Masteron Enanthate

…or longer). It is best used in cutting cycles, and even better for pre-contest cycles for competitive bodybuilders. Those who are looking for any significant strength gains or to bulk up on Masteron Enanthate will be greatly disappointed, as this is one anabolic steroid that is not deemed as very impressive in the area of anabolic strength, and in some cases might be weaker in strength than Testosterone. Masteron’s anabolic rating is that of 63 –…

Oral Winstrol

…w types of liquid oral Winstrol products being manufactured by underground labs contained in 10mg vials commonly dosed at 25mg/ml, which are designed to be ingested orally rather than injected. Oral Winstrol Side Effects Oral Winstrol’s side effects can completely exclude Estrogen related side effects, as it cannot be aromatized into Estrogen at any dose. It’s androgenic side effects should be lesser than that of other anabolic steroids such as Te…

Superdrol (Methyldrostanolone)

…rone side effects are almost inevitable, which is why the use of exogenous testosterone is recommended when you were going to move forward with Superdrol. It is the only way to make sure that your body is still able to produce its own testosterone after you have discontinued usage of Superdrol or at the end of each Superdrol cycle. Superdrol Dosages and Administration While you’ll have to take your own results, your own goals, and your own biochem…


…r to obtain it. It’s also accessible illegally through the black market. Research chemical labs may sell Letrozole, as may suppliers of anabolic steroids (underground labs). If you purchase this drug from a steroid dealer, in tablet format, you will definitely be breaking American law. There are plenty of aromatase inhibitors available in the marketplace, the most popular and famous of which is Arimidex. That being said, a lot of people do prefer…

The Coffee Craze: Pro and Cons of Guzzling Java

…vidence of health risks and some evidence of health benefits,” concludes researchers from Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University in Corvallis, an article in ‘Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition’ in 2006. DOWNSIDES OF COFFEE Caffeine does have the ability to boost blood pressure, Lane and others have found. Although the rise is temporary, Lane questions whether it’s good for you when it occurs over and over. After much resear…

Drug Smuggler Busted at Indian Airport with $250,000 Worth of Steroids

…DRI itself. They do, however, believe that the tipster was an unscrupulous competitor in the anabolic drug smuggling community, someone looking for an opportunity to either shut down or at least cripple the business of someone else in the same space. The overwhelming majority of anti-drug smuggling operations in India are handled by the DRI. They have recently seen a significant uptick in activity smuggling drugs into and out of India, and recentl…


…e use of Stanozolol may expedite this process. Acne is another possible outcome of the compound, but it’s typically only found in those that are already acne prone, to begin with. There are other exceptions, but they are so few and far between that it’s not worth mentioning. If this is a problem that someone is trying to avoid, the best option is to stay as clean and dry as possible. When you sweat, you have to take a shower as soon as possible or…


…effects on the user and compromise your health. Serious side effects such as cardiovascular damage and heart attacks are becoming more common….

Anavar Results

…reduce SHBG (Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin) which will free more available free Testosterone allowing it to help build and preserve muscle tissue and accelerate fat loss. As for Var results for women, Anavar is probably the most predominantly used anabolic steroids out there. Due to its safety profile, women can use Anavar for bulking at 10-15mg every day with very low instances of virilisation or other adverse side effects. If side effects or sym…

Domestic US source Next Day Gear is busted 

…customers, his involvement enabled money to be collected on behalf of the company and resulted in money being gained by illegal means. The best of next day gear occurred just several months after the owner of Hulk body labs provided authorities with in-depth information regarding his interactions with next day gear. Source: Jacobs, S. (May 7, 2018). EXCLUSIVE: NFL player, high school coach cited as buyers from $3M online drug ring. Retrieved from…

Primobolan (Methenolone)

…true for its androgenic strength rating, which is approximately 44 – 57 in comparison with Testosterone’s androgenic rating of 100. This weaker androgenic strength rating is actually very favorable, but its weak anabolic strength capability leaves it as a far less desired anabolic steroid where the majority of individuals considering its use often opt for Anavar instead. It is instead utilized as primarily a compound in cutting cycles, whereby the…


…American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. Retrieved 3 April 2011. [2] Comparison of the effects of salbutamol and clenbuterol on skeletal muscle mass and carcass composition in senescent rats. Carter WJ, Lynch ME (September 1994). Metab. Clin. Exp. 43 (9): 1119–25. doi:10.1016/0026-0495(94)90054-X. PMID 7916118. [3] Ventolin remains a breath of fresh air for asthma sufferers, after 40 years. The Pharmaceutical Journal 279 (7473): 404–405. [4]…

Toremifene Dosage

…e to the sheer fact that it causes SHBG levels to increase, reducing total free Testosterone in the body[1]. Female Toremifene Dosage Female anabolic steroid users should not require Toremifene, as the development and growth of breast tissue (gynecomastia) should not be a concern among female anabolic steroid users. The only notable utilization of Toremifene by females is for the purpose of treating female breast cancer patients, as mentioned abov…

Curcumin For Joint Pain & Stiffness

Blog Entry #98 By Admin – Joint pain is pretty common amongst athletes, bodybuilders, strongmen, endurance athletes or anyone in contact sports. After all, the joints are issued every day in various ways, but once you injure a joint you seem to understand how you take free and painless joint movement for granted. With a wide variety of specialist joint supplements on the market such as, glucosamine, chondroitin, cissus quadrangulari…

Distinguishing Between The Good Fats And The Bad

…your calorie intake and overall diet goals. THE BIG FAT CONCLUSION When it comes to what fats to eat, try to steer clear of foods high in saturated and trans fats. And don’t completely eliminate fat from your diet – the heart and brain need it to function properly. So, feel free to indulge in your favorite burger or dessert item – keeping in mind that this should be done in moderation. As long as you do that, fat can be both a vital and delicious…

Is Ecdysterone Anabolic?

…improvements/increases in chemical indicators such as body composition and free/available testosterone. The study concluded that supplementation with up to 200 mg per day had no effect. “Results indicate that M, E, and CSP3 supplementation do not affect body composition or training adaptations nor do they influence the anabolic/catabolic hormone status or general markers of catabolism in resistance-trained males.” Dietary supplements sold in store…

A Glimpse Into The Mediterranean Diet

By Anthoney J. Andersen – America. It’s the land of the free and home to some of the most trendy and commercialized diets on the planet. In a country full of endless food choices, it can sometimes stifle even the sanest person. But which foods are the healthiest, and will help a person achieve his or her fitness goals? Let’s take it one step at a time, and look at one of the more popular diet plans currently trending the nation: The…

The Truth About D-Aspartic Acid

…responsible for breaking down D-Aspartic Acid in the liver, kidneys and intestines. The researchers then conclude, “”We conclude that 28 days of D-Aspartic Acid supplementation at a daily dose of 3g is ineffective in upregulating the activity of the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis and has no preferential effects in which to increase skeletal muscle mass and strength in resistance-trained men”, confirming its inefficient as a testosterone boost…

Ginger Increases Testosterone Levels

…prominent now in various proprietary blends offering to boost total and/or free testosterone. Like almost all dietary supplements and drugs, animal and rodent studies will come to light showing some positive and some negative information in regards to their effects on hormones in this instance. All the testosterone boosting ingredients we have just stated originated from rat studies or are products that have been used for centuries as herbal remed…

Ashwagandha Root Increases Testosterone By 40%

…easy to raise total testosterone in a healthy eugondal male with a normal testosterone level. When testosterone is raised, it is often not noticeable for muscle gain, cutting body fat or adding strength to lifts. In fact, we don’t think there is a herb out here that will make a significant difference that is comparable to anabolic steroids, pro-hormones or any designer steroid. What there is though, are herbs that you can add to a post cycle ther…

Iron Madness: Benefits of this Important Mineral

…person has celiac disease or if you’ve had part of your stomach or small intestine removed. WARNING SIGNS The symptoms of iron deficiency may not be noticed right away. Anemia tends to develop at a slow rate, so a person’s symptoms may be very mild. According to the University of Rochester Medical Center, here are some symptoms to look out for if you think you might be anemic: Dizzy spells. Irritability. Headaches. Pale complexion. Shortness of br…

Fenugreek Boosts Testosterone

…g total testosterone levels. Other testosterone boosters claim to increase free testosterone, or bioavailable testosterone by lowering sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). Products combining both of these actions seem to be the most effective, but there is not a lot of solid date on herbs that raise total testosterone levels or do so by a margin worth spending your cash for. One herb that’s gained popularity much like Tongkat Ali, is Fenugreek. We…

Supplemental & Dietary Changes To Detoxify Your Liver

…ess on your liver, according to MayoClinic. AVOID THE CANCER STICK When it comes to this rule of thumb it’s very simple: smoking cigarettes will not only harm you liver’s ability to flush out toxins, but it can also create further complications in individuals with alcohol-induced liver disease. DR. OZ’S NATURAL DETOX PLAN Most people are unaware of the body’s natural regimen for internal detoxification. According to Dr. Oz, there are three critica…

Anavar (Oxandrolone)

…time of purchase, as black market prices are heavily affected by these. Latest Research January 09, 2018: In a recent Portuguese study measuring the effects of coffee on Oxandrolone administration, it showed a positive effect on bioavailability and uptake. The Portuguese doping lab Laboratorio de Analises de Dopagem conducted the peer-reviwed and double blind study giving the patients 300mg of caffeine combined with Oxandrolone. The researches wi…

The President of the Latvian Athletic Association Has Tested Positive for PEDs

…ng these back tested results, and a significant chunk of that criticism is coming out because Radevica has been retired from sports competition for more than six years. At the same time, Radevica remains incredibly involved with the Olympic team of Latvia and the national initiatives for international sports and athletics in her home country – as evidenced by the fact that she remains the president of the Latvian Athletic Association (even still t…