deadline for updating its test procedures. Since the…

Raloxifene Doses

for the purpose of stimulating endogenous Testosterone secretion, but for combating gynecomastia as well. For the purpose of stimulating endogenous natural Testosterone production, a Raloxifene dose of 30 – 60mg per day is ideal, though for this purpose a 60mg daily dose is more common. Proper Administration and Timing of Raloxifene Doses Raloxifene’s administration restrictions (or a lack thereof) are quite flexible, and Raloxifene dosages can b…


…n normal Prolactin levels. Many individuals have even provided their blood test results as anecdotal evidence to attest to this. However, there has been wild variation in the trends concerning the Prolactin issue with anabolic steroids, and much of this is due to the fact that there unfortunately does not exist as much research on many anabolic steroids as we would like, and so there is no solid clinical data from which we can draw conclusions (e….

Steroid Cycles

…oid cycle. Solitarily run Testosterone cycles provide the user with a safe compound (Testosterone) that the human body is already accustomed to naturally, as all humans already produce Testosterone endogenously. This will allow the user to gauge their response to the most basic anabolic steroid, Testosterone. It is from this gauging process that individuals can assess their potential responses to other anabolic steroids, as the chances are that if…

What Supplements Can I Take To Improve Cholesterol? – Dr. Khash Farzam

…tive. Improving a certain parameter does not necessarily improve health outcomes. For example, two different drugs may both improve a certain lab test variable but only one of them decreases long term mortality. Given those general principles, one should make an evidence-based decision on selecting supplements for preventative health measures. In the context of the lipid profile, there have been a few supplements which have accumulated enough evid…

Jared Wheat Faces Third Jail Term

…only bad news for wheat, as Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals was made to pay $40 Million USD to the FTC, or Federal Trade Commission on the grounds of false advertising. Source: https://www.nutraingredients-usa.com/Article/2017/10/09/Hi-Tech-founder-Wheat-indicted-on-18-counts-including-mail-fraud-money-laundering…

Australian UGLs Oz Pharma and Alpha Anabolics Sentenced To Jail

…will be able to wake up and stop settling for the drug trade to make an honest living. As bad as his situation seems now, he could be paroled within the next year. Source: http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/south-australia/john-triulcios-45m-adelaide-based-steroid-empire-ends-in-six-and-a-half-year-prison-sentence/news-story/3440cf6ee2fb0dac143eb7ba62cb10ad…

Two Arrested In Axio Labs Founder Murder

…to avoid extradition by hiding out in the posh suburbs of Cape Town, he would eventually be murdered while sleeping in bed with his wife and infant son. Source: https://www.news24.com/SouthAfrica/News/international-steroid-king-shot-dead-in-cape-town-home-in-possible-hit-20170818…