Dianabol And Testosterone Enanthate Effects On Sperm

…mimic luteinizing hormone (LH) and stimulate the testes to maintain intra-testicular testosterone (ITT) even when shutdown through the use of anabolic steroids. This will help increase sperm count significantly and we’ll go as far as to suggest using it if you’re trying for a baby at no more than 1,000 ius every four days. Source: Contraception. 1977 Feb;15(2):151-62.Effects of an anabolic steroid (metandienone) on spermatogenesis. Acta Endocrino…

Can A Cup of Coffee Increase Performance?

…letes ingest both carbohydrate and caffeine following exhaustive exercise, new research shows. Athletes who ingested caffeine with carbohydrate had 66 percent more glycogen in their muscles four hours after finishing intense, glycogen-depleting exercise, compared to when they consumed carbohydrate alone, according to the study” (4). This can help an athlete recover more quickly and potentially get in some extra quality work in a training week. The…

Caffeine Boosts Testosterone After Training

…ased by 14%, creating a less favourable environment for muscle growth. The New Zealand researches conclude, “Caffeine has some potential to benefit training outcomes via the anabolic effects of the increase in testosterone concentration, but this benefit might be counteracted by the opposing catabolic effects of the increase in cortisol and resultant decline in the testosterone:cortisol ratio.” References: Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2008 Apr;18…

Domestic US source Next Day Gear is busted 

…next day gear. Source: Jacobs, S. (May 7, 2018). EXCLUSIVE: NFL player, high school coach cited as buyers from $3M online drug ring. Retrieved from nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-crime/nfl-player-high-school-coach-cited-buyers-3m-drug-ring-article-1.3975190…

Whey Protein & Milk Cause Acne

…est way to avoid acne. As well as hormonal changes linked to acne, such as testosterone, estrogen, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), insulin and IGF-1, dietary intake can influence acne and its severity. There are a number of medical studies that point the finger at nutrition being a causative factor. In 2002 the man behind the Paleo diet, Loren Cordain, demonstrated that Western civilisations are the ones with the highest incidences of acne [1]. Out of…

Adderall and Sports Performance

…tting diagnosed with these disorders and then prescribed medication that accompanies this diagnosis. Many of these children getting diagnosed with ADD or ADHD play sports, are they getting a competitive advantage over their peers? Adderall is a member of the amphetamine class of drugs. It works by increasing the amounts of norepinephrine and dopamine in our system. Norepinephrine and dopamine are both neurotransmitters that help improve memory, fo…

Anabolic:Androgenic Ratios and Ratings – What They Really Mean

…idea of the anabolic and androgenic qualities of a given anabolic steroid. Within science and medicine, these are the very first initial tests that are conducted when a new anabolic steroid is discovered or developed in order to determine whether or not further testing and research into a particular anabolic steroid is worth the time and effort or not. If the Hershberger Assay of a given anabolic steroid provides desirable anabolic and androgenic…

Alcohol’s Effect on Muscle Growth

…TRAINING It has been speculated that alcohol may have the ability to lower testosterone.  According to WebMD, this influence alcohol has on testosterone has been widely overstated. A three-week study that had men and women consuming 30 to 40 grams of alcohol per day showed a 6.8 percent reduction in testosterone for the men and none for the women at the end of the study [4]. These percentages are the equivalent to three beers a day during the thre…

The Energy Complex: Importance of Vitamin B

…hment in order to keep it running for a long time. Many of the nutritional compounds the body requires come from B vitamins. Vitamin B has been known to ease stress, aid memory, reduce heart disease, and help with depression. In order for your body to achieve the greatest results, you need to be consuming all of the essential B vitamins. BREAKDOWN OF THE B’S The following is a list of the eight B vitamins – along with the dosage range that are com

Women and Steroids

…purpose in mind: to circumvent and essentially cheat the anabolic steroid testing procedures. Under State Plan Research Theme 14.25, East German female Olympic athletes were administered anabolic steroids unbeknownst to them. Every single East German athlete under this program were informed that they were being given vitamins and nutritional supplements, though the reality was of course that they were really being administered anabolic steroids….

News: Should The NBA Study The Potential Benefits Of HGH Use?

…, “Working together could lead us from the path of demonizing HGH and even testosterone towards a complete understanding. It could allow us to make a data based decision rather than the emotional decision we are currently making. And if it can help athletes recover more quickly, maybe we can extend careers and have healthier happier players and fans.” After all, if the claims that a substance is a banned substance due to its supposedly harmful eff…

The Benefits of Capsaicin

…e of the highest amounts of capsaicin found naturally. According to Naturalnews.com, the purest form of capsaicin is rated at a level of 16,000,000. The hottest peppers in the world only measure up to 1.5 to 1.6 million Scovilles.  Jalapenos and cayenne pepper trickle in at around 8,000 to 50,000. Capsaicin’s chemical makeup triggers pain-sensitive nerve endings, which is why the pain or burning is experienced when it is ingested or rubbed on the…

The Sweet Tooth Effect: Benefits Of Dark Chocolate

…ncluding dark chocolate, tea, red wine, and various fruits and vegetables. Examples of antioxidants are beta-carotene, lycopene, selenium, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E. Antioxidants have been known to prevent or delay certain types of cell damage. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, the cocoa in dark chocolate can also be beneficial on cholesterol levels because it consists mainly of stearic and oleic acid. Stear…

The Truth Surrounding Coconut Oil

…ul or beneficial,” said Mozaffarian. POSSIBLE BENEFITS According to Medicalnewstoday.com (MNT), a randomized clinical trial was conducted, where 40 participants were given either two tablespoons of coconut oil or two tablespoons of soybean oil once a day for 12 weeks. During that time, researchers found that the soybean oil group saw their HDL level (good cholesterol) go down and their LDL level (bad cholesterol) go up. Both are indicators of an i…

Manage Weight Loss With The Volumetrics Diet

…olate candies, cookies, nuts, butter and oil. According to an article on USnews.com, you’ll go heavy on categories one and two, watch your portion sizes with category three and keep category four choices to a minimum. This low-calorie, high volume-eating plan includes foods with a lot of water and fiber, since both are known to deliver your body with a sense of ‘fullness’. Each day, you’ll eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, a couple of snacks and desse…

Recharging Your Battery: Ways to Enhance Athletic Performance

…protein as fat. Too much protein in the diet may also cause your body to become dehydrated because it requires more fluids to compensate for the excess of protein circulating throughout your body. PROPER FLUID INTAKE One of the most overlooked nutrients during workouts is the amount of water or fluids being consumed by the athlete. Water and fluids are vital to keep the body hydrated and at the proper temperature. According to Healthline.com, a pe…

The Benefits of Mangoes For Health

…often refer to this tropical delight as the ‘king of fruits’. According to Newhealthguide.org, the following is a list of daily nutritional values that the mango has to offer: Amount Per Serving(225 g)105 calories % Daily Value Vitamin C 76 Vitamin A 25 B vitamins 11 Probiotic Fiber 9 Copper 9 Potassium 7 Magnesium 4 NUTRITIONAL ADVANTAGES According to Medicalnewstoday.com, one cup of diced mango is comprised of 100 calories, one gram of protein,…

The Truth Behind Soy Lecithin

…or not a person with soy allergies will experience an allergic reaction. Researchers and physicians at MedicineNet.com say that since protein makes up such a low concentration in most foods, and soy lecithin itself accounts for no more than one percent of processed foods, it’s usually not deemed a severe problem in individuals with minor sensitivities to soy. CONCLUSION When you take a step back and look at the bigger spectrum of things, you’ll fi…

The Horrifying Realism Behind Binge Eating

…stantly gestures their body to turn out cortisol. According to MedicineNet.com, when a person experiences duress, they find their body becoming alert and observant, as the blood vessels constrict and deflect the flow of blood from processes like digestion to fast-acting muscles. Metabolism is also affected in the process, as energy is made steadily available to your muscles, preparing them for battle. After a period of time, your body’s stress res…

The Importance of Vitamin D

…h the skin by sunlight – vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin in a family of compounds that includes vitamin D1, D2 and D3, according to Healthline.com Vitamin D can affect as many as 2,000 genes in the human body. Let’s take a closer look as to why this vitamin is so vital to our everyday health. HEALTH BENEFITS Vitamin D has several important roles in the human body.  Perhaps the most vital role vitamin D plays is regulating the absorption of calc…

Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Men

…ause serious side effects. If you are not taking testosterone for medicinal purposes, you could be causing severe damage to your body. Conclusion Men who experience low testosterone levels have a number of different options to choose from when it comes to testosterone replacement therapy. While one type of therapy may work for one, it may not for another. Your doctor will be able to inform you of the pros and cons for each option so you can make a…

Turinabol (4-Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone)

…oring anabolic effects of course. This is one of the reasons why its often compared to compounds such as Anavar or Promobolan. As a result, much like Anavar or Primobolan, Oral-Turinabol saw extensive medical use in not just adult males but in women and children also. At the time, Turinabol was offered in two different concentrations per tablet: 1mg tablets, and 5mg tablets. The 1mg tablets would typically be utilized for individuals traditionally…

The Benefits of the Glycemic Index

…ecific diet plan that utilizes the index as the primary or rather the only guide for meal planning. Many commercialized diet plans; diet books and diet websites have based their proposed diet regimen on the glycemic index. These diet plans include the Zone Diet, Sugar Busters and the Slow-Carb Diet. The glycemic index is best used as a tool to help you lose and manage your weight. In doing so, you are reducing your risk of chronic diseases related…

Buy Deca Durabolin

…istinct pricing differences between websites that set minimum order limits compared to those that do not do so. Websites that do not set minimum order limits allow individuals to buy Deca-Durabolin in very small quantities (single bottle orders, etc.), and because the vendor tends to make small sales as opposed to large quantity sales, prices are frequently inflated to make up for the logistical costs of small orders. Typical pricing of Nandrolone…