Powerlifter Larry “Wheels” Williams Talks Steroid Stacks

…However, according to a YouTube video published by Larry in March 2017, he comes completely clean about using anabolic steroid during his competing days – and he pulls absolutely no punches whatsoever but instead decides to bear it all in this tell-all video. Not only confessing to the fact that he uses anabolic steroids (continues to use anabolic steroids, by the way), he also goes on to give advice about the anabolic steroids he likes best, the…

Turinabol (4-Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone)

…oring anabolic effects of course. This is one of the reasons why its often compared to compounds such as Anavar or Promobolan. As a result, much like Anavar or Primobolan, Oral-Turinabol saw extensive medical use in not just adult males but in women and children also. At the time, Turinabol was offered in two different concentrations per tablet: 1mg tablets, and 5mg tablets. The 1mg tablets would typically be utilized for individuals traditionally…

Cheque Drops (Mibolerone)

…pply, you’ll only find it in veterinarian sources, anyway, Buy Check Drops Online: If you’re buying Cheque Drops online, be forewarned. In the U.S. they are considered to be a controlled substance, so be sure to know your laws depending on the jurisdiction you’re buying from. But you might be able to find them from an underground lab although this is extremely rare. Mibolerone is not been in the black market scene for decades nor is produced pharm…

Dianabol For Sale

…g+ every day for advanced users and bodybuilders. Tablets and capsules can come in 5mg examples, right up to 50mg per tablet or capsule. The most common mg per tablet is 20mg as this gives the steroid user and easy and manageable number to work with, adjusting their dose comparing gains and side effects. If you find Dianabol for sale, prices do not vary dramatically, but will be higher for pharmaceutical grade preparations or well known brands wit…

Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate)

…f percent of people who utilize Clomid experience visual disturbances. For example, their vision may become hazy or blurry while they are taking the medication. People who do experience visual disturbances should stop using Clomid. A physician should be able to prescribe an alternative that serves the same purpose and doesn’t negatively impact vision. Generally, visual disturbances will cease when a person stops taking Clomid. However, it’s possib…

Global Athletics World Records Will Be Harder Now

…ainst athletes that use performance-enhancing substances across the board. Tests have become more advanced and more stringent than they ever used to be in the past, but now punishments are also getting to be more significant than they ever were before, either. According to the new proposal that we highlighted above, anyone that tests positive for even a trace amount of PED chemicals in their blood when they set a new world record will not only los…

Testosterone Steroids

…ablishment. The potential, capability, and limits of this newly discovered compound were completely unknown and this was new uncharted territory for science and medicine. The scientific community slowly applied Testosterone in a medical setting and performed tests on it, resulting in discoveries about its properties and capabilities. At the time during the 1930s and 1940s, only the colloquial ‘tip of the iceberg’ was being discovered concerning Te…

Winstrol Results

…ose with other non-aromatising anabolic steroids in the final weeks of pre-competition phases as it will dry the physique and cause a hardening effect. Winstrol results come fairly quickly as it has a short half-life of around 10-24 hours depending on if the oral format is taken or injectable preparation. Winstrol dosages for cutting cycle or phases are slightly lower than bulking stacks due to the goal being to accelerate fat loss through nutriti…

UFC Fighter Tom Lawlor Suspended By USADA For PED Violation

…lator (SARM) that is known by Enobosarm and MK-2866. It is proving to be a common problem, as 170-pound UFC competitor Tim “The Dirty Bird” Means was flagged for the same substance in 2016. The United States Food and Drug Administration has issued warning letters to several supplement manufacturers to warn them it is an unapproved drug that is in violation of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic act. Means was found to have ingested the substance…

Human Growth Hormone Dosage

…pose of physique and performance enhancement is that of 2 – 8IU daily, and professional competitive bodybuilders have been known to venture even higher than 8IU daily, though this is not recommended. 2 – 4IU daily HGH dose range: This is the range commonly utilized for the benefits of anti-aging, skin health, and minor fat loss. No dramatic changes will be noticeable from a dose in this range in young individuals in their 20s and is generally cons…

Anavar Reviews

…olone immediately. Untrue Anavar Reviews The above points and facts are all 100% correct and backed by the latest personal experience of users on message boards and clinical data and medical studies. There should be no question on if the above statements are true or not. With Anavar being a vastly popular androgen, stories and untruths are bound to come out about its use. We have put together the most common Anavar reviews that aren’t true to help…

Nebido (Testosterone Undecanoate)

…how the test can be used in a performance enhancement fashion, be sure to examine other kinds of compounds, but if you do have an overall understanding of how Nebido performs, you’ll have an awareness for what to expect from these compounds in most fashions. Effects of Nebido: If you’re suffering from the low test, then you already know the majority of the symptoms you’re experiencing. This is important to keep in mind because, all too often, peo…

Cardarine (GW 501516)

…ion and Uses: When taking Cardarine, you’ll want to take it orally. Most research chemical companies sell Cardarine in sublingual doses, so you’ll simply hold it under your tongue when dosing it or swallow. The most effective doses would be 10-15 mg for around 8 weeks. There are some additional reports that say you should take Cardarine for 12 weeks, and rather than 10-15mg, up to 20mg per dose. As always, start low and work your way up making saf…

Proviron (Mesterolone)

…manufacture tablets in different concentrations (20mg, 25mg, 50mg, or even 100mg), and so it can become quite difficult to gauge and judge current market prices because of this. Proviron Identification: [1 alpha-methyl-17 beta-hydroxy-5 alpha-androstan-3-one] Molecular Weight: 304.4716 Molecular Formula: C20H32O2 Melting Point: N/A Manufacturer: Schering Release Date: 1960 Effective Dose: 25-200mgs/day Active Life: up to 12 hours Detection Time:…

Masteron (Drostanolone)

…er retention, bloating, fat retention and gain, and the development of gynecomastia) are completely avoided or reduced with the use of Masteron. Though Masteron holds a weaker androgenic strength rating than Testosterone itself, androgenic side effects are still indeed possible with this compound, especially among those who may be particularly sensitive. Masteron side effects that include androgenic side effects include: an increase in oily skin (…

Clomid Dosage

…lomid doses of 100mg daily would theoretically raise Testosterone levels to 100% above baseline, and 50mg would raise Testosterone levels to 50% above baseline, etc. Some further studies have demonstrated Clomid’s effectiveness in the long term, where 178 hypogonadal males also suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED) were administered Clomid dosages for 4 months, and 75% of the test subjects improved while 25% did not – however, all test subjects…

Parabolan (Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate)

…ting being 100 and Trenbolone’s anabolic rating being 500. 2. Trenbolone becomes completely resistant to aromatization (the conversion into Estrogen), as the aromatase enzyme (the enzyme responsible for aromatization) cannot recognize Trenbolone as an appropriate substrate for chemical reaction[4]. This is different from Nandrolone, which is merely more resistant to aromatization than Testosterone, rather than completely immune to it like Trenbolo…

Employee of Underground Steroid Lab Gets 24 Months in Prison

…rafficking punishment. As for Mr. Petzke, however, he is getting off light compared to some of the other convictions that have come out of this case. According to federal prosecutors, as well as US District Judge Nathaniel Gorton (the man that passed down the sentence for Mr. Petzke), Petzke was the “money man” as well as a general “gopher” for the underground laboratory at Onyx Pharmaceuticals. Petzke had a number of different responsibilities as…

Jeff Novitzky Explains How Jon Jones Could Return Soon

…e choice of T-bol by Jones, it wouldn’t be intentional since there are now tests that can see the metabolites left from T-bol for a long time period. But again, this is ab it of faulty logic on Novitzky’s end because it just does whatever possible to give Jones the benefit of the doubt and said that he believes it to be “non-purposeful ingestion.” Novitzky as the UFC’s drug czar brings in a history of taking down the likes of Barry Bonds, Lance Ar…

Study: Great Tea Helps Fight Ageing

…ability to function dependently. This research project began in 2006 and encompassed more than 14,000 participants, with the test concluding three years later. At the time, researchers were encouraged at the data they had been able to uncover over this 36 month test period but it wasn’t until just recently when many of these test participants were reengaged and found to have continued drinking at least two glasses of green tea every day that they…

US Cyclist Gets Slapped with Four-Year Suspension For Steroids

…irs of USA Cycling. His suspension was handed down after analysis of an in competition urine sample collected in August 2018, a sample that has come back positive for anabolic steroids. Pate was stunned to learn that he was asked to submit a performance-enhancing drug sample before he competed in Jackson, Mississippi, particularly since he is a recreational cyclist and has never had or shown any interest in going pro. On top of that, the 48-year-o…

The Benefits of Whole Grain Foods

…upon your age, gender and calorie needs. The American Heart Association recommends that at least half of your grains are whole grains. It’s recommended that you obtain fiber from food, rather than fiber supplements. Check the Nutrition Facts label on food packages to find foods that are high in fiber. The daily value for fiber is 25 grams per day for a 2,00-calorie diet. The following count as 1 ounce-equivalent (or 1 serving) of whole grains: 1…

Female Steroid Cycles

…io of 24:322-630, whereas Testosterone’s androgenic:anabolic ratio rests at 100:100. The explanation in the comparison here is quite obvious. The dosage provided is a general starting point, and many females might elect to rest their daily dosage at 15mg/day, while others might venture higher (upwards of 25mg/day), though this is normally pursued by female athletes who are engaging in serious competitive prospects. Keep in mind that higher dosages…

Parabolan Dosage

…make excellent progress within the beginner Parabolan dose range. When it comes to a compound as strong as Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate, often times less is more when it comes to dosage. Female Parabolan Dosage Medically, female prescription guidelines for Parabolan were the same as the outlined general medical prescription Parabolan dosage above. However, it would often be up to the physician’s discretion, and often times female Parabolan…