Turinabol Cycle

…has been found to effectively bind to SHBG[1], allowing greater amounts of free Testosterone to circulate the body imparting its muscle-building effects. This means that although Turinabol might be costly considering its anabolic:androgenic ratio, it can easily be utilized at a low dose in Turinabol cycles alongside other compounds in order to allow those other compounds to act more efficiently in the body rather than becoming bound by SHBG and re…

UK Born Male Model Goes on the Run to Avoid Steroid Charges

…ved on their properties. All of the co-conspirators outside of Murrell not only showed up to their sentencing hearing but also began serving time (if necessary), with Murrell being the only one to skip town and become a fugitive of justice – literally for the rest of his life. As of January 2019, Murrell still remains on the run in Bali evading authorities.  Source: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-46033124…

Cleansing Your Palate: Foods Rich in Antioxidants

…p (chopped) of this powerhouse veggie contains 206 percent of your daily-recommended dose of vitamin A and 134 percent of your daily-recommended dose of vitamin C. WAYS TO ENJOY KALE Add chopped kale to your favourite pasta within five minutes of it being done. Season with a small amount of sesame oil, sesame seeds and a pinch of salt. Steam kale and season with lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper. Add chopped kale to your favourite stir-fry….

New Zealand Cyclist Karl Murray Tests Positive for Clenbuterol

…ana Regional Anti-Doping Organization suspended Murray for two years after testing positive for both testosterone and nandrolone steroids. The governing body of cycling decided to apply the suspension retroactively, which allowed his ineligibility to compete in the sport to end in April 2015. Later on, representatives of the DFS NZ learned that Murray continued to coach athletes while he was suspended – in clear violation of the terms of his suspe…

Clomid Dosage

…rred agent of the two.       Clomid References:   [1] Hormonal effects of an antiestrogen, tamoxifen, in normal and oligospermic men. Vermeulen A, Comhaire F. Fertil Steril. 1978 Mar;29(3):320-7. [2] Clomiphene increases free testosterone levels in men with both secondary hypogonadism and erectile dysfunction: who does and does not benefit? Guay AT, Jacobson J, Perez JB, Hodge MB, Velasquez E. Int J Impot Res. 2003 Jun;15(3):156-65….

Man Currently Charged With Importing Steroids Begins Successful Supplement Business

…spaper have tried to investigate whether or not the city could revoke Shorts business license, only to be told in no uncertain terms that he has done nothing wrong, has violated no rules or regulations that would conflict with his business, and is free to continue to conduct business in the area. Source: Justice.gov. (February 1, 2016). Marion Man Pleads Guilty To Obtaining Anabolic Steroids From China. Retrieved from https://www.justice.gov/usao-…

Ginkgo Biloba Lowers Cortisol Levels

…to treat loss of memory related diseases, such as Alzheimer’s. Supplement companies have added Ginkgo to testosterone boosting products and pre-workout formulas to enhance testosterone, concentration and alertness, but we’re going to look at its hormonal effects on stress hormones, such as cortisol. If you’re not familiar with cortisol, it’s a naturally occurring hormone produced by the adrenal glands and can lower protein synthesis and also eats…

Creatine Is Best Taken Post-Workout

…en they chose to. At the end of the four weeks a number of parameters were tested and what the US researchers found were that the bodybuilders taking the Creatine post-workout had made more progress.               The figure above shows that, the post-workout group lost an extra kilogram of fat in the four weeks, whilst the men also gained twice as much lean body mass (muscle). The post-workout group also had superior strength gains in their bench…

MuscleMania Champion Tests Positive for Performance-Enhancing Drugs

…owcased the legendary South Point Hotel, Casino & Spa, the venue for the upcoming competition as well as one of the most popular hotspots for bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts to stay at when they are in Las Vegas. It is interesting, however, that a number of social media users that had been carefully following the career of Yaqoob noticed that some of the pictures he was posting in the lead up to this 2018 of that appeared to show early develo…

Can Grape Seed Extract Cause Fat Loss?

…ent, grape seed extract, has the ability to sabotage the transformation of testosterone into the compound estradiol through the naturally produced enzyme aromatase – something that has helped scientists better understand and navigate the world of in vitro procedures. Dutch researchers working on this study and revisiting the eight-year-old paper they published conducted a number of new test tube protocols to see if grape seed extract was really ab…

Study: Cumin, Lime & Weight Loss

…n and lime oil on a day-to-day basis lost 2.1 kg of body weight during the testing protocol. The research has since been duplicated by other scientists around the world, showing many of the same results with a lot of consistency. Researchers in Iran as well as throughout the globe believe that these weight loss benefits at thanks to the ability for cumin and lime oil to improve overall insulin sensitivity throughout the body. It’s also likely that…

Beginner Steroid Cycles

…y the result of a fear of needles, but this must be overcome, and once overcome it becomes much easier afterwards. Oral anabolic steroids are not designed to be run solitarily (on their own), and instead serve to act as supplementary compounds to a solid base cycle that should always include injectable compounds, of which an essentially required injectable being Testosterone (for every single cycle). Injectable compounds are the base compounds of…

Deca Durabolin Side Effects

…that are sensitive to the androgenic side effects of anabolic steroids. In comparison, Testosterone’s androgenic strength is rated at 100. Although considered quite weak, androgenic side effects are still a possibility with the use of Deca Durabolin and potential androgenic side effects include: increased sebum secretion (oily skin), increased bouts of acne (linked to increased sebum secretion), bodily and facial hair growth, and the increased ris…

Study: Is Soda Responsible For Causing Colon Cancer?

…valent of, anyway) every single day had large tumors throughout their body compared to the test group of mice that world water. Not only that, but the researchers also discovered that the tumors had grown significantly larger and were much farther along their developmental process. This did surprise researchers quite a bit, as it alludes to the fact that high fructose corn syrup works as an accelerant to speed up the aggressiveness of colon cancer…

Former UFC Heavyweight Champion Suspended

…these new techniques. By continuing to deploy cutting-edge methods in its testing, and retesting, the USDA hopes to level the playing field. In its own words, the USADA aims to maximize not only detection, but deterrence of doping; holding accountable those athletes who try to gain an unfair competitive advantage. The Fighter Fights However, these accusations have not been met with quiet acceptance. Much like his reputation in the octagon, Frank…

GHRP-6 Doses

…n peptides are discussed. A saturation dose is defined as a dose that will completely (or near completely) saturate the peptide’s target receptors. In GHRP-6’s case, this means the Ghrelin receptors located on the hypothalamus and the anterior pituitary. From the examination of many studies, the saturation GHRP-6 doses have been determined to be 1mcg per kg of body weight, and an average dose of approximately 100mcg without concern for bodyweight[…

Halotestin (Fluoxymesterone)

…e presence of two of the strongest androgens available: Trenbolone and Halotestin. Testosterone is once again utilized at a TRT dose so as to eliminate the potential for Estrogen conversion while maintaining normal function of physiological levels of Testosterone. Halotestin also provides the dramatic boost in strength during the final 6 weeks as well. Such a cycle can also easily be utilized as a mass-gaining or bulking cycle as well as a cutting…

Former All-Star MLB Pitcher Suspended For 80 Games

…club isn’t going to help, either. MLB continues to show real teeth when it comes to performance-enhancing drug testing While the overwhelming majority of other major professional sports leagues in the United States continue to pay lip service to testing for performance-enhancing drugs and suspending players that end up popping positive for these substances, the truth of the matter is only the MLB has really taken the steps necessary to curb this k…

Bodybuilder From Italy Busted for Steroids and Other Banned Substances

…;  13) Deca Durabolin metabolites – 19-norandrosterone; 14) Non-endogenous testosterone and testosterone metabolites Clearly, this weightlifter wasn’t making a very comprehensive attempt to avoid detection. This isn’t as uncommon as you would think! Steroid use and banned substance usage in bodybuilding is really prevalent. It’s safe to say that a lot of bodybuilders consider it to be normal and ok, although it’s technically illegal. The truth is…

Nolvadex Dosage

…mg daily of Nolvadex will result in no greater or faster mitigation of gynecomastia as commonly believed. Nolvadex doses rising to the aforementioned level or above will simply result in excess Nolvadex being wasted. It is very important to make clear to the reader that the use of Nolvadex can possibly impact performance, muscle, and strength gains during an anabolic steroid cycle negatively. This is because Nolvadex has been demonstrated to reduc…

Accelerate Recovery With L-Glutamine

…cise physiology at Iowa State University in Ames. “Mild soreness is just a common outcome of any kind of physical activity, especially in the early stages of a program.” Glutamine can be used to combat this soreness and reduce its presence in your muscles. Glutamine is an amino acid (a building block of proteins) found naturally in the body. According to WebMD, glutamine is the most abundant free amino acid in the body. It’s produced in the muscle…

Study Finds Teen HGH Use Rising

…nces and lack of testing high school athletes. “It’s what you get when you combine aggressive promotion from for-profit companies with a vulnerable target — kids who want a quick fix and don’t care about health risk,” Tygart said in an interview. “It’s a very easy sell, unfortunately.” With elite level athletes such as, cyclist Lance Armstrong and MLB’s Alex Rodriguez, performance-enhancing drugs have gained popularity as teens look to ways of obt…

What support supplements can I take when on a steroid cycle to stay healthy?

…s of thousands of multi-vitamin products on the market but we at Steroidal.com recommend only one – Source Naturals Life Force For Men. There is also a product designed specifically for women with the correct vitamins, minerals, herbs and probiotics. As with any product found online or at your local store, quality will vary. Source Naturals have been producing the highest quality vitamins; minerals and herbal products for decades and often top ind…

Krill Oil Vs. Fish Oil: The Face-Off

…nteers who were given fish oil in their diet showed greater weight loss as compared to those who did not regularly consume it. Exercise – combined with fish oil – had a positive effect on body shape and composition on the participating patients. Fish oil does have its downsides, though, which is that it can go rancid if not properly stored. This can lead to possible illness and ineffectiveness of the supplement, which means you basically wasted yo…