Garlic Is Anabolic And Boosts Testosterone

…t the Kobe University, and by a pharmaceutical company called Riken, the researchers tested rats given a protein diet and garlic powder [1]. The rats were split into three groups and given varied amounts of protein, 10%, 20% and 40% protein in their diet. The Japanese scientists then split each diet group into two sub groups. One was given ordinary feed containing 10%, 20% or 40% protein; the feed for the other sub group was enriched with garlic p…

Testosterone Long Esters “Kick-In” Myth

…as very versatile as it needs to be injected once or twice daily. This is compared to Test Enan that needs only once per week injections and is active for 14-16 days. Testoviron was born by Schering and is still in production today and is the most popular used hormone replacement therapy preparation. Second on the scene was Testosterone Cypionate, produced by Upjohn and also still in production and also widely prescribed by endocrinologists. The…

Anadrol Increases Muscle Mass Reduces Fat But Damages The Liver

…hieved in older women”, the US researchers write. Limitations were mainly that these subjects were aged between 65 and 80 years old. The majority of you reading this aren’t. The test numbers were also fairly low testing only 31 males. Source: Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2003 Jan;284(1):E120-8            …

Fish Oil Enhances Muscle Building

…EPA, and stimulated anabolism with the amino acid leucine. The Scottish researchers then tested the build-up and breakdown of muscle cell protein. They found that the there was an increase of 25 percent of muscle cell protein built up, and 22 percent lower in the breakdown of muscle cell protein in the EPA group, compared to the control.                             The researchers then looked at the activity of anabolic signal molecules in the mu…

Steroid Testing: ARL Primobolan Result

…le was collected via an internet based anabolic steroid source and forwarded to Janoshik in Slovenia.  The 1.5ml sample were forwarded and received by the analytical laboratory Janoshik on June 26, 2019, whilst the test was ordered on June 20, 2019. Janoshik performed HPLC-UV quantitative dosage testing testing shortly afterwards. The report was completed and received by on June 30, 2019 via email. The multi dosage labelled 10ml vial…

Ginger Protects Against Prostate Cancer

…ginger extract had on prostate cancer cells in mice [1]. At first the US researchers did experiments on prostate cancer cells in test tubes. When the cancer cells were exposed to concentrations around 100 microgram/millilitre of ginger extract (Zingiber officinale), the cancer cells died. They found this was explicably linked to the cancer cells as healthy prostate cells [PrEC] and human primary fibroblasts [HDT] did not die.               Followi…

Study: Vitamin C Increases Breast Cancer Survival Odds

…eir research only just recently. Interestingly enough, this groundbreaking new research flies someone in the face of traditional science and conventional wisdom. Most modern medical experts cautioned cancer patients about taking advantage of what are described as “vitamin preparations”. The argument from these medical experts is that the same vitamins that help healthy cells thrive are just as likely to feed and fuel cancerous cells as well. A num…

Take L-Citrulline When Dieting To Maintain Muscle

…alorie diet and want to lose weight at the same time as they bulk up. This new research report has been published by scientists at the Universite Paris Descartes in the most recent issue of research journal Amino Acids. According to the in-depth report that these researchers have been working on for a number of years, they found that millions of people worldwide spend a lot more time “dieting” than they do following a traditional, typical, or what…

What Supplements Can I Take For Liver Health? – Dr. Khash Farzam

…countries where vaccines aren’t as accessible. Autoimmune disease, which encompasses several illnesses, is a less common but still established cause for liver failure. Drug induced liver damage is another big category and can vary depending on the drug and dosage. For example, overdoses of acetaminophen lead to acute liver failure yet appropriate doses do not. In contrast, certain drugs candamage the liver (though won’t necessarily) even at approp…

Long-Acting HGH Will Be Available To Public

…h and gestational age (SGA) in children. hGH-CTP is currently in Phase III testing in adults and Phase II testing in children, it also has orphan drug designation in the U.S and Europe for the treatment of GHD. The longer acting formula is injected once per week and means daily hGH injections could be a thing of the past. Whether hGH is used medically or by bodybuilders, often it means daily injections of GH and sometimes more frequently, such as…

Flaxseed Oil vs. Fish Oil: The Showdown

By Anthoney J. Andersen – When it comes to maintaining a proper diet and healthy lifestyle, it can often be a complicated and discouraging task, due to the plethora of diet plans, supplement choices and exercise routines. Not only is it vital to know which supplements and diets to endure, but also you have to know exactly what the health benefits and risks are, and whether it’s a match for the kind of lifestyle you engage in. When g…

Yoel Romero UFC middleweight suing Gold Star Supplements for selling products containing SARMs

…ary supplement. Unfortunately, many companies do not see the career of the athlete as being important and only care about making money. This has undoubtedly led to the end of many careers throughout the sporting world and is something that is now becoming more closely monitored. The outcome of the legal challenge will be updated as and when information becomes available closer to the court date. Source:…

The Truth Surrounding DHEA

…. The following are some of the diseases/health ailments that experts have tested DHEA on, and what they discovered during their testing: General “anti-aging” effects: One of the longest studies on DHEA was a two-year Mayo Clinic trial of people over 60 in the “New England Journal of Medicine” in 2006. The study found that DHEA supplements did not improve muscle strength, physical performance, body composition, blood sugar control, or quality of l…

Raloxifene (Evista)

…ommon estrogenic side effect as a result of this is the development of gynecomastia. In the realm of gynecomastia in particular, Raloxifene has actually demonstrated more promising effectiveness than Nolvadex (Tamoxifen)[2]. As is common with all SERMs and anti-estrogens, Raloxifene has also demonstrated considerable benefit in stimulating endogenous natural Testosterone production in males, as studies have demonstrated an increase of serum Testos…

UK Anti-Doping agencies are pushing to improve public trust

…ti-Doping Agency never would have anticipated or expected. This requires a new approach to how news is released, and the leadership at the UKADA is looking to find ways to better improve public trust, public perception, and foster improve relationships between sports, athletes, and the fans that make these organizations and sporting events possible in the first place. It’s impossible to know exactly how things are going to shake out moving forward…

Biogenesis Founder Anthony Bosch Arrested By DEA

…ered in clinic records. The list includes some of baseball’s marquee names, led by Alex Rodriguez, Ryan Braun, Nelson Cruz, Cabrera and Bartolo Colon. Source:…