New Study: Anabolic Steroids & Nutritional Supplements Cause Kidney Damage

…buse steroids, get regular blood tests, do cardio, monitor blood pressure and follow a clean diet all year. For further reading on the steroids side effects see this article. Source: [1]. [2]. Almukhtar, SE, et al. Clinical Kidney Journal, 2015; doi: 10.1093/ckj/sfv032….

Biogenesis Founder Anthony Bosch Arrested By DEA

…ered in clinic records. The list includes some of baseball’s marquee names, led by Alex Rodriguez, Ryan Braun, Nelson Cruz, Cabrera and Bartolo Colon. Source:…

Vitamin B12: Friend or Foe?

…red blood cells. Regeneration of bone marrow and the lining of the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts. HOW MUCH DOES THE BODY NEED? According to WebMD, the following vitamin B12 regimen is the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) that you get from food, as well as any supplements that you may take: Category Micrograms (mcg)/day 0-6 months 0.4 mcg 7-12 months 0.5 mcg 1-3 years 0.9 mcg 4-8 years 1.2 mcg 9-13 years 1.8 mcg 14 years and up 2.4 mcg…

Protein Only Breakfast Is Anabolic

…s fuel and replenishment sources during this sedentary time. In terms of research, we’ve come a long way on how best to fuel the body when sleeping. Supplement companies will have you believe a protein shake consisting of casein protein is best as its slow released, and while this is true, there are also other options that will provide more nutrients to athletes and bodybuilders. Beef is digested slower than most other protein sources, so we here…

Dianabol And Testosterone Enanthate Effects On Sperm

…mimic luteinizing hormone (LH) and stimulate the testes to maintain intra-testicular testosterone (ITT) even when shutdown through the use of anabolic steroids. This will help increase sperm count significantly and we’ll go as far as to suggest using it if you’re trying for a baby at no more than 1,000 ius every four days. Source: Contraception. 1977 Feb;15(2):151-62.Effects of an anabolic steroid (metandienone) on spermatogenesis. Acta Endocrino…

The Benefits of Mangoes For Health

…tassium 7 Magnesium 4 NUTRITIONAL ADVANTAGES According to, one cup of diced mango is comprised of 100 calories, one gram of protein, 0.5 gram of fat, 25 grams of carbohydrates (23 grams from sugar and three grams from fiber), 100 percent of the daily value for vitamin C, 35 percent for vitamin A, 20 percent of folate, 10 percent of vitamin B-6 and eight percent of vitamin K and potassium. So, as you can see, just one mango a d…

The Sweet Tooth Effect: Benefits Of Dark Chocolate

…ardiovascular ailments. The iron in chocolate helps stave off the iron deficiency anemia, while the magnesium helps prevent type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. CONCLUSION As you can see, some of the “unhealthy” foods can provide a plethora of health benefits. When is comes to a well-balanced diet, you don’t have to completely eliminate all sweets and sugars, just as long as you’re consuming them in moderation (a few times a wee…

Manage Weight Loss With The Volumetrics Diet

…t weight, but the fruits-and-vegetables dieters lost even more – 14 pounds compared to 11 pounds. The researchers concluded that low-energy-dense diets were a more effective way to drop the pounds and keep them off. In another study – coauthored by Dr. Rolls – researchers investigated ways to maximize weight loss on a low-density diet. Two hundred overweight and obese adults were placed on a low-density diet and divided into four groups: one group…

How Sleep & Recovery Can Affect Athletic Performance

…new muscle. For a lot of people, getting enough sleep takes discipline and commitment, just like training. WebMD recommends getting on a regular sleep schedule, which requires that you try and go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. Also, try and refrain from using sleep medications, unless prescribed by your doctor. “Over-the-counter sleep aids are likely to disturb the quality of your sleep and your performance the next day,” said Jim T…

Repairing the Damage: Benefits of L-Glycine

…e off the breakdown of muscle by increasing the body’s creatine levels – a compound that is naturally produced by the body and aids in the building of muscle. According to, glycine isn’t just a muscle-repairing agent – it also helps repair and replenish skin and connective tissue as well. Nearly one-third of collagen – an essential protein that keeps the skin and connective tissue firm – is comprised of glycine. Without glycine, th…

Whey Protein Explained: Isolate, Concentrate and Hydrolysate

…ng will breakdown the three types of whey protein. WHERE DOES WHEY PROTEIN COME FROM? The origin of whey protein begins on the dairy farm, where cows are milked. The milk is then transported to the manufacturing facility to begin the process of cheese making. Special enzymes are then added to the milk to create the separation of curds and the liquid whey. The whey is usually then pasteurized, filtered and dried into a powder to create whey protein…

The Truth Surrounding Coconut Oil

…ogression of Alzheimer’s. “There is very limited information on disease outcomes,” said Dariush Mozaffarian, MD, researcher and co-director of the cardiovascular epidemiology program at Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health. “All that has been studied well is the impact of coconut oil on cholesterol levels, and the findings are intriguing. However, we still don’t know if it is harmful or beneficial,” said Mozaffarian. POSSIBLE…

Effective Ways To Accelerate Fat Loss

…. TIME TO TAKE ACTION Having a high body fat percentage sets the stage for complications that come with being overweight or obese, such as developing diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer. Globally, there are more than one billion overweight adults, at least 300 million of them obese, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Obesity rates have more than doubled in adults and children since the 1970s. While recent estimates…

Crush Weight Loss With The DASH Diet

…ferent calorie levels, so you could follow a weigh-loss diet with this plan,” says Nancy L. Cohen, PhD, RD, professor and head of the department of nutrition at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst. Some people may also struggle with the high levels of fiber that accompanies the diet. So, it’s recommended that you gradually add high-fiber foods to your daily regimen, in order to avoid bloating and discomfort. CONCLUSION Even though the DASH…

Recharging Your Battery: Ways to Enhance Athletic Performance

…protein as fat. Too much protein in the diet may also cause your body to become dehydrated because it requires more fluids to compensate for the excess of protein circulating throughout your body. PROPER FLUID INTAKE One of the most overlooked nutrients during workouts is the amount of water or fluids being consumed by the athlete. Water and fluids are vital to keep the body hydrated and at the proper temperature. According to, a pe…

The Importance of Vitamin D

…h the skin by sunlight – vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin in a family of compounds that includes vitamin D1, D2 and D3, according to Vitamin D can affect as many as 2,000 genes in the human body. Let’s take a closer look as to why this vitamin is so vital to our everyday health. HEALTH BENEFITS Vitamin D has several important roles in the human body.  Perhaps the most vital role vitamin D plays is regulating the absorption of calc…

The Horrifying Realism Behind Binge Eating

…stantly gestures their body to turn out cortisol. According to, when a person experiences duress, they find their body becoming alert and observant, as the blood vessels constrict and deflect the flow of blood from processes like digestion to fast-acting muscles. Metabolism is also affected in the process, as energy is made steadily available to your muscles, preparing them for battle. After a period of time, your body’s stress res…

The Truth Behind Soy Lecithin

…or not a person with soy allergies will experience an allergic reaction. Researchers and physicians at say that since protein makes up such a low concentration in most foods, and soy lecithin itself accounts for no more than one percent of processed foods, it’s usually not deemed a severe problem in individuals with minor sensitivities to soy. CONCLUSION When you take a step back and look at the bigger spectrum of things, you’ll fi…

The Benefits of Capsaicin

…the highest amounts of capsaicin found naturally. According to, the purest form of capsaicin is rated at a level of 16,000,000. The hottest peppers in the world only measure up to 1.5 to 1.6 million Scovilles.  Jalapenos and cayenne pepper trickle in at around 8,000 to 50,000. Capsaicin’s chemical makeup triggers pain-sensitive nerve endings, which is why the pain or burning is experienced when it is ingested or rubbed on the skin….

Intermittent Fasting vs. Traditional Dieting

…eight loss than traditional diets. According to a new study on, researchers looked at a weight loss method known as “alternate-day fasting,” in which people drastically reduced calorie intake every other day, but eat more than usual on non-fasting days. The researchers randomly assigned 100 obese adults to one of the three groups: an alternate-day fasting group, a traditional diet group, and a group that did not diet at all. Partic…

WADA Says More People Approaching Them With Doping Information

…ures and encryption built right into the mobile applications available for download (100% free of charge), but it also solves the problem of convenience of secure communication as well. Everyone has a smart phone in their pocket, and that means that they have a tool that can be used to share information, photographs, video, audio, and so much more with people all over the world in the blink of an eye – and folks can use smartphone applications to…

Take L-Citrulline When Dieting To Maintain Muscle

…scientists at the Universite Paris Descartes in the most recent issue of research journal Amino Acids. According to the in-depth report that these researchers have been working on for a number of years, they found that millions of people worldwide spend a lot more time “dieting” than they do following a traditional, typical, or what may be described as “standard” diet. Those in the fitness, weightlifting, and athletic communities are most likely t…

Sustanon 250 Side Effects

…of the contributing factors in this case is due to the liver’s ability to freely metabolize Testosterone, and the fact that Testosterone is not extremely resistant to hepatic breakdown and metabolism. The issue where hepatotoxicity is concerned mostly stems from certain anabolic steroids that possess the trait of exhibiting heavier resistance to hepatic metabolism than Testosterone is. This is one of the main reasons as to why oral anabolic stero…