Creatine Is Best Taken Post-Workout

…in the four weeks, whilst the men also gained twice as much lean body mass (muscle). The post-workout group also had superior strength gains in their bench press test. “Post workout supplementation with creatine for a period of 4 weeks in recreational bodybuilders may produce superior gains in fat free mass and strength in comparison to pre workout supplementation”, the researchers conclude. So there you have it. Although the sample size is small,…

Curcumin For Joint Pain & Stiffness

Blog Entry #98 By Admin – Joint pain is pretty common amongst athletes, bodybuilders, strongmen, endurance athletes or anyone in contact sports. After all, the joints are issued every day in various ways, but once you injure a joint you seem to understand how you take free and painless joint movement for granted. With a wide variety of specialist joint supplements on the market such as, glucosamine, chondroitin, cissus quadrangulari…

Ashwagandha Root Increases Testosterone By 40%

…hwagandha roots had more anti-oxidant vitamins in their blood neutralising free radicals. The Indian researchers speculate that this is how it raises testosterone levels and enhances fertility. Other earlier studies confirm its anabolic effects. This study was done in 1994, which showed a gain in body weight, as well as the levator ani muscle growing in the rats tested. All in all, we suggest using Ashwagandha root extract as part of a post cycle…

Ginger Increases Testosterone Levels

…study by Pharmacologists in Egypt and was published in July 2010[1]. The researchers wanted to find a compound that would limit the damage diabetes can do on the testes. What they found was interesting in terms of how much the ginger extract affected the testes and sperm production. Sperm production falls in those with diabetes because of insulin sensitivity also falling. Infertility is a common problem in those with type 1 diabetes, unfortunately…

Fenugreek Boosts Testosterone

…g total testosterone levels. Other testosterone boosters claim to increase free testosterone, or bioavailable testosterone by lowering sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). Products combining both of these actions seem to be the most effective, but there is not a lot of solid date on herbs that raise total testosterone levels or do so by a margin worth spending your cash for. One herb that’s gained popularity much like Tongkat Ali, is Fenugreek. We…

Iron Madness: Benefits of this Important Mineral

…f iron. A healthful diet may include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fat free milk, lean meats, fish, eggs and nuts. In addition to a proper diet, you can also consume foods that aid in the absorption of iron. For example, foods that are high in vitamin C help speed up the absorption rate of iron in the body. Foods that are high in vitamin C include guava, red bell peppers, oranges, strawberries, Brussels sprouts, tomato juice and mangoes. PROPE…

Distinguishing Between The Good Fats And The Bad

…your calorie intake and overall diet goals. THE BIG FAT CONCLUSION When it comes to what fats to eat, try to steer clear of foods high in saturated and trans fats. And don’t completely eliminate fat from your diet – the heart and brain need it to function properly. So, feel free to indulge in your favorite burger or dessert item – keeping in mind that this should be done in moderation. As long as you do that, fat can be both a vital and delicious…

Study: Watermelon Helps Sore Muscles

…eir performance, speed up there recovery process, and push back against muscle soreness that can make physically intense workouts even more daunting than they would have been on their own. Sources:…

Ginger Protects Against Prostate Cancer

…ginger extract had on prostate cancer cells in mice [1]. At first the US researchers did experiments on prostate cancer cells in test tubes. When the cancer cells were exposed to concentrations around 100 microgram/millilitre of ginger extract (Zingiber officinale), the cancer cells died. They found this was explicably linked to the cancer cells as healthy prostate cells [PrEC] and human primary fibroblasts [HDT] did not die.               Followi…

Health Effects of Red Meat

…White meat: Meats that are white when cooked are defined as “white” meat.  Examples of this are chicken and turkey. Grass-fed, organic meat: This meat comes from animals that have been naturally fed, raised organically and have not been pumped full of drugs and hormones. NUTRITIONAL VALUE OF RED MEAT Even though red meat tends to garner a bad rep, it still is one of the most nutritious foods you can eat. Red meat is chalked full of vitamins, miner…

The Health Benefits of Citrus Bergamot

…fect noted in the initial bergamot studies. While it could eventually be recommended as a complement to statins – with the potential for a lower statin dose – larger scale studies are necessary to establish the supplement’s safety. Bergamot extract must be handled with special care, as exposure to direct sunlight can render the extract toxic. As with any supplement, it is best to discuss with a physician before using them. “I would tell a patient…

DHEA Is Anti-Catabolic

…its only uses, DHEA is also anti-catabolic when supplemented and this can come in useful to steroid users. If a supplement or compound is anti-catabolic, it may mean a few things. It may be anabolic in the body, it may encourage nitrogen retention, protein synthesis, protein turnover or slow catabolic hormones or processes, such as, cortisol and protein breakdown amongst others. The first piece of data we’re going to investigate was recently cond…

Increase The Effects Of Anavar With Coffee

…ing its muscle building effects at all – ingest it with a cup of coffee. Researchers in Portugal have found something fairly interesting after steroid users in Portgul and Spain were convinced Anavar + caffeine was superior to Anavar alone. This information then led to a study being conducted on Oxandrolone’s metabolites when consumed with caffeine. The Portuguese researchers acting on behalf of a doping lab Laboratório de Análises de Dopagem cons…

Study: Garlic and Longevity

…dless of age (or any other factors, for that matter). The research team is comfortable recommending that those serious about their health consumed garlic on a regular basis, ideally as a daily part of their nutrition. Octogenarians, non-octogenarians, men, women, and those with cognitive issues are all recommended to take advantage of everything that garlic has to offer. The research team is also looking further into whether or not garlic constitu…

Long-Acting HGH Will Be Available To Public

…ffective human growth hormone (hGH) variant has been produced and is being commercialised by a major pharmaceutical company. The long-acting hGH variant was first produced by Israeli pharmaceutical company – Biotech Opko Health Inc – and named hGH-CTP. The hGH variant was produced for the treatment of growth hormone deficiency (GHD) in adults and children. Often when this occurs, stunted growth is evident and exogenous hGH injections are given to…

Sciroxx Labs busted with help of DEA

for sale that were manufactured and transported by Sciroxx labs. He was a common commentary on many bodybuilding forums and the majority of the customers who purchased anabolic steroids from the company were located in the United States. It is because of the International customer base that the DEA became involved. Shapira why is listed as being the owner of a fitness equipment brand known as cardiosport in Israel. He is a self-styled entrepreneu…

Massive Accidental Steroid Bust in Georgia USA

…p his case airtight. In doing so he can guarantee that the DEA will be able to work the case and fully press charges on the two men involved. Source:…