Clomid Side Effects

…. [3] Intrauterine exposure to clomiphene and neonatal persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous. Bishai R, Arbour L, Lyons C, Koren G. Teratology. 1999 Sep;60(3):143-5. [4] [5]…

Gym and Wellness Clinic Busted For Selling Steroids in Miami

…the outfit. WFN operated an affiliate program where affiliates were given commission for referrals to the business when new customer transactions successful. Although so far, prosecutors have no indicated they will pursue affiliate marketers. WFN was said to have made around $10m from the illegal steroid selling operation. Others arrested in the case were Edward Jacob Liff, Xzavier Apodaca, Byron Oliver, Erick Vittitow, Bader Alaskari, Bernard Du…

The illicit steroid business is increasing in Singapore

comes to these kinds of drugs and this kind of culture, and hopefully the new steroid epidemic is enough to push new legislation into action to curb this kind of usage completely. A lot of fitness center owners are starting to post new rules and regulations about banning the use of performance-enhancing drugs on their property, and while this hasn’t been enough to completely curtail steroid abuse in Singapore it’s definitely starting to turn the…

12 Year Ban Given To Weightlifting Coach For Steroid Use

…has been banned from all competition and from coaching athletes that will compete in competitions by the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) after a month-long investigation into allegations that he himself was using illegal steroids and was also providing them too many of his clients and athletes. Already a legend in the competitive weightlifting community, Gingras was also a legend in the Armed Forces as well. During his second tour of dut…

News: Anabolic Steroids Causing Heart Disease In Young Men

…roid and/or human growth hormone (HGH) users. A recent Australian study in New South Wales examined 24 deaths from men ages 22 to 48 over the last 17 years. Australian steroid use has grown in recent years and so have deaths attributed to use. Almost all of the men examined showed signs of being interested in fitness. Some were bodybuilders, athletes, personal trainers and security guards. All of them showed signs of steroid use, such as testicula…

News: Australian Crime Experts Call for Anabolic Steroid Testing

…as being the causative factor, Australian news tends to take a more all-encompassing view upon these assaults and emphasizes personal responsibility above all else. Alcohol-induced fights, brawls, assaults, and attacks have been a concern in Australia, but what has recently been determined by authorities such as the state’s top criminologist Dr Don Weatherburn is that the use of anabolic steroids in conjunction with alcohol is leading to an incre…

Vitamin B12: Friend or Foe?

…red blood cells. Regeneration of bone marrow and the lining of the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts. HOW MUCH DOES THE BODY NEED? According to WebMD, the following vitamin B12 regimen is the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) that you get from food, as well as any supplements that you may take: Category Micrograms (mcg)/day 0-6 months 0.4 mcg 7-12 months 0.5 mcg 1-3 years 0.9 mcg 4-8 years 1.2 mcg 9-13 years 1.8 mcg 14 years and up 2.4 mcg…

Protein Only Breakfast Is Anabolic

…s fuel and replenishment sources during this sedentary time. In terms of research, we’ve come a long way on how best to fuel the body when sleeping. Supplement companies will have you believe a protein shake consisting of casein protein is best as its slow released, and while this is true, there are also other options that will provide more nutrients to athletes and bodybuilders. Beef is digested slower than most other protein sources, so we here…

Another Russian Anabolic Steroid Scandal is Coming

…n that has been currently leaked is only the tip of the iceberg. In an all new interview with reporters and investigators from the New York Times, Grigory Rodchenkov makes a very specific number of claims about the steroid scandal that has been going on in Russia for the past 15 years or so – the biggest of all being that the entire steroid and performance-enhancing drug program has support at the highest state levels. Members (high ranking member…

News: Lance Armstrong Says He Would Still Cheat If He Could Do it All Over Again

…e would still cheat. In better context, Armstrong was quoted as saying “I knew what my competitors were doing. We [his US Postal service team] were doing less. We were more conservative, and that’s the reason we were never going to be caught.” Armstrong went on to discuss how he and his team was targeted more so than any of the other teams or competitors, because he was far too adamant in his denials and more combative than the others. He also exc…

The Best Muscle Building Supplements

…ng natural products that would help boost the body’s natural production of testosterone. Tribulus Terrestris This compound stems from a fruit-producing Mediterranean plant that’s covered with spines.  It’s often referred to as a puncture vine.  People often use the fruit, leaf, or root of the tribulus plant as medicine, according to WebMD. Over the past decade, people have used tribulus as a way to enhance athletic performance and to improve certa…

Intermittent Fasting vs. Traditional Dieting

…eight loss than traditional diets. According to a new study on, researchers looked at a weight loss method known as “alternate-day fasting,” in which people drastically reduced calorie intake every other day, but eat more than usual on non-fasting days. The researchers randomly assigned 100 obese adults to one of the three groups: an alternate-day fasting group, a traditional diet group, and a group that did not diet at all. Partic…

Whey Protein Explained: Isolate, Concentrate and Hydrolysate

…tore protein, and therefore has no reservoir to draw on it when it needs a new supply. HOW MUCH PROTEIN IS ENOUGH?  We’ve all heard the myth: ‘More protein builds more muscle.’ However, that simply is not true. In fact, the only way to build muscle is through exercise. Bodies need only a modest amount of protein to function well. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the following is the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) f…

The Clay Detox Diet: Fact & Fiction

…er, it absorbs the contaminants in addition to liquid. According to, every cell in the human body excretes waste material, which becomes harmful and poisonous to our bodies if it is allowed to stack up faster than it can be filtered out. The most common symptoms of toxic buildup within the body are mental dullness, aching/stiff joints, high acidity and digestive problems with the stomach and colon. “The legacy of 50 years of exposu…

Anabolic Steroids

…ally backed clinical data.   More Experience Every year millions of people come to for performance enhancement drug information. Our highly specialised experts are deeply experienced with multiple medical degrees from some of the top universities in the world.   Unparalleled Expertise experts are considered some of the best in the world. Our team of experts and research scientists have degrees including: pharmaceutical…

Journalist leaked confidential conversation which leads to pro cyclist admitting PED usage

…  Karsten Kroon, a retired Dutch pro cyclist has admitted to doping offenses after conversations of a confidential nature were released by a journalist. Kroon, who previously rode with BMC, CSC, Rabobank and saxo Bank has committed to using PEDs (performance enhancing drugs) throughout his career as a professional cyclist. He decided to come clean after a journalist decided to leak the sensitive Read more […]…

Superdrol (Methyldrostanolone)

…  With so many different options available on the market today when it comes to bodybuilding supplements, finding the perfect solution to help you transform your body – to help you pack on pound after pound of lean muscle mass effortlessly – is a lot harder than many people make it out to be. Combine that with the fact that anabolic steroid and anabolic steroid-like bodybuilding supplements Read more […]…

Founder of Operation Cyber Juice’s Biggest UGL Has Been Sentenced

…A man named Ryan Root got six and a half years in prison because he was the leader of America’s biggest national UGL (underground lab). He was busted via Operation Cyber Juice, which was carried out by the Drug Enforcement Agency, or DEA. Root received his sentence from a District Court Judge named Thomas McAvoy. The sentence was announced on the 4th of August, 2017 to 6.5 years in prison.  Ryan Read more […]…

Operators of Brinkkman Pharma UGL Sentenced to Prison Time for Selling Steroids

For four years, the operators of an underground lab known as Brinkmann Pharma UGL manufactured steroids and then sold them online. The steroids were sold domestically in the USA. Most underground labs don’t stay open for such an extended time period without getting busted. A lot of underground labs are out there and these labs tend to go come and go fairly quickly. They have short life cycles Read more […]…

Grunt Labs (UGL) Busted In Louisiana

…  An illegal steroid manufacturer, grunt labs have been busted in Louisiana. The operation never had a large impact on the Online Marketplace, but this didn’t prevent it from being brought to the attention of law enforcement agents. Much like many other underground lab busts, the lab was busted after Customs officials discovered and intercepted an incoming package of steroid powder and its Read more […]…

Testosterone Injections

…  Introduction – Why Injections? The common question always asked in regards to Testosterone and Testosterone injections is the question: “why do I have to inject Testosterone? Why can’t they just make it a pill format?”. The answer to this question lies in chemistry of Testosterone, and some history must be retold for the reader to properly understand why Testosterone is best injected Read more […]…