News: Redcon1 and Blackstone Labs Owners Arrested

In Ireland, the Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA) has recently released information showing that more than 100,000 steroid tablets were seized last year in Ireland alone while calling these figures “unacceptably high” and recommending that major changes be made to cut down on the usage of illegal anabolic steroids in the nation.
According to the same report released by this organization, Read more [...]
While the developed world certainly has a problem with illegal drugs and controlled substances being smuggled into their borders, the truth of the matter is that the overwhelming majority of the drugs seized today have little to do with your traditional “hard drugs” and a lot more to do with prescription medications like anabolic steroids – specifically counterfeit and prescription medications.
Organizations Read more [...]
There has never been a time in human history where people haven’t wanted to improve themselves, to dominate others, and to push themselves to become as powerful, as strong command as capable as humanly possible – no matter what.
At the same time, we very much live in a modern world that is driven by social media and reality TV programs that hold up tiny little snapshots of people’s lives while Read more [...]
At the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics, the then 30-year-old Jemima Sumgong – a long-distance runner from Kenya – achieved the pinnacle of this sport, recording a gold medal and beating out what many consider to be one of the most competitive Olympic fields in recent history.
Now, just three short years later, Sumgong has seen her original suspension after testing positive for anabolic steroids Read more [...]
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