Winstrol Depot

…s chemical modifications also grant it a very strong anabolic strength. In comparison to Testosterone, Winstrol exhibits 3.2 times the anabolic strength (Testosterone’s anabolic rating is 100 while Winstrol’s anabolic rating is 320). While its anabolic strength is considerably larger than Testosterone, its androgenic strength has been significantly reduced to a rating of 30 (while Testosterone’s androgenic rating is 100). For a greater in-depth an…

Winstrol For Sale

…n the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games. After winning the 100m final and setting a new world record, he failed the necessary drug and was stripped and banned from competing again. Athletes due to its performance enhancing effects have long used Winstrol and this occurs illegally even today. Because Winny can add power, strength and speed to a user, with little added muscle gain and no water retention, one can see why it’s favoured by those in competitive…

Buy Parabolan

…always take significant notice of the distinct pricing differences between websites that set minimum order limits compared to those that do not do so. It is also important to be aware that many ‘gym dealers’ will attempt to sell products at excessively inflated prices in an attempt to take advantage of the ignorance of a seemingly ignorant buyer. Websites that do not set minimum order limits allow individuals to buy Parabolan in very small quantit…

Rogue Cop Gets Busted for TabMan Pharma Steroid Operation

…fered drugs which were pretty hard to get from other underground labs. For example, he sold Halotestin, Superdrol, Primobolan, M1T, Modafinil, Phentermine and Accutane.  Speck Got Busted Fairly Quickly Considering he only advertised his wares via the message board, it’s sort of surprising that Speck wasn’t able to keep his business running for longer. It’s safe to say that his experience as a police officer led him to take fewer risks than most. F…

Oral Winstrol

…to the muscles as commonly reported by many users. This is why Winstrol is commonly utilized during dieting phases and pre-contest phases by bodybuilders and athletes, although it can be a wonderful addition to any bulking cycle as well. There are two major modifications to its chemical structure that grants oral Winstrol these advantages and capabilities. The first is the bonding of a methyl group at carbon 17-alpha (also known as C17-alpha alkyl…

Professor at University of Nebraska Possessed and Distributed Steroids

…music prof was deemed Amateur Bodybuilder of the Week at the website, during autumn of 2015. He competed for the first time as a bodybuilder way back in 2001. In terms of how he developed as a bodybuilder, he was a member of the Gold’s Gym in Wilmington and he paid another bodybuilder to help him master nutrition. This bodybuilder’s name is Dave Pulcinella. Afterwards, McCray asked a former professional bodybuilder to assist him…

โ€˜Uncle Zโ€™ U.S. Remailers Arrested Again For Manufacturing Steroids

…County are now listed as: dealing in a controlled substance, conspiracy to commit dealing in a controlled substance, possession of a controlled substance, corrupt business influence and maintaining a common nuisance. Financial problems first got them involved in dealing anabolic steroids, but you’d think they would have learnt from their first arrests and subsequent charges. Holly Starkey was being held in the Rush County Jail. David Starkey was b…

Trenbolone (Trenbolone Acetate)

…that grant Trenbolone to be not just resistant to aromatization, but to become completely immune to it and be unable to interact what so ever with the aromatase enzyme. These modifications are also responsible for Trenbolone’s extremely enhanced andrognic strength (its ability to bind at a much greater strength to the androgen receptor)[i] and its ability to remain highly resistant to metabolic breakdown in the body. Properties of Trenbolone The…

Anavar Results

…reduce SHBG (Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin) which will free more available free Testosterone allowing it to help build and preserve muscle tissue and accelerate fat loss. As for Var results for women, Anavar is probably the most predominantly used anabolic steroids out there. Due to its safety profile, women can use Anavar for bulking at 10-15mg every day with very low instances of virilisation or other adverse side effects. If side effects or sym…

The Coffee Craze: Pro and Cons of Guzzling Java

…te coffee consumption – defined as three or four 8-oz cups a day, providing 300 to 400 milligrams of caffeine – carries “little evidence of health risks and some evidence of health benefits,” concludes researchers from Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University in Corvallis, an article in ‘Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition’ in 2006. DOWNSIDES OF COFFEE Caffeine does have the ability to boost blood pressure, Lane and others hav…

Testosterone Cypionate

…ids that possess very similar characteristics for obvious reasons. It is a common companion to compounds such as Deca-Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate), which is usually run for the same 10 – 12 week length as Testosterone Cypionate, and a ‘kickstarting’ compound such as Dianabol (Methandrostenolone) is usually included from the start of the cycle until it is discontinued at around week 4 or 6. In the event that one wishes to try to use Testosteron…

Sustanon 250 Side Effects

…osterone in the human body, these modifications essentially create a whole new compound that is essentially foreign to the human body. Thus this is why some individuals may react worse to another particular anabolic steroid, but may react just fine to Testosterone. It must be clarified, however, that the different esterified Testosterone variants in the Sustanon 250 blend are not modified analogues of Testosterone itself – the Testosterone chemica…

Testosterone Enanthate Side Effects

…n HDL cholesterol[2]. Conversely, other studies have been conducted whereby 300mg weekly of Testosterone Enanthate was administered for a 20 week period without the use of an aromatase inhibitor which resulted in a 13% reduction of HDL cholesterol, however, when Testosterone doses were raised to 600mg weekly, reduction of HDL cholesterol had dropped to 21%[3]. From the data examined, it is very evident that the increase in Estrogen via aromatizati…

Chael Sonnen Believes That Jon Jones Was a Steroid User For Years

…eavyweight MMA athlete who fights for Bellator MMA, which is a promotional company based in Santa Monica, California. Sonnen has his own history of doping, but he’s been more open about his doping activites, since getting busted for using a variety of banned substances.   At present, Jon Jones is quite likely to lose his existing title. He recently tested positive for a steroid called Turinabol (the oral version, rather than the injectable). Jones…

Rich Piana Discusses His Extensive Anabolic Steroid Usage

…e: Pleasance, C. (May 8, 2016). Meet the 310lbs bodybuilder, 45, who admits taking steroids since he was a teenager and insists he ‘wouldn’t change a thing’. Retrieved from…

Testosterone Enanthate

…ng 250mg/ml. Testosterone Enanthate Pictures: Testosterone Enantahte Pharmacom Labs 300mg/ml                 Testosterone Enanthate Norma 250mg/ml                 Testoviron Depot Schering 250mg/ml               Testosterone Chemical Name: 4-androsten-3-one-17beta-ol, 17beta-hydroxy-androst-4-en-3-one Molecular Weight: 288.42 g/mol Formula: C19H28O2 Original Manufacturer: Squibb Half Life:  10 days Detection Time: 3 months Anabolic Rating: 100    …

Designer Steroid Can Cause Severe Liver Damage (Jaundice)

…sed by the House and is now edging closer and will become law in months to come. This new Bill will allow the DEA and FDA to add compounds and drugs to the banned list almost immediately, outlawing their sale, importation, manufacturer and possession in the USA. One popular designer steroid is – Super DMZ Rx 2.0 – manufactured by Blackstone Labs/Iron Mag Labs and sold online and in stores to the US market. This “dietary supplement” is advertised t…


…upply of testosterone, while the 5mg one will provide 24.3mg of active and free testosterone. Of course, the actual amounts delivered can vary from one person to the next and largely depends on the individual using it. Low testosterone, or as it is medically referred as; Hypogonadism, may be caused by any of several different factors. Age-related decline is the most common cause of low testosterone, but there are 2 different low testosterone condi…