Effective Ways To Accelerate Fat Loss

…. TIME TO TAKE ACTION Having a high body fat percentage sets the stage for complications that come with being overweight or obese, such as developing diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer. Globally, there are more than one billion overweight adults, at least 300 million of them obese, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Obesity rates have more than doubled in adults and children since the 1970s. While recent estimates…

Crush Weight Loss With The DASH Diet

…oped into an effective weight loss plan, and its benefits have led it to become the #1 diet plan by U.S. News & World Report in 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014. SODIUM 101 Sodium is an essential electrolyte and plays a vital role in enzyme operations and muscle contractions. Other benefits that sodium plays in the human body includes improved heart performance, nervous system function and glucose absorption, according to Organicfacts.net. Although it ca…


…(60mg) – Testosterone Caproate (100mg) Hence this is why Omnadren is often commonly compared to Sustanon, which contains all of the aforementioned Testosterone esters with the exception of Testosterone Caproate, which is simply replaced with Testosterone Decanoate (in Sustanon). The difference between Caproate and Decanoate is that the former is a shorter ester, and therefore a shorter acting variant of Testosterone that exhibits a shorter half-li…

Drink Green Tea To Live 14% Longer

…8-101.] As we get older and age, our sensitivity inflammatory proteins and free radicals, such as, TNF-alpha become more pronounced and active causing excessive damage compared to adolescent years. Due to this the chances of crucial molecules and cells becoming damaged increases, thus enhancing our chances of developing cancers, diabetes and other health problems. According to a 2001 study, the average Dutchman consumes 50 mg catechins daily from…

Toremifene Dosage

…is profile under the subcategory of Properties of Toremifene. It is a very new compound to have hit the medical scene, and even more recent within the field of anabolic steroids and performance and physique enhancement among bodybuilders and athletes. Therefore, it should be well understood by the reader that clinical details in regards to Toremifene (Fareston) have focused almost exclusively upon female breast cancer patients, for which this comp…

Study: Watermelon Helps Sore Muscles

…eir performance, speed up there recovery process, and push back against muscle soreness that can make physically intense workouts even more daunting than they would have been on their own. Sources: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23862566 https://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/pressroom/presspacs/2013/acs-presspac-august-14-2013/watermelon-juice-relieves-post-exercise-muscle-soreness.html…

Study: How Effective is Whey Protein For Increasing Muscle Mass?

…s but rather to figure out just how well it works. Each participant of the test hadn’t done any way training in the past, but during this testing protocol they were instructed to go to the gym twice a week for a period of 21 weeks. Another group, the control, didn’t do any training whatsoever. Those participants that were sent to the gym twice a week were tasked with targeting all of the major muscle groups throughout the body, working the lower b…

Study: Increase Endurance with Caffeine and L-Carnitine

…put their athletic careers or records in jeopardy. This is obviously huge news for the endurance community, but the most interesting piece of the puzzle is that the research was originally buried in a study published by nutritionists working at a Korean national university all the way back in 2001 (nearly 20 years ago). The nutritionists that worked on this paper or looking to see if experimental sports drinks not yet available on the market at t…

Fighter From UFC Has Been Cleared of Suspected Doping Offense

…t’s nice to know that the higher-ups at UFC will listen when an athlete protests a banned substance test result. In this case, the governing body was fair and the exemption was processed. Now, Villante may restore his good name. Unfortunately, positive test results for banned substances create a lot of bad publicity for those who fail the drug tests. Hopefully, media exposure of the overturned results and subsequent exemption will help Villante to…

Study: Cumin, Lime & Weight Loss

…n and lime oil on a day-to-day basis lost 2.1 kg of body weight during the testing protocol. The research has since been duplicated by other scientists around the world, showing many of the same results with a lot of consistency. Researchers in Iran as well as throughout the globe believe that these weight loss benefits at thanks to the ability for cumin and lime oil to improve overall insulin sensitivity throughout the body. It’s also likely that…

Bodybuilder From Italy Busted for Steroids and Other Banned Substances

…ten, they are competing against people who dope. So, it’s not hard to find compassion for bodybuilders who make the decision to use these substances. On the flip side, they know the rules, so they are fully aware of the possible consequences. In Italy, during the Italian Bodybuilding Norditalia Championship, which was held in Bussolengo, during late May of 2016, NADO Italia busted eleven bodybuilders. All of them were taking four or more banned su…

Study: Is Soda Responsible For Causing Colon Cancer?

…valent of, anyway) every single day had large tumors throughout their body compared to the test group of mice that world water. Not only that, but the researchers also discovered that the tumors had grown significantly larger and were much farther along their developmental process. This did surprise researchers quite a bit, as it alludes to the fact that high fructose corn syrup works as an accelerant to speed up the aggressiveness of colon cancer…

Nolvadex Dosage

…mg daily of Nolvadex will result in no greater or faster mitigation of gynecomastia as commonly believed. Nolvadex doses rising to the aforementioned level or above will simply result in excess Nolvadex being wasted. It is very important to make clear to the reader that the use of Nolvadex can possibly impact performance, muscle, and strength gains during an anabolic steroid cycle negatively. This is because Nolvadex has been demonstrated to reduc…

How Skipping Dinner May Help With Weight Loss

…ion best in the morning when our bodies are fresh and fully charged. THE RESEARCH According to U.S. News & World Report, the research is based on a seven-year dietary analysis of 50,00 adults, which found that body weight – measured by body mass index – corresponds with when we eat, and how often we eat. Specifically, people who eat larger breakfasts and adopt an 18-hour overnight fast – say from 1 p.m. to 7 a.m. – have the lowest body weights. Th…

Russia Accused of State Sponsored Doping and Use of Performance Enhancing Drugs

…ok a course of doping, and to ensure that foreign control officers did not come and test them, they provided false names.” The Independent Commission Investigation has claimed Russia should be expelled from taking part in the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. It has recommended all athletes be suspended for 12-months whilst other checks and investigations are continuing. Whether or not Russian will be banned from the Olympics has not been de…

Study: Garlic and Longevity

…dless of age (or any other factors, for that matter). The research team is comfortable recommending that those serious about their health consumed garlic on a regular basis, ideally as a daily part of their nutrition. Octogenarians, non-octogenarians, men, women, and those with cognitive issues are all recommended to take advantage of everything that garlic has to offer. The research team is also looking further into whether or not garlic constitu…

Fish Oil Helps Clear Acne

…ted for 12 weeks and observed the results.       At the end of the 12-week test period, all of the test subjects experienced a reduction in their acne. What they also found was that the fish oil did not help on mild forms of acne, but on the more severe forms of acne, such as acne vulgaris, as shown in the figure below.               The US researchers state, “Although we cannot draw any firm conclusions from our study with a small sample size and

The President of the Latvian Athletic Association Has Tested Positive for PEDs

…ng these back tested results, and a significant chunk of that criticism is coming out because Radevica has been retired from sports competition for more than six years. At the same time, Radevica remains incredibly involved with the Olympic team of Latvia and the national initiatives for international sports and athletics in her home country – as evidenced by the fact that she remains the president of the Latvian Athletic Association (even still t…

The CRN aims to provide the DEA with the power to prevent the sale of SARMs as dietary supplements

…llars. SARMs have no place in the dietary supplement market and have the potential to end the careers all of those athletes who consume such supplements without realizing. The reason that this becomes an issue is that certain drugs tests may test positive for the use of performance enhancing drugs, which is potentially harmful to those who do not realize this. Source: https://www.nutraingredients-usa.com/Article/2018/03/16/CRN-helps-to-shine-light…

Former Steroid User Kimbo Slice Dies Aged 42

…failed a drugs test and was suspended. He was shown to be using exogenous testosterone (Testosterone Enanthate, Cypionate, Propionate, Suspension or Sustanon 250) and nandrolone (Deca-Durabolin). The Deca usage is important as recent research has stated that even small doses in males can lead to the destruction of blood vessels and a higher risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). No doubt, because of the ‘steroid demonising’ era we’re in, steroid a…

Fighting Off Spurious Accusations, Rugby Player Dan Carter Is Cleared Of All Doping Charges

…the matter. They concluded that the allegations made by the magazine were completely unfounded. The medical commission also validated the position held by the Racing 92 Team, and reiterated that the team doctor as well as the players had not committed any breach in either the rules or the ethics involved. The team as a whole was grateful for the ruling. A Step Too Far Relieved that he was vindicated, Carter was grateful for the ruling. Taking his…

Study: Green Tea Burns Fat

…they are found and help to shuttle them out of our body as waste. Dutch researchers compiled information from 39 different studies that illustrated the many benefits catechins and caffeine promised, diving deep into whether or not these conclusions were legitimate and how they might be able to contribute further to our understanding of what it takes to increase the natural rate of weight loss. Using the data that they had available, the Dutch res…