Primobolan Dosage

…Methenolone Acetate): Beginner Primobolan users will normally find the 50 – 100mg daily range to be an effective dose with oral Primobolan. Intermediate users are known for running oral Primobolan in the range of 100 – 150mg daily with great results, and advanced users will find the range of 150 – 200mg daily to be quite effective. The oral variant of Primobolan is one of two oral anabolic steroids (the other being Andriol which is orally administ…

Equipoise Dosage

components are properly and perfectly structured. Advanced users will not commonly venture very high when it comes to an anabolic steroid such as Equipoise, but advanced Equipoise doses can commonly be found in the range of 700 – 1,000mg weekly. However, it is very important to remember the key point that higher doses and excessively high doses are not the definition of an advanced anabolic steroid user of any type. Always keep in mind that altho…

Deca-Durabolin (Nandrolone)

…y noted, Deca is often cited as an anabolic steroid that is very ‘mild’ by comparison to other compounds where side effects are concerned. Unfortunately, this is a mix of fact and fiction that needs to be addressed, and most of these ‘Deca is a mild steroid’ claims are from a bygone era where not much was yet known about these drugs, and today we know much more. Deca-Durabolin is by all accounts both a mild and harsh anabolic steroid, possessing b…

Anadrol Side Effects

…hat Anadrol does not aromatize into Estrogen, aromatase inhibitors will be completely useless in combating Anadrol-related Estrogenic side effects (such as bloating for example). Because of the inability to combat water retention and bloating with the use of aromatase inhibitors, there is essentially no defense against the excess water weight and bloating issue aside from adjustments in diet (and even dietary adjustments are limited in their resul…

Caffeine Boosts Testosterone After Training

…y going and drinking 8eight cups of coffee before your next training session. Cortisol was also increased, primarily due to the massive caffeine dose of 800mg by 51%, but the ratio of testosterone:cortisol decreased by 14%, creating a less favourable environment for muscle growth. The New Zealand researches conclude, “Caffeine has some potential to benefit training outcomes via the anabolic effects of the increase in testosterone concentration, bu…

Tyrosine And Sports Performance

…role in memory, focus, and energy levels. All of which play vital roles in competing at a high level. From poor dietary choices, stress, lack of sleep, and other poor lifestyle behaviors our dopamine can become depleted and with it our mood, energy, focus, and memory. Dopamine also plays a critical role in our ability to exercise. Dopamine is our key modulator of heart rate, blood pressure, and renal function as well as muscle tone and protein syn…

Building Solid Muscle By Choosing Protein Wisely

…However, unlike whey, casein digests at a much slower rate due to the interaction with certain stomach acids. “Honestly, it’s pretty much an equal substitute,” says Brian St. Pierre, sports dietician and nutrition coach at Precision Nutrition. “The research that compares whey to caseins post-workout is equivocal.” Depending on your activity levels, St. Pierre recommends taking 0.6 to 0.9 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight each day. Any more…

What’s the best way to control Estrogen levels on a steroid cycle?

…on-suicidal aromatase inhibitor. Widely available and cheap, Arimidex is a common choice when it comes to estrogen control on cycle. With a long half-life 0.5mg every other day or three times per week is common, it considerably less effective than Letrozole. In women studies state a 65-85% reduction in levels of estrogen, which is a common drug again in the treatment of breast cancer in women. Again, these will differ in males and elderly subjects…

Dallas McCarver has died

…rts from reputable online sources are confirming Dallas McCarver has sadly passed away. He was reportedly found by his training and living partner Josh facedown with food blocking his airways. CPR was done after his airways were unblocked, but Dallas did not regain consciousness. RX Muscle has confirmed the news, as has Dave Palumbo. Other social media accounts and YouTube channels with inside knowledge have also been confirming the very sad repor…

Does Oral Human Growth Hormone Exist?

…n-gh-molecule; GHT = a different transferrin-gh-molecule; rGH = ordinary recombinant growth hormone. They found that th combination of GH + transferring remained active and the rats also put on bodyweight.                 The figure above examines the effects of the GH and transferring combination for seven days. The rats continued to put on weight until a protease inhibitor was given to the rats, which broke down the transferrin. However, the inj…

Vitamin C Enhances Fat Loss

…kg in six weeks, whilst the placebo group lost 1kg on the same diet. The researchers conclude, “The weight loss during the trial was small in both groups but was significantly greater in the ascorbic acid treated group.” We suggest supplementing vitamin C due to its anti-oxidant effects, both as an athlete, bodybuilder or for general health. Athletes should use vitamin C at 1g pre-workout and 1-2g post-workout to reduce cortisol. Vitamin C is chea…

Study: Vitamin C Increases Breast Cancer Survival Odds

…likely to feed and fuel cancerous cells as well. A number of independent research programs have begun to examine the impact that vitamin preparations have on cancer cells that were able to survive chemotherapy as well as radiation and hormone therapy solutions. Most scientists today highlight the research already conducted regarding in vitro studies. Vitamin C analogues were found to protect breast cancer cells against cancer destroying drugs, par…

Study: Decline Bench The Best For Chest Muscle Growth

…d decline bench hammering the lower, larger part – and it turns out this is 100% true! Electrical activity was studied throughout the chest muscles of the students that were working out while they were working out, determining just how hard each muscle area was working as well as which area was most impacted during these exercises. The end of the day, the incline and decline bench stimulated the upper part of the chest muscles just as much as the…

Can Grape Seed Extract Cause Fat Loss?

…utes before all of their “main meals” they were given a supplement that had 100 mg of grape seed extract in it. A couple of weeks later the researchers conducted the exact same three day experiment, though the supplement provided this time was nothing but a placebo with zero grape seed extract in it at all. Interestingly enough, those that traditionally consumed the highest amount of calories were the most beneficially impacted by the grapeseed ex…

United States drug official discovered to have been the director for a supplement company that produced Superdrol illegally

…ct which was based on Superdrol for another leading Health supplementation company Competitive Edge labs back in the year 2011. In August of 2011, Nature’s chemistry was taken on by a well-known broker in the world of dietary supplements to manufacture D supplement known as M-drol. This product was subsequently sold as a product with nutritional benefits. The main active component listed on the ingredients list of M-drol why does the synthetic ste…

Study: Use Magnesium For More Testosterone

…ignificantly some of the more dramatic effects of getting older. No, new research coming out of Turkey today isn’t going to completely roll back the clock and have you looking decades younger after taking a quick dip in some mythical water – but you are going to be able to feel a lot younger, enjoy more strength and endurance, and unlock some of that youthful vigor than might have started to slip away right around your early 30s and only got worse…

Study: Increase Endurance with Caffeine and L-Carnitine

…or endurance athletes to significantly boost their overall endurance levels 100% legally and without having to turn to performance-enhancing substances that might put their athletic careers or records in jeopardy. This is obviously huge news for the endurance community, but the most interesting piece of the puzzle is that the research was originally buried in a study published by nutritionists working at a Korean national university all the way ba…

Testosterone Effects On Cholesterol

…cable to HRT patients considering HRT exogenous testosterone doses are from 100mg up to 200mg per week. The researchers write, “Considering all men together, HDL-C levels were decreased in 78% of the men by month 3, 83% by month 6, 94% by month 9 and 97% by month 12 of treatment.” “It is concluded that: (1) injection of 200 mg TE/week causes a 15-20% decrease in HDL-C in normal men with no effect on other lipoproteins.” After one month this negati…

Yoel Romero UFC middleweight suing Gold Star Supplements for selling products containing SARMs

…ary supplement. Unfortunately, many companies do not see the career of the athlete as being important and only care about making money. This has undoubtedly led to the end of many careers throughout the sporting world and is something that is now becoming more closely monitored. The outcome of the legal challenge will be updated as and when information becomes available closer to the court date. Source:…

Detective of Edmonton Police Convicted on Charges of Steroid Trafficking

…lp him improve his overall condition for preparation for mandatory fitness tests. The pear had previously work together as part of the Edmonton Gang and Drug enforcement unit. Another member of the police force, Constable K Yaremchuk was an established bodybuilder with an extreme desire related to working out on a regular basis. In 2009 he purchased several cycles of deca durabolin and testosterone cypionate with the intention of using them to hel…

Vitamin D and Strength Training

…in D that is absorbed. If you live in a northern location or have a darker complexion then daily supplementation may be beneficial. I recommend people take in between 2000iu and 4000iu per day in the form of vitamin D3. I have found with clients that the liquid versions of vitamin D work much better than the pills. Good food sources of vitamin D are butter, cod liver oil, and fatty fish. Constantly check your vitamin D levels with your doctor and

Kenyan Marathon Runner Gets Suspended After Testing Positive For Anabolic Steroids

…time in history. The second occasion was even better, with Mwangi Wangari competing at the Copenhagen Half Marathon of 2016 and finishing in at just 59 minutes and 7 seconds. Only two men in world history have run a half marathon faster than that. At the time, Mwangi Wangari mentioned that he was in excellent shape, had been training specifically for these events more than anything else, and that he relied on his “wind” to allow him to have such…

Anadrol Increases Muscle Mass Reduces Fat But Damages The Liver

…ranging from cholesterol levels to liver values. One male individual in the 100mg group experienced dangerously high ALT enzymes (liver values). Its common knowledge 17-alpha-alkylated oral anabolic steroids cause hepatic problems and this is why oral steroid usage is advised to be no more than 4-6 weeks without a break. However, after the US researchers questioned him, he admitted consuming four glasses of wine the night before the blood test was…

Supplemental & Dietary Changes To Detoxify Your Liver

…ess on your liver, according to MayoClinic. AVOID THE CANCER STICK When it comes to this rule of thumb it’s very simple: smoking cigarettes will not only harm you liver’s ability to flush out toxins, but it can also create further complications in individuals with alcohol-induced liver disease. DR. OZ’S NATURAL DETOX PLAN Most people are unaware of the body’s natural regimen for internal detoxification. According to Dr. Oz, there are three critica…

A Glimpse Into The Mediterranean Diet

By Anthoney J. Andersen – America. It’s the land of the free and home to some of the most trendy and commercialized diets on the planet. In a country full of endless food choices, it can sometimes stifle even the sanest person. But which foods are the healthiest, and will help a person achieve his or her fitness goals? Let’s take it one step at a time, and look at one of the more popular diet plans currently trending the nation: The…