Details of Vis Vires UGL Steroid Trafficking Revealed in Indictment of Retired Edmond Police Officer

…en up a number of different post office boxes throughout the Oklahoma City community, creating numerous fake companies so that he had the opportunity to take advantage of “cash in the mail” payments from the USPS. Some of these phony names included Upper Deck Cards, Vintage Comics, Ultimate Photo Creation, Galaxy Technology, and Uptown Comics. It is estimated by prosecutors that the Vis Vires operation was able to collect just south of $800,000 in…

Buy Testosterone Cypionate

…labs tend to shut down and halt manufacturing processes, while other brand new UGLs open up very frequently. Pharmaceutical Grade In the United States, Depo-Testosterone is the primary Testosterone Cypionate product and it is manufactured by Pharmacia and Upjohn. Because of its immense popularity, the market is has become saturated with counterfeit Depo-Testosterone fakes. Any individuals looking to buy Testosterone Cypionate products of this type…

Cytomel (T3) Dosage

…pwards. Initially, for the very first use of T3 for an individual, it is recommended to do so in order to obtain a feel for the compound’s effects as well as to gauge the increasing body heat output, as well as any possible muscle loss. Once an individual is aware of his or her full effective peak optimal dose, it is generally not necessary to slowly ramp up T3 doses, and that starting at the known optimal Cytomel dosage should present no issues….

Deca Durabolin Cycle

…r Deca Durabolin Cycle Example (14 weeks total cycle time) Weeks 1 – 14: – Testosterone Enanthate at 300 – 500mg/week – Deca-Durabolin at 400mg/week This is a typical beginner Deca-Durabolin cycle, where the most minimum of compounds are used while still providing an effective cycle. This cycle can be utilized for the addition of lean mass or as an all-out bulking cycle. With the inclusion of an aromatase inhibitor to control Testosterone aromatiz…

Testosterone Cypionate Dosage

…ule for Testosterone Cypionate doses. This is because the vast majority of newcomers and beginners commonly become intimidated by the concept of frequent injections. Testosterone Enanthate is just as popular amongst beginner anabolic steroid users for the same reasons. Advertisement Testosterone Cypionate doses are very flexible in terms of the user’s goals in question. Testosterone Cypionate doses can be tailored to any possible goal – cutting, b…

Testosterone Enanthate Dosage

…imer beginner cycle should be Testosterone only, Testosterone Enanthate is commonly the Testosterone variant of choice for first cycles. Testosterone itself no matter the ester attached is an extremely versatile and flexible anabolic steroid in terms of the manner in which it can be utilized. Testosterone Enanthate doses possess a large window of flexibility depending on user goals, the type of cycle, and other various factors. Advertisement What…

Testosterone Propionate Dosage

…ts a far greater degree of inconvenience for beginners, as the majority of newcomers might not enjoy such an inconvenient administration schedule. Therefore, Testosterone Enanthate and Testosterone Cypionate are far more popular and common choices among beginners, which only require two injections, administered every week. It has been mentioned in the introduction that Testosterone itself possesses a moderate level of Estrogenic activity due to it…

The Importance of Calcium

…ked full of calcium and can aid in meeting your daily intake. Calcium also comes in a wide range of vitamins and supplements. According to WebMD, two common dietary calcium supplements that can be found at your local drug or grocery store include citrate and carbonate. Calcium citrate tends to be more expensive, but is absorbed superbly by the body on either a full or empty stomach. Calcium carbonate is less expensive and can be found in certain a…

Is Tongkat Ali Effective In Healthy Men?

…parameters, for example, semen volume and sperm motility. The daily dose of 300 mg of Eurycoma longifolia extract for three months is well-tolerated and safe compared to placebo.”, the Malaysian researchers write. Although this study does not show very positive changes in testosterone levels or sex drive, many do claim to experience this. Perhaps the more refined extract LJ100 would be more applicable and this study does not also rule out testoste…

Kelp Has Anti-Estrogenic Effects

…anti-cancer effects wee put down to their large soy consumption. The US researchers gave female rats between 175-350mg of kelp per kilogram of bodyweight per day. The figure below shows the results. In the group given the highest seaweed dose, estrogen was inhibited the most.                 The US researchers went a couple of stages further to try to understand how the kelp inhibits estrogen production. So they exposed human ovary cells to the k…

The Nutritional Benefits of Choline

… There are many nutritional components that make up a healthy diet – components, when combined with regular exercise, can contribute to a long and active life. However, in this day and age, where there are so many food choices on the market – especially the “fast food options” – it’s hard to stick to a healthy and well-balanced diet regimen. No matter what diet plan you choose, consuming the right amount of essential vitamins and nutrients s…

Aromasin (Exemestane)

…omatase enzymes that have not been metabolized out of the body will then become free again, and begin aromatizing androgens into Estrogens at an often rapid rate. This is not the case with Aromasin. Exemestane was initially designed by Pharmacia & Upjohn for the treatment of female breast cancer patients, specifically post-menopausal patients, and it is used as an adjunct therapy when other first-line treatments for breast cancer (such as Nolvadex…

Low Testosterone

…ich should always include at the very least: – Total Testosterone levels – Free Testosterone levels – SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin) – Estrogen levels (Estradiol in particular) – Full thyroid panel (T3, T4, and TSH – Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) – Liver function (bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase – formerly known as SGOT – and alanine aminotransferase – previously known as SGPT) – Total cholesterol – HDL and LDL – Pr…

Proviron (Mesterolone)

…of other anabolic steroids through this pathway, leaving more unbound and free Testosterone to perform its job. A well-known benefit of Proviron is also its ability to act as an anti-estrogen via its activity as an aromatase inhibitor. It should be noted, however, that its activity as an aromatase inhibitor is not regarded as strong as Aromasin, Arimidex, or Letrozole, but it still works and can be used as such. Its strength as an aromatase inhib…

Winstrol Results

…ions in SHBG are also evident in Winstrol users, which means there is more free floating Testosterone available to increase muscle and strength. Strength gains are one of the first Winstorl results experienced actually and then because the anabolic steroid user can push more weight will aid in the increase and formation of muscle tissue. The strength gains from Winstrol will be fast and more so than other anabolic steroids, which make Winstrol a f…

Effects Of Anadrol

…rogenic effect that they may have on the body. As Anadrol is so similar to testosterone, common side effects associated with increases in testosterone may also be experienced. Those who are new to steroids and cycles should take a gently-gently approach, as the negative side effects can be severe if you are not used to the hormone. It is recommended to start with 25mg to 50mg each day and then work your way up to larger doses. Working your way up…

Raloxifene Side Effects

…s, et al. for the Raloxifene Use for The Heart (RUTH) Trial Investigators [Free full text] [2] Barrett-Connor E, Mosca L, Collins P, et al. (2006-07-13). “Effects of raloxifene on cardiovascular events and breast cancer in postmenopausal women”. New England Journal of Medicine 355 (2): 125–137. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa062462. PMID 16837676. [3] OncoGenetics.Org (September 2009). “Medications Effective in Reducing Risk of Breast Cancer But Increase Risk…


…e use of Stanozolol may expedite this process. Acne is another possible outcome of the compound, but it’s typically only found in those that are already acne prone, to begin with. There are other exceptions, but they are so few and far between that it’s not worth mentioning. If this is a problem that someone is trying to avoid, the best option is to stay as clean and dry as possible. When you sweat, you have to take a shower as soon as possible or…

Curcumin For Joint Pain & Stiffness

Blog Entry #98 By Admin – Joint pain is pretty common amongst athletes, bodybuilders, strongmen, endurance athletes or anyone in contact sports. After all, the joints are issued every day in various ways, but once you injure a joint you seem to understand how you take free and painless joint movement for granted. With a wide variety of specialist joint supplements on the market such as, glucosamine, chondroitin, cissus quadrangulari…

Distinguishing Between The Good Fats And The Bad

…your calorie intake and overall diet goals. THE BIG FAT CONCLUSION When it comes to what fats to eat, try to steer clear of foods high in saturated and trans fats. And don’t completely eliminate fat from your diet – the heart and brain need it to function properly. So, feel free to indulge in your favorite burger or dessert item – keeping in mind that this should be done in moderation. As long as you do that, fat can be both a vital and delicious…

Ashwagandha Root Increases Testosterone By 40%

…easy to raise total testosterone in a healthy eugondal male with a normal testosterone level. When testosterone is raised, it is often not noticeable for muscle gain, cutting body fat or adding strength to lifts. In fact, we don’t think there is a herb out here that will make a significant difference that is comparable to anabolic steroids, pro-hormones or any designer steroid. What there is though, are herbs that you can add to a post cycle ther…

Ginger Increases Testosterone Levels

…prominent now in various proprietary blends offering to boost total and/or free testosterone. Like almost all dietary supplements and drugs, animal and rodent studies will come to light showing some positive and some negative information in regards to their effects on hormones in this instance. All the testosterone boosting ingredients we have just stated originated from rat studies or are products that have been used for centuries as herbal remed…

Fenugreek Boosts Testosterone

…g total testosterone levels. Other testosterone boosters claim to increase free testosterone, or bioavailable testosterone by lowering sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). Products combining both of these actions seem to be the most effective, but there is not a lot of solid date on herbs that raise total testosterone levels or do so by a margin worth spending your cash for. One herb that’s gained popularity much like Tongkat Ali, is Fenugreek. We…