
…ut Methyltestosterone, it’s also a good idea to research other profiles of test like Testosterone Cypionate, Testosterone Enanthate, Testosterone Propionate, or even the aforementioned test suspension. Effects of Methyltestosterone When it comes to the effects of Methyltestosterone, it’s important to understand that the primary catalyst behind this is the saturation percentage of the androgen in your bloodstream. This is where it starts for most c…

Mastering the Mind-Muscle Connection

…prioceptively)(28, 41, 58, 59, 64).  (Feel free to check out my article at on practicing mental imagery for more on this topic:   Can and Does the MMC make a Difference in One’s Physique? Think about it for a second: The MMC really is at the core of the pursuit of bodybuilding, whereby one literally builds and specifically sculpts…

About Us

… and “Be Your Own Bodybuilding Coach™” ( Website: IG:     Our COMMUNITY Our community is one of the fastest growing and most active steroid and performance-enhancing drug forums in the world. VISIT OUR FORUMS Advertising Policy Written by the Team. January 2019.’s mission is to be your most trusted ally in your purs…


…an In The United Kingdom Jailed After Manufacturing & Supplying Steroids Research Company & Supplement Owner Targeted In Steroid Investigation The Link Between L-Leucine and Protein Synthesis Brock Lesnar Banned By USADA For One Year For Doping Violation USPS Supervisor Admits Guilt Importing Anabolic Steroids Ex Pittsburgh Steelers Doctor Goes On Trail For Supplying Steroids and Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Two Steroid Dealers in Tennessee Avoid Pr…

Clenbuterol Fat Loss

…  Introduction: The Difference Between Fat Loss and Weight Loss It is of extreme importance for every single reader to understand the difference between the commonly (and wrongfully) touted phrase of “weight loss” when the reality is that the goal most individuals who wish to use Clenbuterol are striving for is, instead, fat loss. Somewhere along the line in the past, society and even the Read more […]…

Legal Steroids

…  In response to the United States and Canada really cracking down on anabolic steroid use, production, and proliferation – with the complete and total outlawing of the substances in most situations and circumstances – the legal steroid market has been booming like no one could have anticipated. Legal steroid alternatives, bodybuilding supplements that produce nearly 80% of the same Read more […]…

UFC Champion Jon Jones’ Positive Steroid Test Doesn’t Make Sense to CSAC Director

…According to the executive director of the CSAC (California State Athletic Commission), the recent steroid bust of UFC champion, Jon Jones, is pretty bizarre. The executive director thinks that the positive result for a banned, performance-enhancing substance is a positive result which makes little sense! If you’re also wondering why an athlete of this caliber tested positive for Turinabol, despite Read more […]…

Steroids For Sale

…  Before we dive headfirst into breaking down anabolic steroids for sale, it is of the utmost importance that we highlight just how foreign the concept of anabolic steroid use being bad is outside of the United States and to a lesser extent Canada. The overwhelming majority of nations around the world do not share this same perception when it comes to anabolic steroids, and most of them Read more […]…

Falcon Labs supplements recalled by Irish government after contamination with Superdrol and DMAA

…  The Irish government has issued a mandatory recall of supplements that have been produced by Falcom Labs from the shelves of supermarkets and shops around the country. The food safety authority of Ireland discovered there to be trace elements of anabolic steroids and other banned PEDs (performance enhancing drugs). The contamination was noticed across several different products throughout Read more […]…

Testosterone Booster

…  Introduction – The Importance of Testosterone Gaining muscle mass and the mechanisms behind it is a very complicated system. The majority of people who engage in bodybuilding, weight training, and athletics in general want to understand what it is that can maximize the potential to grow muscle, how to structure their exercises and workouts to provide this, and what components of their nutrition Read more […]…


…: $15.00 Secure Order Click For Details … Susta-T 250* – Buy Two Get One Free Mass & Bulking Testosterone Support Sexual Desire List Price: $270.00 Sale Price: $180.00 You Save: $90.00 Secure Order Click For Details … Anvarox 15* Strength & Vascularity Mild Product For Women List Price: $120.00 Sale Price: $90.00 You Save: $30.00 Secure Order Click For Details … Anvarox 15* – Buy Two Get One Free Strength & Vascularity Mild Product For Women…

Buy Steroids

…  If you are a serious athlete, bodybuilder, weightlifter, or just want to pack on as many pounds of lean muscle mass as quickly as physically possible you’ve likely done at least a little bit of surface research into steroids and everything that they bring to the table – but you likely haven’t been able to discover exactly how to buy steroids and actually get your hands on. Hundreds Read more […]…

USADA Representatives Believe That MMA Fighter, Guido Cannetti, Failed Drug Test Due to Dietary Supplements

…Guido Cannetti is a mixed martial arts (MMA) fighter from Argentina and he recently tested positive for several PEDs. According to the USADA, dietary supplements may be to blame. Nicknamed, “El Ninja”, Guido is a bantamweight MMA fighter who trains at Buenos Aires’ Academia de Ensenanza de Artes Marciales GOA. His test results showed the presence of four PEDs and this resulted in a ten-month Read more […]…

Steroids in Baseball

…Introduction The use of performance enhancing drugs and anabolic steroids within the sport of baseball is perhaps one of the most passionately and fiercely disputed and discussed topics over the last 1 – 2 decades (throughout the late 1990s and into the 2000s). The actual subject at hand of anabolic steroids in baseball was, as the general population was concerned, did not even come to mind within Read more […]…

Pierpaolo De Negri Fails To Pass Test For Anabolic Steroid Use

…  Thirty one year old Italian rider, Mr. Pierpaolo De Negri has failed to pass testing to rule out the use of anabolic steroids, and his results return adverse findings showing there to have been anabolic androgenic steroids in his system. The sample which produced the adverse results was collected in December of 2017. Between the years of 2014 and 2017, the rider rode as part of the Nippo Read more […]…

Steroid Laws

…  Introduction – Prior to the Steroid Laws and Hysteria Anabolic steroid laws are a vastly differing subject in comparison to the laws surrounding other substances and drugs. It must first be established and made very clear to the reader that anabolic steroid laws prohibiting the use, possession, buying, and selling of anabolic steroids is almost one hundred percent an American notion and Read more […]…