US Cyclist Gets Slapped with Four-Year Suspension For Steroids

…individual to see if he was doping. It didn’t take long for USA Cycling to come back and state that Pate had in fact tested positive for anabolic steroid, but that they weren’t going to release the name of the steroid or performance-enhancing drug substance that he had tested positive for. This is pretty unusual, particularly when we are talking about amateur and recreational competitors that are usually interested in having a bit of fun as oppose…

Anavar Side Effects

…st Cycle Therapy (PCT) program following the termination of a cycle, where Testosterone-stimulating compounds are utilized. As evidenced by the studies referenced, the rumors among the steroid-using community of Anavar being a ‘mild’ anabolic steroid where HPTA suppression is concerned should not be taken seriously – all users should be constantly aware that side effects include that of endogenous Testosterone suppression to the same extent as mos…

Study: Cinnamon Extract Has Significant Muscle Building Properties

…rom type II diabetes. Interestingly enough, however – and something that researchers didn’t anticipate – was that each and every one of the test participants that were using the cinnamon based supplements also added (on average) just over a kilogram of lean muscle mass throughout the clinical trial. Researchers were initially quite puzzled at how this could be possible, particularly since each participant stated that they had done absolutely nothi…

Anavar Cycle

…iological function in the absence of adequate levels of endogenous natural Testosterone. Anavar is commonly touted as an anabolic steroid with mild suppression to the Hypothalamic Pituitary Testicular Axis (HPTA), but this is in fact only the case with the lowest of common medical prescription doses (i.e. 5mg daily given to children). Bodybuilding doses (such as the doses recommended previously for the use of Anavar) in fact demonstrate high amoun…

Aromasin Dosage

…d, and not only was Estrogen suppressed by a significant amount (38%), but Testosterone levels in the test subjects were observed to increase by an incredible 60%[1]. Boosting the endogenous Testosterone production in men by an impressive 60% is not the only major benefit that Aromasin possesses. Aromasin also holds additional benefits that essentially make it the ‘king’ aromatase inhibitor for the purpose of HPTA and Testosterone recovery during…

Four-time Olympic champion cleared after false positive PED charge

…ing 30% before the next upcoming Olympics in 2020. Mo Farah had a positive test when compared to his biological passport information from 2010, and he was also listed in two different spreadsheets that were collected during the investigation into the Russian doping scandal. Right out of the gate, however, Mo Farah denied that he had ever taken performance-enhancing drugs and also promised to do absolutely everything and anything he could in his po…

Athletic World Records Much Harder To Obtain Under New PED Proposal

…use in this kind of PED scheme, but also recognize that it’s impossible to test past world record holders that may no longer be active or may be deceased – invalidating the world records that these incredible athletes established just because the testing protocols weren’t available. Stands and spectators of these sports also aren’t crazy about the proposal, either. It would essentially reboot the history of these sports completely, subject world r…

Shot Putter Tests Positive For Dianabol

…us Titles as Part of the Punishment Not only is Moore going to miss out on competing for Olympic gold in 2020, but he’s also going to find his past championships and past records stripped from him completely. Some feel that this is going a step too far, but others believe that only these kinds of incredibly strict and severe punishments will be able to act as a deterrent for future athletes to stay away from these kinds of performance-enhancing dr…

Three Russian Athletes Banned For Doping

…reanalyses. Turinabol seems to be the most prevalent anabolic steroid that comes up. What is commonly considered a crime and sports, seems to be an issue among the Russian athletic community. The Levada Center did a poll among ordinary Russian citizens that resulted in 14% of them believing that their nation’s athletes we’re actively doping. Russia nearly triples the runner-up nation’s amount of Olympic medals revoked due to doping. The majority o…

Testosterone Suspension Side Effects

…ances of developing permanent hypogonadism (the insufficient production of Testosterone) become quite high, in which case the individual might have to seek medical therapy in the form of TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy) for the remainder of his life. Hepatotoxic Side Effects Because Testosterone is not C17-alpha alkylated (C17AA), which is the modification necessary to make an anabolic steroid hormone orally active, it expresses no negative…

Two-time Super Bowl champion tests positive for PEDs

…aining camp opens next month. Edelman is still eligible to practice with the team throughout the summer and into the fall until the conclusion of his appeal. Source:…

Another New Long-Acting Human Growth Hormone (hGH) Product

…ls, Hanmi claimed at ENDO the product is safe and effective, stating human testing was a success. Although the human testing was only conducted for one week in Korea on adult males, Hanmi claimed they’re now moving to Phase 2 clinical trails. Phase 2 testing has been underway, not only in Korea, but 8 Eastern European countries, with 22 medical institutions using LAPSrhGH to treat GHD. These trials are still on going, but Hanmi are optimistic the…

Long-Acting HGH Will Be Available To Public

…h and gestational age (SGA) in children. hGH-CTP is currently in Phase III testing in adults and Phase II testing in children, it also has orphan drug designation in the U.S and Europe for the treatment of GHD. The longer acting formula is injected once per week and means daily hGH injections could be a thing of the past. Whether hGH is used medically or by bodybuilders, often it means daily injections of GH and sometimes more frequently, such as…

News: Six Times More Anabolic Steroids Smuggled Into Australia Than Narcotics

…s and PEDs to be downright authoritarian, draconian, and discriminatory in comparison to the United States (which is already bad enough as it is when it comes to steroid prohibition). The penalties for the use, possession, and buying/selling anabolic steroids without a prescription or license in Australia are known to be particularly brutal. “Australia: the anabolic steroid user’s worst nightmare” is what Australia has been tag lined with among th…