The Foolproof Guide To ‘Clean Eating’

…red with in the lab or manufacturing plant. The foods you eat on this plan come straight from the farm – whole fruits and vegetables, whole grains, grass-fed and free-range meats, low fat dairy products, unsalted nuts and seeds. Eliminate refined sugar: Refined sugar provides nothing beneficial, just calories. Other sweeteners can be used, but with all the good foods you add to your diet, refined sugar has very little place in the eat clean diet….

How Skipping Dinner May Help With Weight Loss

…ories efficiently. Lead author, Dr. Hana Kahleova – director of clinical research at the nonprofit Physicians Committee – says that this process ensures our energy intake correlates with energy output, instead of energy reserves – or enlarged fat cells. For many, dinner is often the largest meal of the day, and skipping it may save those 500 calories you need to lose the weight. However, this strategy of skipping dinner will only work if you’re no…

Former Steroid User Kimbo Slice Dies Aged 42

…failed a drugs test and was suspended. He was shown to be using exogenous testosterone (Testosterone Enanthate, Cypionate, Propionate, Suspension or Sustanon 250) and nandrolone (Deca-Durabolin). The Deca usage is important as recent research has stated that even small doses in males can lead to the destruction of blood vessels and a higher risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). No doubt, because of the ‘steroid demonising’ era we’re in, steroid a…

Three Olympic Weightlifting Champions From China Have Failed GHRP-2 Drug Tests

…des or other banned substances in order to beat the competition. Failed Re-tests Are Common Failed re-tests happen in every category of Olympic competition. For example, a shot-put athlete from Belarus was recently stripped of two medals after re-testing showed the presence of steroids in stored urine. Since the Chinese weightlifters were competing in their home country, they perhaps felt more pressure to excel, with a mind to representing their n…

Fighting Off Spurious Accusations, Rugby Player Dan Carter Is Cleared Of All Doping Charges

…he allegations made by the magazine were completely unfounded. The medical commission also validated the position held by the Racing 92 Team, and reiterated that the team doctor as well as the players had not committed any breach in either the rules or the ethics involved. The team as a whole was grateful for the ruling. A Step Too Far Relieved that he was vindicated, Carter was grateful for the ruling. Taking his comments to the next level, Carte…

Bisping Accuses George St.Pierre of Using Steroids

…of his claims seriously, they would be more apt to talk to Bisping’s training partner rather than give his claim of a magical, fast-acting steroids any merit. Source:…

The CRN aims to provide the DEA with the power to prevent the sale of SARMs as dietary supplements

…llars. SARMs have no place in the dietary supplement market and have the potential to end the careers all of those athletes who consume such supplements without realizing. The reason that this becomes an issue is that certain drugs tests may test positive for the use of performance enhancing drugs, which is potentially harmful to those who do not realize this. Source:…

Russian Hammer Thrower Tatyana Lysenko Loses Gold Medal After Using Steroids

…in the weeks or months leading to competition, not days. As new methods become available to test stored samples, more athletes have fallen foul and been punished by the IOC and IAAF. Doping samples are stored for 10 years and retested when doping detection methods become more advanced with time. Of the 2008 Beijing Olympics and 2012 London Games, 98 athletes have tested positive for banned PEDs and regulated substances. At her disciplinary hearin…

Jeremy Stephens Says Steroid Users Are Pu*sies

…performance enhancing substances. He appreciates Notvitzky keeping things real and natural, and that is the way the sport and its athletic stars should be. Source:…

Kenyan Marathon Runner Gets Suspended After Testing Positive For Anabolic Steroids

…time in history. The second occasion was even better, with Mwangi Wangari competing at the Copenhagen Half Marathon of 2016 and finishing in at just 59 minutes and 7 seconds. Only two men in world history have run a half marathon faster than that. At the time, Mwangi Wangari mentioned that he was in excellent shape, had been training specifically for these events more than anything else, and that he relied on his “wind” to allow him to have such…

Garlic Is Anabolic And Boosts Testosterone

…t the Kobe University, and by a pharmaceutical company called Riken, the researchers tested rats given a protein diet and garlic powder [1]. The rats were split into three groups and given varied amounts of protein, 10%, 20% and 40% protein in their diet. The Japanese scientists then split each diet group into two sub groups. One was given ordinary feed containing 10%, 20% or 40% protein; the feed for the other sub group was enriched with garlic p…

Ginger Protects Against Prostate Cancer

…ginger extract had on prostate cancer cells in mice [1]. At first the US researchers did experiments on prostate cancer cells in test tubes. When the cancer cells were exposed to concentrations around 100 microgram/millilitre of ginger extract (Zingiber officinale), the cancer cells died. They found this was explicably linked to the cancer cells as healthy prostate cells [PrEC] and human primary fibroblasts [HDT] did not die.               Followi…

Testosterone Long Esters “Kick-In” Myth

…as very versatile as it needs to be injected once or twice daily. This is compared to Test Enan that needs only once per week injections and is active for 14-16 days. Testoviron was born by Schering and is still in production today and is the most popular used hormone replacement therapy preparation. Second on the scene was Testosterone Cypionate, produced by Upjohn and also still in production and also widely prescribed by endocrinologists. The…

Anadrol Increases Muscle Mass Reduces Fat But Damages The Liver

…hieved in older women”, the US researchers write. Limitations were mainly that these subjects were aged between 65 and 80 years old. The majority of you reading this aren’t. The test numbers were also fairly low testing only 31 males. Source: Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2003 Jan;284(1):E120-8            …

Fish Oil Enhances Muscle Building

…EPA, and stimulated anabolism with the amino acid leucine. The Scottish researchers then tested the build-up and breakdown of muscle cell protein. They found that the there was an increase of 25 percent of muscle cell protein built up, and 22 percent lower in the breakdown of muscle cell protein in the EPA group, compared to the control.                             The researchers then looked at the activity of anabolic signal molecules in the mu…

News: Anabolic Steroids Causing Heart Disease In Young Men

…he Australian population under 15 have used anabolic steroids he claimed. Anabolic steroid side effects such as these are often a hidden problem, with little users get regular blood tests and monitoring vital signs, such as blood pressure. At we suggest regular blood tests on liver and kidney function, cholesterol and weekly blood pressure checks when using steroids. Always seek the advice of a physician before, during and after use…

News: The Designer Steroid Control Act 2014

…fter products such as, Trenavar, Dianabulk, Epi-Tren and Halo Extreme, so expect product similar to these to be taken off the shelves soon. Source:…

The Verdict Is In – Most Men Do Not Regret Taking Steroids

…kinds of performance-enhancing drugs. Source: Margo, J. (September 8, 2015). When men build their bodies at the expense of their fertility: anabolic steroids. Retrieved from…

News: Australian Crime Experts Call for Anabolic Steroid Testing

…ic in Australia. Other factors might include the fact that because anabolic steroids are currently a black market drug in the west, criminals are naturally attracted to its use and trade. Sources:  …