What Supplements Can I Take For Liver Health? – Dr. Khash Farzam

…support or promote the use of any supplement or drug. References: https://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/picture-of-the-liver Angulo, P. (2002). Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. New England Journal of Medicine, 346(16), 1221-1231. Hartgens, F., & Kuipers, H. (2004). Effects of androgenic-anabolic steroids in athletes. Sports medicine, 34(8), 513-554. Hall, R. C., & Hall, R. C. (2005). Abuse of supraphysiologic doses of anabolic steroids. Sout…

Jared Wheat Faces Third Jail Term

…only bad news for wheat, as Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals was made to pay $40 Million USD to the FTC, or Federal Trade Commission on the grounds of false advertising. Source: https://www.nutraingredients-usa.com/Article/2017/10/09/Hi-Tech-founder-Wheat-indicted-on-18-counts-including-mail-fraud-money-laundering…

Corticosteroids Might Be Banned By WADA After Bradley Wiggins Controversy

…e. He also added that the real-world situation on this topic is that the research hasn’t come to fruition as hoped and that that the task was much harder than originally expected, with results still eluding the researchers. The director of WADA has said that we are currently at the point whereby a fresh discussion must be engaged in, with the current system lacking as only athletes who are opening up about the use of performance enhancing drugs ar…

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Clamps Down on Raw Steroid Manufacturers in China

…“This progress, in large part due to the relationship that the anti-doping community has forged with these key allies, has helped prevent doping substances from reaching the hands of athletes,” Howman said. Source: WADA. (September 22, 2015). WADA and China sign ground-breaking agreement to eliminate illegal manufacture and supply of PEDs. Retrieved from https://www.wada-ama.org/en/media/news/2015-09/wada-and-china-sign-ground-breaking-agreement-t…

Oral Steroids

…y the result of a fear of needles, but this must be overcome, and once overcome it becomes much easier afterwards. Oral anabolic steroids are not designed to be run solitarily (on their own), and instead serve to act as supplementary compounds to a solid base cycle that should always include injectable compounds, of which an essentially required injectable being Testosterone (for every single cycle). Injectable compounds are the base compounds of…

Massive Accidental Steroid Bust in Georgia USA

…p his case airtight. In doing so he can guarantee that the DEA will be able to work the case and fully press charges on the two men involved. Source: http://www.41nbc.com/2017/03/02/men-arrested-mass-steroid-sales-capital-city-bar-milledgeville/…

Gym and Wellness Clinic Busted For Selling Steroids in Miami

…label ‘WFN Pharma’, Anavar (Oxandrolone), Dianabol, Winstrol (Stanozolol), Testosterone, Deca-Durabolin, Trenbolone, Anadrol and various blended injectable products were all offered to the public and online through wellnessfitnessnutrition.com. In truth, WFN was not licensed to sell these products without a prescription in the United States. A number of major former and current IFBB Pro’s endorsed WFN Pharma thinking the business was legitimate. T…

HCG Restores Bodybuilders Testosterone Levels

…rmone than mimic’s luteinizing hormone (LH) in the body. LH stimulates the testes to secrete testosterone and is secreted by the pituitary so mimicking this hormone we can maintain or increase testosterone production. HCG is a part of most anabolic steroids users drug collection as no other compound can do what HCG does at present. As discussed in another blog post, HCG can be used at different times as a prevention tool against testicular dysfunc…

Man In The United Kingdom Jailed After Manufacturing & Supplying Steroids

…nd online into producing finished products. Importing raw hormones such as Testosterone and Methandrostenolone from China is common by UGL operators as raw hormone powder us cheap and accessible. Between April 2015 and 2016, Wiltshire deposited a total of £122,000 into his personal bank account ($154,000). Even though large amounts of cash had gone through his accounts, now obvious source of his income could be explained leading investigators to s…

USPS Supervisor Admits Guilt Importing Anabolic Steroids

…nformation, the OIG then intercepted and seized his illegal packages. This combined with his international money transfer service history (Western Union) meant Psehoyas and his importation activities were over. Psehoyas faces 15 years in jail and a $500,000 fine, although a reduced sentence is likely considering his cooperation and guilty plea. Source: https://www.justice.gov/usao-ma/pr/us-postal-service-worker-pleads-guilty-importing-controlled-s…

Increase The Effects Of Anavar With Coffee

…ing its muscle building effects at all – ingest it with a cup of coffee. Researchers in Portugal have found something fairly interesting after steroid users in Portgul and Spain were convinced Anavar + caffeine was superior to Anavar alone. This information then led to a study being conducted on Oxandrolone’s metabolites when consumed with caffeine. The Portuguese researchers acting on behalf of a doping lab Laboratório de Análises de Dopagem cons…

Resveratrol Effects As An Anti-Estrogen

…e’re going to look at resveratrol’s effects as an anti-estrogen and how it combats estrogen as well as the side effects estrogen brings. This is applicable to steroid users as often estrogen can rise when aromatasable compounds are used, whilst estrogen is also a known carcinogen and can cause an accelerate cancer growth. A study conducted in 2006, by the Chinese University of Hong Kong, measured resveratrol’s effects on breast cancer cells [2]. T…

Quercetin Lowers Cortisol Levels

…rats brains and has more of a profound effect on cortisol levels. If this is true, a diet rich in Quercetin may mean less of a cortisol peak in times of stress from depression or physical activity. Limitations are that this study is on rodents and large doses are used compared to human consumption from dietary intake. Supplementing with Quercetin is suggested due to its effects on testosterone, its anti-oxidant effects, various health benefits an…

Boost Glucose Uptake With Green Tea

…opular dietary supplement for fat loss and weight loss, may also contain a compound that boosts insulin. Green tea’s primary active compound for longevity, anti-oxidant effects, fat burning and other health benefits is EGCG or epigallocatechine gallate. This is the compound we’re going to look at today and its effects on blood glucose levels and insulin. The animal study was done in Korea in 2008, at the University of Kyung Hee. Rat muscles were g…

Red Wine and Quercetin Boost Testosterone Levels

…of UGT2B17 are Ibuprofen, EGCG (green tea) and diclofenac. Because doping tests for testosterone examine urine, substances that inhibit UGT2B17 are of interest to chemical athletes who use testosterone as well. Naturally occurring UGT2B17 may be of interest to natural athletes due to tea extracts, or other plants containing UGT2B17, as they may be able to raise testosterone levels. This raise in testosterone could help post recovery muscle damage…

Fish Oil May Help Hay Fever

…d, the less often their immune systems were sensitised to hay fever. The researchers then set the chance of sensitisation of the 25% of the subjects with the lowest EPA in their blood at 1. The 25% of the test subjects with the most EPA in their blood was half.         When the Germans looked at the chance of the subjects having hay fever, the relationship was the same.                           A possible explanation is the arachidonic acid [AA]…

Vitamins Minerals and Testosterone

…one. Vitamin B6 stimulates androgen receptors in the body, signalling your testes to produce testosterone. Like vitamin A, vitamin B6 may also show anti-estrogen like effects, further amplifying testosterone production in your body. Vitamin B6 can also lower prolactin and progesterone levels, two hormones that left to get wildly out of control can negatively impact testosterone levels. Magnesium: Magnesium is an important mineral for testosterone…

Yoel Romero UFC middleweight suing Gold Star Supplements for selling products containing SARMs

…ary supplement. Unfortunately, many companies do not see the career of the athlete as being important and only care about making money. This has undoubtedly led to the end of many careers throughout the sporting world and is something that is now becoming more closely monitored. The outcome of the legal challenge will be updated as and when information becomes available closer to the court date. Source: http://mmajunkie.com/2018/01/report-yoel-rom…

Flaxseed Oil vs. Fish Oil: The Showdown

By Anthoney J. Andersen – Steroidal.com When it comes to maintaining a proper diet and healthy lifestyle, it can often be a complicated and discouraging task, due to the plethora of diet plans, supplement choices and exercise routines. Not only is it vital to know which supplements and diets to endure, but also you have to know exactly what the health benefits and risks are, and whether it’s a match for the kind of lifestyle you engage in. When g…

News: Greg Kovacs IFBB Pro Dies

…nal Championships, which launched him into the pro world. From there, Greg Competed in several other pro level bodybuilding competitions, including the IFBB Night of the Champions, the Ironman Pro, and the Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic. Shortly into his pro career, Greg began to hold bodybuilding, strength, and training seminars all over the world, spanning more than 7 countries. Greg’s genetics unfortunately did not take him very far up into the…

Q: “What’s the best way to use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)?”

…(used on cycle). A larger initial HCG dosage would be needed to shock the testes into producing testosterone again. HCG doses of 1,000-2,500ius can be used two to three days apart. This is because every day or every other day HCG use is not as effective. PCT is often not just HCG alone, an AI is often used to control excess estrogen and selective-estrogen-receptor modulator (SERM), such as, Tamoxifen or Clomid to help kick start the bodies own LH…

Nolvadex Raises Testosterone More Than Toremifene & Rolaxifene

…ount. Again, Rolaxifene was unfavourable and is probably best used for gynecomastia treatment. The Greek researchers speculate that Tamoxifen and Toremifene have direct effects on testosterone producing cells, or the leydig cells and not only act by blocking estrogen in the brain. Other theories are that the pituitary is sensitised to produce more LH and FSH per pulse, but this only seems evident in female rodents models. At Steroidal.com we sugge…

Whey Protein & Milk Cause Acne

…est way to avoid acne. As well as hormonal changes linked to acne, such as testosterone, estrogen, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), insulin and IGF-1, dietary intake can influence acne and its severity. There are a number of medical studies that point the finger at nutrition being a causative factor. In 2002 the man behind the Paleo diet, Loren Cordain, demonstrated that Western civilisations are the ones with the highest incidences of acne [1]. Out of…